Monday, 2 October 2017

Crazy Horse on mass killings

If a foreigner entered your country and opened fire against a massed gathering, killing many, particularly if the person was a terrorist, there would be an outpouring of rage and an international hunt for those behind the killer.

What then if the killer is from within your country and not a terrorist.  Where is the outrage placed?

It must be placed at the causes.  The factors in the person's life which caused them to take such an action, the lack of state support for such people, the availability of and culture to use guns in the society, the racism in the country and the example set by those in authority over promoting violence as against peace to all people, in that country or out of it.

Such horrific events are an opportunity correct the causes.  To do that blame needs to accepted by past and present leaders who have set up a culture allowing people to be in such a negative place that they see this behaviour as acceptable.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

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