Tuesday, 5 December 2017

Crazy Horse on the road to achievement

The road to earthly achievement has to be interspersed with stops along the way to help others and in doing so learn of love.

Failure to do so will, at the end of your journey, make your achievements hollow.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Monday, 27 November 2017

Crazy Horse on celebrating a national day

The culture of newer countries, discovered and founded in modern times is to celebrate a national day, often on the day history records the country was founded.

This has worked well for two hundred plus years as the founders celebrated the beginning and growth of their land.

These celebrations ignored the fact that these lands had already been discovered by the indigenous people many thousands of years earlier.  The celebrations have given a tacit approval to the countries forefathers for slaughtering the indigenous for the fiscal benefit of the invaders.

More and more as these societies mature and begin to learn equality, the actions of the forefathers need to be questioned.  The question to be asked is whether it was right for the country to continue to celebrate the arrival of an invasionary force who slaughtered the occupants already there and who set up a culture of accepting the continued degrading and  killing off  of these people.

A real leader would stop this behaviour immediately as they set out to steer the country on a course to maturity and equality.  A pretend leader would find a way to justify the celebration.

Such countries need a national day, but it is a national indigenous day, where they are acknowledged publicly, where crowds gather to watch them march in the streets and enjoy watching and learning their culture.  Is there a real leader in the world today who will do his?

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Monday, 20 November 2017

Crazy Horse on antagonising acts of war

If you prod a snake for long enough it will strike at you.  Having stricken at you, you cannot blame the snake for you caused its action.

Why is the leader of the USA continually prodding the leader of North Korea.  Is there a need to cause world terror by causing them to strike.  The personal power or posturing of a leader is unimportant as compared to the needs of the inhabitants of earth.

Why does the leader of Australia choose to prod the leader of North Korea in support of the leader of the USA like a young boy threatening what his big brother can do.

World peace will not come from antagonising acts of war.

The leader of North Korea was widely condemned when it was he who was threatening and prodding.
That condemnation now belongs to the leader of the USA and the leaders of any of their minor ally nations who do likewise.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Monday, 13 November 2017

Crazy Horse on split loyalties

It has long been believed that split loyalties are something to be avoided.  In my time on earth a split loyalty was an Indian scouting for white man's army. It was frowned upon and such an Indian was no longer accepted by either the Indian or the white man.

Today the issue of split loyalties arises in different countries with dual citizenship rights, with people living in one country returning to their original country to take up arms in support of that country.  As this becomes more prevalent, the more society accepts it.

In Australia politicians are being forced to leave office due to a right of dual citizenship bestowed upon them through the actions of their parents migrating to Australia at an earlier time.

Typically the politicians are looking at the issue from the perspective of political short term gain, either to retain or gain office.

Sadly, politicians are not elected for their world view or for the long term growth of mankind.

It is today, as it was in my time, situations are arising that call for a deeper understanding of borders.  Inevitably the world is heading to be more of a one world and restrictions stopping politicians representing their constituents because of the heritage of their parents are silly and need to be removed so as to help facilitate the move towards one world.

In Australia the laws will be changed as it affects politicians.

Isn't it amazing that they will change the laws concerning themselves as part of a march towards being one world, yet on the other hand, proudly make it illegal for refugees to enter their land.

People do not have to respect hypocritical politicians, but they have a duty to not accept them.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Tuesday, 7 November 2017

Crazy Horse on rule makers breaking the law

 People to whom society has given the power to create, change or repeal laws, hold a special position of  trust. A higher standard of behaviour in respect of those laws is expected than from the remainder of society.

Where a law is inappropriate, they have the special position of being able to repeal it or change it.  Where they do nothing about a law they are seen to be giving it their consent.

Where such a law begins to affect their political future, they are duty bound to abide by the law in its strictest interpretation.  Attempts to ignore the law, pretend it does not apply to them or to argue fine points so as to not have it apply, casts such law makers into disrepute and unworthy of holding power to make laws.

Law makers who expect laws to apply to all but themselves have lost the right to be lawmakers.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Monday, 30 October 2017

Crazy Horse on changing a set course

Making change through a set course of action will rarely win acclaim.  The nay sayers will pound your ears with dissent whilst the acclaimers will more quietly nod with respect.

A leader will change course because they believe it to be right, regardless of the dissent or acclaim it brings and will be prepared for their actions to be judged over time by results.

A person who changes course as a means of removing the dissenting voices from the course they have set, is not a leader but a person without conviction who is trying to plot the easiest path forward.

When such a person then tries to portray themselves as a leader and deny their motive, they are not only, not a leader, they are also without conviction, manipulative and not to be trusted.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Crazy Horse on the drug problem

Societies are based on laws.
Laws exist to moderate behaviour to community standards.
Compliance stops excesses.
Compliance relies on fear of punishment by the laws.
In order for this to work the fear of being punished has to be greater than the need to break the law.
Thus society sets out to moderate needs so as to gain compliance.

This system of moderation and mediocrity has many flaws, but mostly that it has no relevance to excesses within society, including the drug problem.

It is silly to think that creating laws will have any effect upon the taking of illicit drugs.  This is particularly so in a society where children are raised on a diet of legal drugs and their use is not only allowed, but advocated by governments.  In some backward countries people are even punished for not taking legal drugs.

With this background it is a small step for people to take illegal (not made by a licensed drug maker) drugs.

The challenge for society is stop making their young so drug dependent, thus breaking the cycle into adulthood.  Secondly, to make emotional development as important as physical and mental development.  In these ways excesses such as the drug problem will ease.

Society at large needs to stop sneering at excesses, for each person is part of the system that has created it.  As much as possible, welcome those who partake of the excesses of drugs into the loving arms of society.  To continue to repel them is to ensure their continued behaviour.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Monday, 23 October 2017

Crazy Horse on the USA/North Korea dispute

Both the USA and Northh Korea are beset with internal problems within their countries and in different ways both have flawed forms of government.   Both also have leaders who have trouble accepting high level input into their decisions.

These two peas in a pod are now arguing as to who is the mightier pea.  Resolution from this cannot be achieved.

The greater country of the two will ensure there are people who intercede into the role of leader and take over the role of resolution.

The problem with being a pea in a pod is your shelf life. Countries outlive their leaders.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Tuesday, 17 October 2017

Crazy Horse on Euthanasia

Those who advocate euthanasia, no matter what term they refer to it by, hold a genuine belief that they are helping a person who is dying to die more easily.  For those with a belief in a higher power, they believe they are making the transition of their loved one to be with their higher power, easier.

They also hold a fear that their own death will be difficult and they want things put in place in advance of that to avoid such difficulty.

Advocates of euthanasia are saying that life on earth is difficult, why should dying also be difficult.

Those who believe in a single life on earth will struggle to see it any other way.

For those able to grasp the concept of the ongoing existence of the spirit are able to view it differently.

Life on earth is difficult and will remain so until humans learn to love more and reduce the amount of emotional hurt they cause to each other.  This will only change as humans become more accountable for their actions.

To help with this each entity prior to coming to earth, is aware of three guiding concepts, one of which is that you cannot take a life and if you do there is a debt to pay in a future life.

The course of your life on earth is largely set through your actions in an earlier existence.  To avoid it it any form, is to have to repeat it.

Thus, those wishing to end the life of a loved one so as to avoid suffering, are only serving to slow down the growth of earth as a place of existence and of the person they believe they are helping.

Do not question the good intent of proponents of euthanasia, it is the outcome that is the problem.  If people want to reduce suffering on earth, start at birth and continue it through life by changing they way they treat others, do not start it at death by drowning the dying with drugs.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Monday, 16 October 2017

Crazy Horse on making life difficult

The network of assistance available to those on earth is immense.  Each person is connected to a beam of energy, assistance and guidance, ready to be turned on at any time.

It is not the lack of assistance that makes life on earth so difficult, it is the refusal to turn on the tap.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual.

Monday, 9 October 2017

Crazy Horse on families

Families are the base structure of society, yet the most dysfunctional part of society.  Were the family unit be made to work again, the fabric of society would improve.

The core issue amongst families is the lack of equality or its heirachical nature of operating.  Parents are seen as always being more equal than their children and older children more equal than younger ones.  This takes place in both natural and amalgamated families.

When young this leads to an unnatural amount of fighting, but in adulthood it really plays out as families fall apart when true feelings are acted upon.

As the family unit falls apart there is a breakdown of community, with subsequent consequences for the care of the elderly.

If only parents could see their children as their equal and for a few short years as the children come to the age of reason, they have a role to guide them with knowledge about the consequences of their actions.

This lack of equality being  modelled to children is acting as a serious detriment to the emotional progress of earth.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Thursday, 5 October 2017

Crazy Horse on motive for mass murders

When someone murders another person or a large number of people, a lot of energy is spent in trying to establish the motive.

Rarely do they discover the motive, mostly they discover an event or events which have happened in the perpetrator's life, which authorities can point to and blame as being the cause of the murders.

In being able to blame an event or events, authorities are not only being shortsighted and absolving themselves from blame, they are doing nothing to solve the real problems of their society.

When someone undertakes mass killings, the motive is constant, my life is so full of negativity that it has overtaken me and I now want to share that hurt, pain and negativity with society so they can feel what I feel.

Thus, it can be seen that the motive stems from a cultural  belief that misery in society can be shared, or visited upon others.

Mass murders will continue until there is a cultural shift, whereby people are taught to be accountable for their own life, not blame it on others.  Accountability means that every action has a reaction, for which you are responsible.

It is time for authorities to take a broader cultural look at their countries.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Crazy Horse on shame

Shame occurs in a human when they ponder on a past action and regret that they acted in the way they did because such actions no longer fit their values.

In this regard shame is a good thing, for it identifies how you have grown and changed.

Do not linger on the shame, which is what humans are taught to do, rejoice in what you have learned and how you have grown.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Wednesday, 4 October 2017

Crazy Horse on chemical intervention into the body

The health problems of the earth began with reduced hygiene and pollution, particularly with the growth of cities early in the earth's history.

Instead of resolving the cause, poor hygiene and pollution were allowed to continue and a solution was eventually sought in chemical drugs.

To deal with the natural process of the body rejecting chemicals and also to deal with ongoing poor hygiene and increasing pollution, chemical drugs were made stronger and stronger.

The effect of these chemicals and worsening pollution allows only for reduced health of the earth's inhabitants.

A return to nature is the only way back to improving the world's health.  Unpollute large areas of land and grow medicinal plants and spices.  Feed the bodies on what they were designed to be fed on, nature.

You cannot inoculate against bad health, you must fight the cause.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Tuesday, 3 October 2017

Crazy Horse on making democracies more democratic

It is fanciful in today's world to believe that operating democracies are democratic.  In order to begin the process of making them more democratic, here is a list of changes to the system which are required.

1.  Ban all corporate donations to the election process.
2.  Each individual who donates has to publicly declare their connection to business or an interest      group, which will demonstrate any bias.
3.  Each individual needs to prove their ability to pay the donation from their own funds.
4.  List all donors publicly on a government site updated daily.
5.  Any person caught accepting cash payments is made ineligible to stand.
6.  Limit the amount able to be spent on elections by candidates and their parties.
7.  Where the government financially supports parties, these monies are to be used to pay bills incurred in the election, not paid directly to parties.
8.  Ban all lobbyists.  If individuals, interest groups or businesses meet with an elected official it needs to be declared on a government site, updated daily.

In making this start there is a chance that politicians will be elected on policies, be made more accountable to the electors and less accountable to the holders of large private purses.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Monday, 2 October 2017

Crazy Horse on same sex marriage

Same sex marriage is not a religious question, it is a question of equality.

The legal institution of marriage and all that it symbolises, is available to heterosexuals, therefore, should be available to same sex couples, for they are no less equal as humans.

A religious institution with the power to marry, ought have the right to refuse to marry same sex couples if it offends their teaching.

However, in doing this they are declaring that they do not teach equality.  In doing this they can only attract those to their faith who similarly, do not believe in equality.  This is their right.  The only problem they face is if they try to convince others that they believe all are equal in the eyes of their god.

Is it not difficult enough to be a same sex person in a heterosexual world, without being treated unequally because of it.

The Spiritual world advocates love, not just love between opposite sexes.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Crazy Horse on a country divided

In a country that is divided, that is, part of the country does not get on with another group within the country, the ensuing hatred will cause significant emotional damage to citizens on both sides and many people will become disaffected for life.

In turn this will affect the orderly working of the country for decades to come.

In this situation  there has to be something to catch those who have become disaffected.  In every case this needs to be love, a love that eventually will allow them to treat all people as equal.

Only when a country has more love than hatred will the people of that country prosper.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Crazy Horse on advocating violence

Where the leader of a country advocates violence and killing against another country, they are tacitly giving approval for citizens of their country to be violent everywhere, including in their own country.

When hate and violence are made a part of people, it cannot be contained to a part of their life, it will eventually permeate all of them.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers, Director Sphinx Spiritual

Crazy Horse on mass killings

If a foreigner entered your country and opened fire against a massed gathering, killing many, particularly if the person was a terrorist, there would be an outpouring of rage and an international hunt for those behind the killer.

What then if the killer is from within your country and not a terrorist.  Where is the outrage placed?

It must be placed at the causes.  The factors in the person's life which caused them to take such an action, the lack of state support for such people, the availability of and culture to use guns in the society, the racism in the country and the example set by those in authority over promoting violence as against peace to all people, in that country or out of it.

Such horrific events are an opportunity correct the causes.  To do that blame needs to accepted by past and present leaders who have set up a culture allowing people to be in such a negative place that they see this behaviour as acceptable.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Thursday, 28 September 2017

Crazy Horse on good and bad politicians.

Often times political leaders are referred to as either a good or bad politician.

If a political leader seeks the acclaim of being a good politician then they have forgone the desire to be a leader.  The two do not sit together.  The traits of a good politician not only are different to those of a good leader, they will, on reflection in the spiritual world, cause the good politician to view their life as unsuccessful.

To be a good politician is to forgo so many of your values, which, less and less, has been accepted by the public.

There are a small number of countries with good leaders leading them, recognisable from how they stick to their values.

Of all the professions on earth, the one that has progressed the least is Politicians.  That will not change whilst the public allow them to be so non productive and non accountable.

The change can only come from the people.

Sometimes, someone so bad becomes a political leader, that they inspire the quiet to loudly protest, from which there can be change.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Wednesday, 27 September 2017

Crazy Horse on war, non war and peace

War is when countries are actively trying to kill each other.

Non war is when the killing has not yet begun or has stopped.

Peace is when countries understand, tolerate and accept each other's differences.

Much of the world is in the state of non war.  Too Few are in Peace.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Crazy Horse on entrenched positions

Entrenched positions are only taken by the ridiculous, the selfish and the scathing.

The only time entrenched positions are taken is when they are negative positions.

This means the only outcome is more negativity.

To be able to think more clearly and more laterally you have to be able to allow more positivity into your life and into the potential  outcomes.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Tuesday, 26 September 2017

Crazy Horse on forgotten political leaders

A political leader loses their way both nationally and internationally when they treat others with inequality.

Both the voters and world opinion turns quickly against the one who engages in inequality.

Either the political leader learns the folly of their ways or commits themselves to the forgotten pages of history.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Crazy Horse on the national anthem

Countries on earth each have a national anthem, which is a song that calls for an honour and pride in the country.  It is a call to arms in time of conflict.

This honour and pride cannot be mandated, it must come from a genuine feeling.

When the actions of the country, either through its leaders or not stopped by its leaders, cause people to lose honour and pride in their country, it is reasonable for them to display this  during the national anthem.

To decry them for doing this, or to shame them or try to have them punished for doing this is shameful.

When the decrying or punishing of them happens in a democratic country, it is even worse, for these are actions of a dictator and democratic countries have in recent history sent their people to war against dictators in order to overthrow them.

A hypocritical leader is not a leader, just a hypocrite.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Crazy Horse on protecting the earth

As the effects of pollution and its outcome, climate change, march forward destroying the earth, there is, at last, a tidal wave of movement against it.

Trying to stop this tidal wave is a wall of corruption, vested interests and shortsightedness.  Can this wall block the tidal wave.

Not for long, because the people are realising that you cannot eat money, just food.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Monday, 25 September 2017

Crazy Horse on a more loving society

Following a natural disaster, people from near and far come together in brotherhood to assist each other.  Those helping feel an inner glow of contentment and those helped feel loved and supported.. All feel equal and as one.

How much more natural disaster will it take for political leaders to understand that they need to lead on a platform of social reform, not economic reform.

A country which is powerful economically is not necessarily a loving or unified country.  The amount of money someone has and their ability to love, be equal and share, are unrelated.

The time will eventually come when leaders will only be elected when their primary aim is for the emotional betterment of the people.

Imagine the day when a political leader says that they want a more loving society.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Crazy Horse on removing nuclear weapons

It was only a short time ago that the USA advocated the removal of weapons of mass destruction (including nuclear weapons) from some middle eastern countries because the leaders showed themselves as being too unstable to be trusted with them.

So much of the world agreed with them and assisted them in the removal.

It is time for countries in the world today to declare that unless the USA and North Korea show more stability, they will band together to remove all weapons of mass destruction from both countries.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Crazy Horse on the changing world

What happens to the world when a country which has had relative stability and appointed itself as both the world's policeman and the arbiter of right and wrong, becomes unstable due to a change in leadership.

The world's people who have previously stood back, begin to question who is right and who is wrong.

What becomes clear in this situation is that no one country has a stranglehold on right and wrong, nor has the right to appoint themselves as the leader of the world.

Compounding this are the countries allies who have fearfully attached themselves without due regard for the values and culture of their own people.

The greatest lesson here is that it is insufficient qualification to become the leader of the world by virtue of the strength of an economy.

Unstable leadership, unstable values and loss of support of the world's people is heralding in a time of unprecedented volatility and change.

When the people begin to question unstable leaders, the world is heading in the right direction.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Sunday, 24 September 2017

Crazy Horse on two bullies threatening each other

When one bully with a small arsenal calls another bully wth a big arsenal, a bully, a madman etc, the bully with the small arsenal is signalling for discussion.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Crazy Horse on those with high aspirations

A child's billy cart will not transport you to the moon.

If your aspirations are high, be very careful of the vehicle you choose to help you get there.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Crazy Horse on political leaders out of control

When a political leader, with a desire to be loved, rules a democratic country like a dictator, they will isolate themselves more and more from the people.

Unable to understand the angst towards them, they will try more and more to force their negative will on the people.

More and more this will drive them away from the people.

In turn the political leader will make more and more negative statements as they try to impose their will.

Without a change by the political leader the result will be increased disharmony within the country, including uprisings by the oppressed.

Conciliation is the answer, but rarely is such a person able to do this.

The damage they are causing before being deposed, is incalculable.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Thursday, 21 September 2017

Crazy Horse on exploring your sexuality

Exploring your sexuality is a point all people reach and stop at.

However, it is not a destination, just a stop off.

Your sexuality will only reach its potential when mixed with love.  This cannot be learned through exploring sexuality alone.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Crazy Horse on fools

A harpist plays the harp.
An actor acts.
A fool acts foolishly

The first two require training. The last one is in defiance of training.

Fools hold all level of office.  If that office is elected, they are a reflection of the electorate.

Fools have a role in the world, just not in positions of leadership.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Crazy Horse on the treatment of British by the EU

The people of Britain chose to leave the European Union.  At present they are in a stage of transition.

The reaction of the people of Europe has, in the main, been one of anger and revenge.  As English people try to tour Europe they are met with a wall of resistance, acts of deliberate non assistance and brazenly trying to keep them out.  The people of Europe are saying you will be a full part of us or nothing.

This is the problem with pride.  The Union was predominantly fiscal and the member countries are upset at losing a strong economic member, thus heightening their own financial risk.

Their reaction is to punish and hurt the people of Britain.

The people are only doing this due to the tacit approval of their leaders, who give this approval through their own lack of leadership and definitive stand to not disadvantage a former member just because they have left the union.

The actions taken against the English are racist, bullying, revengeful and short sighted.

This does nothing for the culture of the EU member nations or the reputation of the EU.  It calls into question the belief of the advanced nature of Europeans.

It is time for the EU member nations to put a stop to this corrosive behaviour.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Crazy Horse on other forms of life on and around earth

The presence of entities from other places of existence on earth and around earth is known by all in the spiritual world.

Why then do they not present themselves more openly to be questioned and examined by those on earth.

The first thing to understand is that if that happened today people on earth would ask the wrong questions because they are not yet ready to ask and receive the answers to the right questions.

Because entities from other places of existence are much more evolved than people on earth, they have little interest in helping people on earth to make more money or gain more power over others.

When earth is ready to ask and hear about how to better live together, how to love more, how to be a better part of the great universe, then they will make themselves more available to communicate openly.

In the main, earth has not even progressed to the point of widely accepting the presence of life outside earth, let alone life far more advanced.

So it is, as earth becomes ready to listen, they will be told.  Until then, sadly, the information will only be made available through a select few advanced enough to receive it.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers, Director Sphinx Spiritual

Tuesday, 19 September 2017

Crazy Horse on the presence of a higher power

To travel your path on earth trying to bring light to a dark journey will quickly diminish your energy and will become an impossible journey, if you feel alone.

The pathway you follow on earth can only be successfully completed if you are able to feel the presence of a higher power with you, filling you with strength and love.

From my guide Crazy Horse Through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Monday, 18 September 2017

Crazy Horse On boundaries

If only you could see the damaged energy within the earth where there has been war.

All wars have at the heart of the conflict, boundaries.

When a group of international political leaders come together to meet, they do so on either neutral ground or in a country of a member nation, where the hosting is rotated.  In doing this they are forgoing their own boundaries and coming together in more of a communal spirit.

The first task of the leaders present should be to undertake a Healing of the land where they are meeting, from the damage caused by previous wars.

In this spirit the hope of a successful meeting increases and the chances of honest communication increase.

From this position there is hope that because the leaders have left their own boundaries to meet, they will see that keeping each other out of each other's territories is unnecessary.

A kingdom will still be a kingdom if it has strangers enter it.  Coming together in a spirit of healing and honesty is a better solution than war over boundaries.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Wednesday, 13 September 2017

Crazy Horse on people who are lost

Earth is full of people who are lost. The only people who can get lost are those who don't know where they are going.

To know where you are going on a single journey does not mean you know where you are going, you only know the next stop.  Such people lack motivation and find obstacles hard to overcome.

It is this failure to overcome which leads to being lost

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Saturday, 9 September 2017

Crazy Horse on good people

You cannot carry out bad acts in order to get yourself into a position to become a better person.

If you do this the best you can expect to be is a bad person carrying out some good acts.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Monday, 4 September 2017

Crazy Horse on Peace Committees

In looking for the country who has the culture and leadership to be regarded as a world leader, look not for the country with the largest war committee, look for the country with a Peace Committee constituted by people with no expertise in war, just peace.  If this committee has equal influence on government as the war committee, you have found your world leader.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Crazy Horse on war talk

When the leader of a country talks of war and supports this by taking actions  which threaten war, other countries respond by also talking of war.

By doing this the discussion is on the terms of the aggressor making the aggressor both the leader of the discussion and in control.  Also by doing this, so as to retain control of the debate the aggressor has to talk of war more and take more aggressive actions of war.

The solution is simple, talk of peace.  Meet harsh with soft.  Make the only one talking of war, the aggressor.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Monday, 28 August 2017

Crazy Horse on the one you admire

The person you admire the most is not always the one you say you admire, it is always the one you copy the most.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Crazy Horse on Australia and the refugees

Australia is a large land mass with a small population who of late has tried to make its name on the world stage through their tough stand on allowing in refugees.  In the main this has allowed the world to reflect on their selfishness and racist attitudes, rather than seeing them as revolutionary in their tactics.

In a country where the main population is in a handful of areas, they claim overcrowding.

On the eastern tip of Australia is an area of land high in rainfall and under the control of the Indigenous. Create a new community there with the control staying with the indigenous and settle the refugees there to begin their own life. Do not inflict boundaries so it is not a reservation, rather allow them to create somewhere they feel they belong and to be guided by the indigenous who have also felt displaced.

In time some will leave and new ones will arrive, thus the process of integration will be automatic.

If you feel this is isolationist then consider their current position.

If the government of Australia can allow mining in and around the Great Barrier Reef, they can begin a process of introducing refugees into Australia in a greater way where the environmental effects will be much less than from mining.

Radical? Ridiculous?  No, just humane and normal for people who see themselves as citizens of the world.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Monday, 14 August 2017

Crazy Horse on elected leaders

When a country leader, elected by the people, loses their way, it will be clear through their actions.  They will be dismissive of internal issues and people, wanting to focus their attention on dealing with other country leaders who they consider to be of equal importanc to themselves.

Soon the people will feel this, in turn they will feel let down and deserted by their elected leader.  When this happens it is unlikely the leader will survive another election.  They are the masters of their own demise.

All of this takes place because of the significance people place on someone being a country leader.  People are elected to office because they had the ability to sell the most promises to the most people, nothing else.

Keep this perspective and hold them to account.  Until elected leaders begin to prove their worth, give them shorter terms of office, not longer.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Crazy Horse on terrorism

Terrorism is so called because of the terror it inflicts on people, thus causing changes of behaviour.

When two leaders of countries throw threats at each other of the use of bombs, even nuclear bombs, it causes terror and causes changes of behaviour.

Yet the world does not label them as terrorists because they lead countries.

It is time foe terrorists to be seen, even when hiding behind a legal office.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Crazy Horse on mending a broken heart

How do you mend a broken heart?
Start again.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Dphinx Spiritual

Monday, 7 August 2017

Crazy Horse on loneliness

Lonliness only comes to those who do not listen to themselves.

You can't be lonely if you know why you are doing something.  If you don't know why you will become lost, without purpose, therefore lonely.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Saturday, 5 August 2017

Crazy Horse on understanding convention

Security is your ability.
Tenure is your grip on reality.
Resignation is telling the truth.
Advancement is willingness to contribute
Image is avoiding resentment
Destitute is your fist in your mouth
Truth is the freedom to express
Freedom is speaking your truth.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Monday, 31 July 2017

Crazy Horse on exhilaration

Exhilaration is the pinnacle of a period of excitement.

Excitement is a feeling of freedom from escaping the clutches of monotony.

Monotony is the state of existing in a world without imagination.

Imagination is the pathway to exhilaration.

Exhilaration is the stepping stone for  growth.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Crazy Horse on out of sight out of mind

If an event happens on the other side of the world, generally it bothers and affects you less than the same event happening in your neighbourhood.

This out of sight out of mind mentality is peculiar to earth.

It stems from man's belief that he is separate from other men, removed through geography.

This apathy to matters not directly affecting you ensures non accountability by those who would cause others harm.

Your words are powerful, but it is the power of your energy which matters.  Send energy of love, clarity and kinship to the perpetrators and ones and hope to the affected.

Distance does not stop the flow of energy, you do.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Tuesday, 25 July 2017

Crazy Horse on a working democracy

A democracy is meant to quickly respond to the wishes of the people through their elected representatives, each with an equal voice.  When a bad politician is in power the system is then changed at the will of the people to allow such a person to be removed from power quickly.

Politicians can influence the will of the people, but never tell them or dictate to them.  There is nothing so dangerous as a dictator in a democracy, whether or not the dictator holds a political position.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Monday, 24 July 2017

Crazy Horse on a failing democracy

When the will of the people votes in a political leader in a democracy, that leader is expected to deliver on their promises during their elected term of office.  That is the agreement between voters and the voted.

Once elected, when the arms of government combine together to thwart that leader, effectively making their time in office redundant, what has happened to democracy?

The arms of government only take such actions because they do not trust the intent nor judgement of the elected political leader.  In this way they feel justified.

The tension in this situation is that the arms of the government are blocking the work of the political leader, effectively snubbing democracy.

The elected political leader will become more and more irrational in their actions in an attempt to show their power.  In retaliation the arms of government will thwart more and more.

In this case whether the elected political leader is a revolutionary or a fool, you will never find out.

Once deposed from office, the arms of government will feel justified in wasting a term of office as the system has been protected.  The system in his case is meant to be democracy.

The deposed leader will be outraged at their inability to seize and use the power available to them.

The people who voted in the leader are forgotten. So too is the fact that they voted in this leader because they felt the system of democracy was not working.

Hence, the arms of government have stopped any chance at change to a system which feeds them, with the people forgotten.

This is not a democracy.  It is an abuse of power by the arms of government who are saying that democracy does not work.  In other words they are agreeing with the people who elected such a leader.  The people wanted change by openly electing someone who might be able to change the system, knowing that the cost of change might be great due to the nature of the leader.

The arms of government have said, whilst they acknowledge the need for change in the system, they will block it as it affects their power and position.

In such a situation let neither side extoll the virtues of democracy, let alone try to foist it upon other countries, al least not until they can make it work in their own country.

The only leaders in such a country are the people who used the only tool they have to bring change, their vote.

Until such a country recognises the rights and wisdom of their people, it will remain a country in decay.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers, Director Sphinx Spiritual

Monday, 17 July 2017

Crazy Horse on monuments

Man erects monuments to honour the memory and exploits of people who have lived on earth and were seen to have achieved great things.

All shiny and new the monuments draw attention to themselves, but as time and the weather age them they fade into the environment, hardly noticed.  It requires some effort by the viewer to feel the life and energy of the subject of the monument.  In the end they focus on the physical form of the monument and the skill used in making it.  As a consequence the monument becomes ineffective in honouring the memory of someone seen as great.

A monument can only be effective when the viewer feels the presence and energy of its subject within the monument.  To date no such monument exists as no one has employed the talents of someone who can do that, a work as specialised as erecting the physical form.  Man has stopped his work at erecting the physical form.  The outcome is that the erection of monuments has, to date, been ineffectual.

The reason for this course of action by man is because it mirrors his approach to life, physical overrides feeling.  Reverse this to feeling overrides physical and a new pathway of growth and opportunity will be unlocked.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Monday, 10 July 2017

Crazy Horse on desire

Desire between two people almost always begins as an unspoken communique between the two.  As each acknowledges the others communique they will either act on the desire or not.

Desire to achieve something in life begins as an unspoken thought within yourself.  If you respond to the thought you will choose to act on your desire or not.

The difference between a desire for another and a desire within yourself is that you are more likely to respond to a desire for another.

Ignoring your own desire is the cause of so many unfulfilled dreams, which in turn causes mediocrity on earth.

Acknowledge your own desires, in that way at least you get to choose whether or not you will act upon them.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Friday, 30 June 2017

Crazy Horse on first time motherhood

The first time mother in the Indian village, was wrapped up in the knowledge and culture of the tribe, particularly the women.  In this state, she felt embraced and safe.

In your society of today, with the disenfranchisement of the family unit, both culturally and through self absorption, it is no longer so for first time mothers.

Stuck in a world where they feel alone, other than via electronic communication, first time mothers are at their most vulnerable, relying on advice from other first time mothers, no more wise or secure than themselves.

This is compounded by a world where natural rarely exists and governing authorities parenting policies are skewed by the favour of the drug companies money.

Where first time mothers are vulnerable, then so too are the babies.  Where there is vulnerability there is insecurity.  This sets the scene for a decimated world in the years to come.

The wisdom concerning motherhood needs rediscovering and re telling.  Calm, strength and security need to be taught to the first time mothers.  It needs to be remembered that the body of a baby is created to cope with the physical demands of earth, it is a period of ongoing adjustment of the body where a small sickness will prevent a bigger one later.  Where the body needs additional support, that is found in nature.

Calm needs to be restored and that will not happen where advice is sought only from peers or negatively influenced sites sourced electronically.

It is time for the re coming of the older women, wise in the way of both childbirth and child raising, who can save the earth from the calamity first time mothers are unintentionally heading it towards.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Crazy Horse on parenting

Parenting is a passion. It is also a job, a job that in order to succeed, can only be done passionately.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Monday, 26 June 2017

Crazy Horse on sources of moral leadership

It is known and accepted that on earth, politics is all but devoid of morality.

Yet people continually look to their political leaders to provide moral leadership.  Moral leadership  will only come from a politician when it coincides with their political needs.

In looking to political leaders for moral leadership, the outcome is only disappointment, which eventually leads to apathy.  Apathy gives a green light for politicians to abuse their power.

See politicians for what they are, short term appointees elected to serve the people.  Look for your moral leadership elsewhere, and rarely will you find it in any elected or appointed official who had to politic their way into their position.

Moral leadership will mostly be found amongst the non office bearing 'doers' in life.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Saturday, 24 June 2017

Crazy Horse on sources of energy

The energy of man is dependent upon far more than an individual's fitness.  Amongst other people the energy of the collective will influence the energy available to each member of the group.

The energy of man, no matter from where on earth it is derived, is not self sustaining.  Hence the Universal system of energy was put into place.  Earth, like every other place in the Universe, receives energy from other parts of the Universe, which in turn is dispersed to man.

This is delivered in an orderly way through the energy of the moon and its cycles.

Therefore, there is never a constant amount of energy on earth, its rises and falls.  The monthly cycles of the moon are part of the energetic cycle, as are solstices.

As the increased energy flows into earth, it is available for use by man.  This also means that prior to the winter solstice the amount of Universal energy able to be used by man is at its lowest and prior to the summer solstice, at its highest.

The more a person on earth is able to tap into this energy, the higher level they are able to work at.

As can be seen, man on earth is part of a greater energetic system and relies upon it to perform.

In this knowledge, how can any man be egotistical ?

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Monday, 19 June 2017

Crazy Horse on tolerance and learning

Equality is a way of treating each other as equals when no two people are equal energetically or evolutionary.

When the more advanced person pays equal respect to the views and feelings of the less advanced person, there is equality.  When the less advanced person listens and tries to understand the perspective of the more advanced person, there is equality.

The more advanced person can understand the perspective of the less advanced and is tolerant to it.  The less advanced person cannot understand the perspective of the more advanced person, but is still tolerant to it.  When this happens there is equality.

In this way the world can move forward, with tolerance patching the way for learning.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Thursday, 15 June 2017

Crazy Horse on Indigenous equality

The indigenous will have found equality when non indigenous think of them as equal.  Whilst they think of them in a less than equal way, they will treat them that way.

The using of Indigenous land for commercial profit of the non indigenous is an example of this inequality.

The more unequal the indigenous are treated the less civilised the country.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers, Director Sphinx Spiritual

Monday, 5 June 2017

Crazy Horse on being unfit for office

A political leader who makes decisions that will damage the earth is insensitive to the earth.

A political leader who makes decisions which will hurt people, is insensitive to people.

A political leader who makes decisions that will at the same time hurt both the earth and people is cruel.

A political leader who makes decisions that will affect the earth and its people , when that decision directly opposes the advice of the people on earth who really understand the earth-the Indigenous- is sadistic, short sighted and unfit for office.

From my guide, Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Monday, 29 May 2017

Crazy Horse on mining

The Indian would never dam a river, nor think of doing it, for the river had many purposes for animals and plants as well as humans.  The Indian also knew that the river carved its own path across land for its own purpose.  The Indian took from the river, but never at an ongoing cost to the river.

Herein lies the answer to mining.  Deposits of minerals and metals exist where the land stores them.  Dig them up only when doing so has no ongoing effect upon the earth, the plants and the animals.

If that is not possible, leave the earth intact until a way is found to make it possible.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Crazy Horse on bad decisions

When someone is appointed to a position of leadership and their term begins with a series of bad decisions, it surprises many that they are no less popular because of this.

Indeed, if their predecessors were non decision makers, allowing a system to constrain them, the new leader will be more popular just because they are making decisions.

This is because the world is looking for leadership and decisions show leadership, thus people would much prefer a leader who makes bad decisions than a leader, interested only in survival, who does not make any or many decisions.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Friday, 26 May 2017

Crazy Horse on sensuality and sexuality

Sensuality whispers.
Sexuality shouts.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Monday, 22 May 2017

Crazy Horse on a lack of determination

A lack of determination only exists in those who have not been able to convince themselves that they are worthy of change.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Crazy Horse on the secret knowledge of today's Indian

In the world of today the Indian can only have sad eyes if they are measuring themselves against what is important to the white man.

There is a great pressure applied to the Indian to measure themselves this way for it makes them more dependent.

The truer test is how connected a person is to their spirit and to the spirit of the animals, nature and those things in the far distant sky.

In applying this test the Indian of today will walk around with smiling eyes and the knowledge that they know a secret, the secret of what is really important.

From my guid, Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Monday, 15 May 2017

Crazy Horse on the joy of life

The joy of life is only overcome by the fear of hurt.

From my guide Crazy Horse Through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Crazy Horse on other life

Tribal societies develop a great kinship, but growth of the tribe and the individuals within the tribe relies on mixing with and assimilating with other tribes, merging the good and purging the bad.

So it is with Earth, it needs to be focussed on merging with other life.  Earth is a slow teacher of itself and needs external help to develop more quickly with better values.

Instead of lamenting its inability to seek and find other life forms, open up energetically and allow them to present themselves to you, for they are able to do so.

Having done this and realised the benefits it might teach man to open its doors to each other on earth.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Monday, 8 May 2017

Crazy Horse on the first born.

Onto the earth a child is born.  It cries out 'Caretaker, caretaker where are you?'

This is a cry to the parent to come to the child in their true role.

The first time parent searches for a rule book, a set of things to do for the child.  No such book is written except in the most general of terms.

It is not written, for to follow a book of instructions on parenting your own child means you are not feeling the child, being one with it, nor growing to love it.

Love of your child does not flow from doing actions, but from feel, mutually expressed.

Instructions on parenting set up a minimum standard for survival, not growth.

The baby associates the term parent with caretaker, does the parent do the same?  If not there is discord from the beginning.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers , Director Sphinx Spiritual

Monday, 1 May 2017

Crazy Horse on dealing with a small threatening leader

If a leader of a small country wants to be accorded equal status to the leaders of the four major countries on earth, he will find a way to be heard so that if not formally, then at least informally he will find the equality he seeks with those major countries.

If he does not have wisdom to take him from small to large, then he will resort to loud words about his ability to harm others to give him his voice.

Oh how he loves to be heard, for any discussion about him makes him appear larger than he is.

Give the leader of the small country much less attention.  Respond not to his words for when a naughty boy is being noticed he will continue to be naughty.

Fear not his threats for they spill from the mouth of a dictator like vomit from a baby.

Let the leaders of the major countries show the leader of the small country that the way to best look after your own people is to be a part of the world, not try to tear the world apart.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Thursday, 20 April 2017

Crazy Horse on enjoying joy

Are you able to let go of the hurts of the past so as to be able to enjoy the joy of tomorrow.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Wednesday, 12 April 2017

Crazy Horse on the rise of women

In a world where creativity is on the rise and the need for creativity is greater than ever before in order to help solve the world's problems; the rise of females into a position of greater power and influence is guaranteed.  This is because of the greater levels of creating in the female.

With such an ascension guaranteed, do not waste this opportunity by stepping away from your femininity.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Crazy Horse on Easter

Whilst Easter is a religious festival, supported only by some religions; no matter your own belief system, if it causes you to reflect for a moment on the power of your great spirit, it is worthwhile.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Monday, 10 April 2017

Crazy Horse on the emotional benefit of the seasons

With the early signs of the change of the weather to winter, man's mind turns to his family, to shelter and warmth, to preparation and safety.  Winter brings this inward focus, as it is meant.

Without the seasons to act as a prompt, man's focus would be more outward onto things that matter less.

This is one of the great and intended outcomes of the seasons, a shift in the emotional focus of man so as to provide the stimulus for balance.

From my guide, Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, Director Sphinx Spiritual.

Monday, 3 April 2017

Crazy Horse on trespass

To open a new mining operation whereby ships full of the product of the mine have to sail through a natural wonderland, depositing their pollution en route, is a trespass.

A trespass is a lack of respect for that which is trespassed upon.

For a government to allow this in the name of prosperity or employment is scandalous.

A decision maker who allows nature to be so readily and unnecessarily trespassed upon ought to at least make one good decision in their life and leave their role.

Earth deserves more than decision makers who do not understand their duty of care to the perpetuity of the earth.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Crazy Horse on enduring criticism

To be able to endure the criticisms of others, you first have to rescue yourself from the doldrums of your life.

When moving forward in life, the excitement of the journey does not allow you time to ponder the criticisms others want to put on you, you are already fulfilled.

Criticisms only affect you  when you are already feeling stuck.

If you feel your life is full of unfair criticisms then examine your own life and become more active in growing.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Monday, 27 March 2017

Crazy Horse on the journey of non compliance

If you do not trust the judgement or values of others, you will become non compliant to their wishes and demands.

The cost of non compliance is isolation.

The benefit of isolation is that it allows you the opportunity to start a new life.  Break free of the isolation and head down a pathway in search of people who will accept and love you for who you are.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers, Director Sphinx Spiritual

Crazy Horse on nature's payback

As man continues to treat the earth with disdain, then so nature will treat man in the same way.

More and more this will take place where the earth is being badly mistreated.

Corporations and governments do not make decisions, individuals do.  It is they who must be made accountable for what they are doing to the earth.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers, Director Sphinx Spiritual

Friday, 24 March 2017

Crazy Horse on the source of mistrust

Mistrust comes from a recognition that the other person has in short supply the traits and energy you have in abundance. Therefore they do not value what you have, nor want it.  As a consequence you do not believe they will accept you as you.  This begins the feelings of mistrust.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Monday, 20 March 2017

Crazy Horse on the process of change

When people want to change their life it is generally from negative to positive.  Yet the more negativity there is is a person's life the harder it is to change it.

The outcome of this is that people give up and stay locked in their negative world, feeling helpless and angry.

Life will not change because you want it to and it especially will not change in the time frame you want.

To change from a negative life to a positive one, the first step is to decide that you want less negativity in your life.  This will then throw up options as to who you associate with.  You will only make change if you are committed to less negativity.

As each step of change presents itself this same question will arise until the answer is automatic.  At this stage change will come quickly.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Crazy Horse on changing the nature of a relationship

If people in relationships could all find it in themselves to say one generous loving thing about the other person each day, it would change the nature of relationships on earth within one year.

From my guide, Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Monday, 13 March 2017

Crazy Horse on adventurous children

You cannot have in your children both obedience and adventurous.

For the sake of your child, settle on adventurous, for it is the adventurous who will improve the earth.

The obedient are imprisoned into the practices of their forefathers.

From my guide Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers.  Director Sphinx Spiritual

Monday, 6 March 2017

Crazy Horse on dealing with bullies

A bully will try to stop you doing something that you want to do and they do not want you to do.

A bully is successful when you do not do the thing you want to do so as to appease the bully.

A bully is unsuccessful when you continue to do what it is that you want to do regardless of the bully.

This is the best way to combat bullies, continue to do what it is you want to do.

Bullies in a schoolyard are bad.

Bullies in an organisation or government, who use the organisation or government to protect them and to justify their bullying, are much worse.

Where this is the case they are corrupting the organisation or government as well as bullying you.  Such people are evil and are abusing their power.  It is not necessarily that their organisation or government is corrupt and bad, it is just them.  See them and deal with them as individuals not as a part of an organisation or government, thus removing their 'mother's skirt'.

From my guide Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, Director Sphinx Spiritual

Crazy Horse on the drug problem

When I was young on earth, I was forever trying to find a new pathway to follow, for it excited me as to what I might learn and it allowed my spirit to be satisfied by the search for adventure.

The need on earth today to institutionalise the young, to curb their sense of adventure, to contain their spirit, is one of the major factors leasing to the drug problem facing the young and not so young of the world.

From my guide, Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Saturday, 25 February 2017

Crazy Horse on learning from the Indigenous

One of the measures of the greatness of a country  is how much they have learned from their indigenous.

When settling new lands, the blood of the Indigenous  was smeared over the hands of the settlers.  The only way to properly cleanse the hands of the settlers is to accept and learn from the indigenous.  The test of this is, after time, how much of the indigenous culture has become a part of the settlers culture.

A country cannot claim greatness when it continually accepts new people and their culture into its country, yet continually rejects the culture of their own indigenous.

Such arrogance is the sign of an immature society.

F on my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Monday, 20 February 2017

Crazy Horse on the will to succeed

All great warriors have one common trait, the will to succeed.

This will drives them past physical obstacles, other people's ambition and the political barriers placed in their way.

This trait of a warrior is much more important in the battle of life than in any other form of battle.

From my guide Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, Director Sphinx Spiritual

Thursday, 16 February 2017

Crazy Horse on indomitable forces

All indomitable forces will eventually fall. Their misuse of power ensures that.

From my guide, Crazy Hors, through Ian Rogers, Director Sphinx Spiritual

Crazy Horse on 'Strive to succeed'

Strive to succeed is a truism of life.

It works only so long as you know what you are wanting to succeed at.  Where what you are striving for is a goal set for you by another, you are not striving to succeed, you are only striving to please.

From my guide, Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Monday, 13 February 2017

Crazy Horse on Ambition

Ambition is shining a light on your past so as to propel yourself into your unknown future.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Saturday, 11 February 2017

Crazy Horse on Australia and refugees

The country of Australia has consigned refugees to virtual imprisonment on the island of Nauru. As the inhumanity of this action became clear they sought to appease their political conscience by getting USA to allow them entry into their country.

Now USA don't want them either and Australia is morally outraged at the USA.

The problem does not belong to the USA.  The best outcome would be for them to refuse to take them. Australia must look in the face of its own inhumanity, face the consequences and take them into their country.

The blame within Australia lies with the people who have empowered politicians through their vote to act as though Australia is isolated from the rest of the world.

If people believe in isolation then do not leave your shores, for this is hypocrital.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers, Director Sphinx Spiritual

Crazy Horse on stopping undesirables entering your country

If you fear people coming into your country to do you harm, one solution is to keep them out of your country.

A better solution is to stop carrying out actions which make them want to hurt you.

How strange so much effort is put into stopping externals hurting you and so little to stop those who are already in your country, in positions of power, acting out of self interest to the detriment of the populace.

From my guide, Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers, Director Sphinx Spiritual

Monday, 6 February 2017

Crazy Horse on Institutional abuse

Where an Institution such as a religious institution has a long history of its staff sexually abusing the young amongst its flock, the worst thing the institution can do is to continue to deny the existence or extent of the abuse.

Although sexual in nature, the abuse is an abuse of power over the young.  It is this abuse of power that the staff need training on with the effect upon the victims being the proof of how bad the behaviour was.

Institutions deny the abuse and its extent because they believe the institution is more important than the affected individuals.  They also deny it because it will reduce the status of both the institution and the people comprising it.

When the institution admits the abuse it sends shock waves through the community.  Individuals begin to believe the institution is not what it purports to be.

When the institution admits the extent of the problem it sends incredulity through the community and for the victims it brings renewed fear and sickness.

At this point the institution and its staff needs to understand that the only reputation they have is a bad one.  They ought not set out to reverse their bad image.  They need to cast aside their entire history and start again to create a new and good image.

How many leaders of such institutions have sufficient control of their ego and sufficient care for their flock to do so?

The future of their institutions relies upon it.  The leaders of such institutions are about to be the masters of the destiny of their institutions through their actions.

From my guide Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers. Director Sphinx Spiritual

Monday, 30 January 2017

Crazy Horse on 'Pride does not cometh before the fall'

It is taught on earth that  ''Pride cometh before the fall'.  Not only is this not true, but it is taught by those with a need to make you compliant to them, that is, to control you.

Self pride can be accurate or misplaced, either way it will propel you in life.  If the pride is accurate, it will propel you forward.  If misplaced it will propel you in circles.  Both are better than going nowhere, but where others want you to go.

An excess of pride, leading you to anti social behaviour is dangerous, but the amount of times pride leads you into anti social behaviour are small.

Warnings against pride are part of a fabric of rules meant to confine you, to make you easy to manage.  This leads to a meek acceptance of mediocrity, which is a hallmark of earth.

Be proud of what you do, let it inspire you to do more.  Set your limits, don't let others set them for you.

The only thing you need to remember about pride is, 'Let the level of your pride be in proportion to your achievements'

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers, Director Sphinx Spiritual

Monday, 23 January 2017

Crazy Horse on the mentally ill.

Where a mentally deranged person is allowed to wander the streets and in doing so takes the life of others, whilst in that deranged state; a toughening up of laws and law enforcement is a political diversion from the issue of the state not providing enough services for the mentally ill.

From my guide Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, Director Sphinx Spiritual

Crazy Horse on Pride

Pride is refusing to act in a way that is similar to those whose actions you oppose.

From my guide Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, Director Sphinx Spiritual

Crazy Horse on values

There will come a time on earth when leaders will say that the most important thing for a people to get right is their values and all else flows from there.

With companies and countries gripped with the need to get little things right such as imports and exports, borrowings and spending, there will never be time for values.

Those at the helm of companies and countries with short term, selfish and isolationist policies are in charge, not leading.

Let the people cry out for values driven leadership, where it is not acceptable to hurt the innocent in the pursuit of gain.

Now, more than at any time in recent history the voice of the people needs to be heard, for those in charge are but a reflection of you.

From my guide Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, Director Sphinx Spiritual

Saturday, 21 January 2017

Crazy Horse on measuring the role of a political leader

A political leader, particularly a new political leader, will respond more to the energy of the people than the wishes of the people.

Where a new political leader takes office and their energy is negative, they will only change to rule for all the people where the collective energy of the people is good and positive. Where this is the case the political leader will mirror that and lead accordingly so as to retain office and popularity.

If the negative energy of the leader is allowed to permeate a society and give an undue amount of power to the negative forces in society, then they will lead accordingly and the good will suffer.

Therefore, it can be seen that the rule of a political leader is a gauge of the energy of their constituents, rather than a gauge of the political leader.

From my guide, Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, Director Sphinx Spiritual

Friday, 20 January 2017

Crazy Horse on sharing your gift

The more miserly you are in sharing freely your gift, the worse your life will be.

From my guide Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, Director Sphinx Spiritual

Thursday, 5 January 2017

Crazy Horse on 2017

The year of 2017  will afford people opportunities to move away from apathy and determine how much misinformation and lies they will allow in their life from a large variety of leaders.

If apathy is replaced by involvement it will be a year of note.

From my guide Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual