Monday, 30 October 2017

Crazy Horse on changing a set course

Making change through a set course of action will rarely win acclaim.  The nay sayers will pound your ears with dissent whilst the acclaimers will more quietly nod with respect.

A leader will change course because they believe it to be right, regardless of the dissent or acclaim it brings and will be prepared for their actions to be judged over time by results.

A person who changes course as a means of removing the dissenting voices from the course they have set, is not a leader but a person without conviction who is trying to plot the easiest path forward.

When such a person then tries to portray themselves as a leader and deny their motive, they are not only, not a leader, they are also without conviction, manipulative and not to be trusted.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

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