Monday, 2 October 2017

Crazy Horse on same sex marriage

Same sex marriage is not a religious question, it is a question of equality.

The legal institution of marriage and all that it symbolises, is available to heterosexuals, therefore, should be available to same sex couples, for they are no less equal as humans.

A religious institution with the power to marry, ought have the right to refuse to marry same sex couples if it offends their teaching.

However, in doing this they are declaring that they do not teach equality.  In doing this they can only attract those to their faith who similarly, do not believe in equality.  This is their right.  The only problem they face is if they try to convince others that they believe all are equal in the eyes of their god.

Is it not difficult enough to be a same sex person in a heterosexual world, without being treated unequally because of it.

The Spiritual world advocates love, not just love between opposite sexes.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

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