Thursday, 28 September 2017

Crazy Horse on good and bad politicians.

Often times political leaders are referred to as either a good or bad politician.

If a political leader seeks the acclaim of being a good politician then they have forgone the desire to be a leader.  The two do not sit together.  The traits of a good politician not only are different to those of a good leader, they will, on reflection in the spiritual world, cause the good politician to view their life as unsuccessful.

To be a good politician is to forgo so many of your values, which, less and less, has been accepted by the public.

There are a small number of countries with good leaders leading them, recognisable from how they stick to their values.

Of all the professions on earth, the one that has progressed the least is Politicians.  That will not change whilst the public allow them to be so non productive and non accountable.

The change can only come from the people.

Sometimes, someone so bad becomes a political leader, that they inspire the quiet to loudly protest, from which there can be change.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

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