If a leader of a small country wants to be accorded equal status to the leaders of the four major countries on earth, he will find a way to be heard so that if not formally, then at least informally he will find the equality he seeks with those major countries.
If he does not have wisdom to take him from small to large, then he will resort to loud words about his ability to harm others to give him his voice.
Oh how he loves to be heard, for any discussion about him makes him appear larger than he is.
Give the leader of the small country much less attention. Respond not to his words for when a naughty boy is being noticed he will continue to be naughty.
Fear not his threats for they spill from the mouth of a dictator like vomit from a baby.
Let the leaders of the major countries show the leader of the small country that the way to best look after your own people is to be a part of the world, not try to tear the world apart.
From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual
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