Societies are based on laws.
Laws exist to moderate behaviour to community standards.
Compliance stops excesses.
Compliance relies on fear of punishment by the laws.
In order for this to work the fear of being punished has to be greater than the need to break the law.
Thus society sets out to moderate needs so as to gain compliance.
This system of moderation and mediocrity has many flaws, but mostly that it has no relevance to excesses within society, including the drug problem.
It is silly to think that creating laws will have any effect upon the taking of illicit drugs. This is particularly so in a society where children are raised on a diet of legal drugs and their use is not only allowed, but advocated by governments. In some backward countries people are even punished for not taking legal drugs.
With this background it is a small step for people to take illegal (not made by a licensed drug maker) drugs.
The challenge for society is stop making their young so drug dependent, thus breaking the cycle into adulthood. Secondly, to make emotional development as important as physical and mental development. In these ways excesses such as the drug problem will ease.
Society at large needs to stop sneering at excesses, for each person is part of the system that has created it. As much as possible, welcome those who partake of the excesses of drugs into the loving arms of society. To continue to repel them is to ensure their continued behaviour.
From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual
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