Wednesday, 4 October 2017

Crazy Horse on chemical intervention into the body

The health problems of the earth began with reduced hygiene and pollution, particularly with the growth of cities early in the earth's history.

Instead of resolving the cause, poor hygiene and pollution were allowed to continue and a solution was eventually sought in chemical drugs.

To deal with the natural process of the body rejecting chemicals and also to deal with ongoing poor hygiene and increasing pollution, chemical drugs were made stronger and stronger.

The effect of these chemicals and worsening pollution allows only for reduced health of the earth's inhabitants.

A return to nature is the only way back to improving the world's health.  Unpollute large areas of land and grow medicinal plants and spices.  Feed the bodies on what they were designed to be fed on, nature.

You cannot inoculate against bad health, you must fight the cause.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

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