Tuesday, 7 November 2017

Crazy Horse on rule makers breaking the law

 People to whom society has given the power to create, change or repeal laws, hold a special position of  trust. A higher standard of behaviour in respect of those laws is expected than from the remainder of society.

Where a law is inappropriate, they have the special position of being able to repeal it or change it.  Where they do nothing about a law they are seen to be giving it their consent.

Where such a law begins to affect their political future, they are duty bound to abide by the law in its strictest interpretation.  Attempts to ignore the law, pretend it does not apply to them or to argue fine points so as to not have it apply, casts such law makers into disrepute and unworthy of holding power to make laws.

Law makers who expect laws to apply to all but themselves have lost the right to be lawmakers.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

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