Monday, 27 November 2017

Crazy Horse on celebrating a national day

The culture of newer countries, discovered and founded in modern times is to celebrate a national day, often on the day history records the country was founded.

This has worked well for two hundred plus years as the founders celebrated the beginning and growth of their land.

These celebrations ignored the fact that these lands had already been discovered by the indigenous people many thousands of years earlier.  The celebrations have given a tacit approval to the countries forefathers for slaughtering the indigenous for the fiscal benefit of the invaders.

More and more as these societies mature and begin to learn equality, the actions of the forefathers need to be questioned.  The question to be asked is whether it was right for the country to continue to celebrate the arrival of an invasionary force who slaughtered the occupants already there and who set up a culture of accepting the continued degrading and  killing off  of these people.

A real leader would stop this behaviour immediately as they set out to steer the country on a course to maturity and equality.  A pretend leader would find a way to justify the celebration.

Such countries need a national day, but it is a national indigenous day, where they are acknowledged publicly, where crowds gather to watch them march in the streets and enjoy watching and learning their culture.  Is there a real leader in the world today who will do his?

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

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