Monday, 13 November 2017

Crazy Horse on split loyalties

It has long been believed that split loyalties are something to be avoided.  In my time on earth a split loyalty was an Indian scouting for white man's army. It was frowned upon and such an Indian was no longer accepted by either the Indian or the white man.

Today the issue of split loyalties arises in different countries with dual citizenship rights, with people living in one country returning to their original country to take up arms in support of that country.  As this becomes more prevalent, the more society accepts it.

In Australia politicians are being forced to leave office due to a right of dual citizenship bestowed upon them through the actions of their parents migrating to Australia at an earlier time.

Typically the politicians are looking at the issue from the perspective of political short term gain, either to retain or gain office.

Sadly, politicians are not elected for their world view or for the long term growth of mankind.

It is today, as it was in my time, situations are arising that call for a deeper understanding of borders.  Inevitably the world is heading to be more of a one world and restrictions stopping politicians representing their constituents because of the heritage of their parents are silly and need to be removed so as to help facilitate the move towards one world.

In Australia the laws will be changed as it affects politicians.

Isn't it amazing that they will change the laws concerning themselves as part of a march towards being one world, yet on the other hand, proudly make it illegal for refugees to enter their land.

People do not have to respect hypocritical politicians, but they have a duty to not accept them.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

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