Saturday, 24 June 2017

Crazy Horse on sources of energy

The energy of man is dependent upon far more than an individual's fitness.  Amongst other people the energy of the collective will influence the energy available to each member of the group.

The energy of man, no matter from where on earth it is derived, is not self sustaining.  Hence the Universal system of energy was put into place.  Earth, like every other place in the Universe, receives energy from other parts of the Universe, which in turn is dispersed to man.

This is delivered in an orderly way through the energy of the moon and its cycles.

Therefore, there is never a constant amount of energy on earth, its rises and falls.  The monthly cycles of the moon are part of the energetic cycle, as are solstices.

As the increased energy flows into earth, it is available for use by man.  This also means that prior to the winter solstice the amount of Universal energy able to be used by man is at its lowest and prior to the summer solstice, at its highest.

The more a person on earth is able to tap into this energy, the higher level they are able to work at.

As can be seen, man on earth is part of a greater energetic system and relies upon it to perform.

In this knowledge, how can any man be egotistical ?

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

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