Monday, 10 December 2018

Crazy Horse on the way out of darkness

The way out of darkness in your life is to care.  Care about someone or something. In caring you will give.  This will uplift and allow you to then care about yourself, for in times of darkness you rarely care about yourself.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers, Director Sphinx Spiritual

Monday, 3 December 2018

Crazy Horse on why bad events take place

On earth you focus on events caused by humans that either are about to take place or are taking place.  These events range in nature but are all the consequence of human action.

Many are shocked by events, including overt acts of hostility, big or small.  You should not be.

If you want to predict events on earth caused by humans, you need only to look at the emotional conditions in which humans live, to find your answers.

If a sector of society is loving, whether that be a family or a community group, in that state of lovingness, they will not undertake acts of violence, for it is foreign to their existence.  The same can be said of a country.

Where a country, community or family is beset by aggression, hate and individual greed, it is inevitable that violent events will follow.  The greater the hate, aggression and greed present, the worse the event.

It is folly to then rely on heavy handed enforcement methods to stop such events, for hurting to stop hurt has never worked.

Where pockets of society are non loving, set out to change that and you will stop hateful events on 10-15 years time.

Wise people will understand this.  If ever you can find a wise person to elect into office, they will change the way a community or country operates and will forever change the course of its history.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers, Director Sphinx Spiritual

Monday, 26 November 2018

Crazy Horse on what independence is

Independence is making the choice to have your own thoughts, when someone else is trying to overpower you to have their thoughts.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Crazy Horse on the cheating epidemic

To the Indian, the notion that someone would devote their life or part of their life to finding ways to cheat people out of their possessions is foreign.

It is true that in times of war we stole ponies from other tribes, but no one stole from others in their own or allied tribes.

We earned what we got and when we had a surplus we shared it with those who had less.

The lack of such a community feeling is what allows people to usurp their morals and use the available communication tools to lie and cheat others for financial gain.

Cheating others as a way of life causes you to have to live outside your community. It is so prevalent today it is nearly normal.

The return of the community and the value of sharing is the only thing that will change the cheating epidemic on earth.

A community can only be formed by including people into your community. If you push them away, expect them to try and cheat you.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Crazy Horse on the Corruptor

The corruptor in society is much more dangerous to the good of the society than the corrupted.

The corruptor will always be recognisable by one thing; they are insincere.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Monday, 19 November 2018

Crazy Horse on the treatment of a leaker.

There was an era when the leaking of government secrets publicly was rampant.

Those who publicised the leaks were chased down and publicly held up as treasonous people.

What should happen to these people?  It is clear they were outraged by the actions of governments and wanted the public to know so they could hold their governments to account.

Governments did not want to be held to account and felt angry at the exposure of behaviour they believed was their right.  The outcome was to use their might to make an example of the leakers so that it would not happen again.

In one case the leaker mostly leaked against the USA, is in exile and virtual detention in the U.K. and whose origin is Australia.

What should Australia do?  Appease their ally being the USA, or bring this person home to Australia under their protective wing.

Australia regularly deports people to their country of origin for previous perceived or bad conduct.  If their values are consistent they will support the leaker being deported back to Australia.

If they have a government without morals, they will not.

It is proper for a country to have allies and to support the allied countries.  However, this duty is secondary to the need to support their own citizens.

It is a question of the values of a country and how much their citizens demand their Government acts morally.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Crazy Horse on why you should dream

In life learn to dream.

Remember, dream before you scream!

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Crazy Horse on why people have negativity in their life

People who have a lot of negativity  in their life lack purity in their thoughts and actions.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Crazy Horse on a negative workplace

In a negative workplace, when a new person arrives who changes the status quo by being positive, uplifted and loving, it will cause a disruption.

The negative incumbents will feel threatened, envious and will band together against a person who they consider a threat to their negative but comfortable existence.

They will make the new person unwelcome and find a way to force them from their workplace.

Having done this this they will congratulate themselves about having removed the threat.

For the next period of time they will reap the outcome of their action.  They will remain locked together in their prison of negativity, trapped in a downward spiral, convincing themselves that this is acceptable, until they then start to turn on each other.  In the absence of anyone else to be negative towards, they will be negative to each other.

The solution?  A new workplace leader.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Sunday, 18 November 2018

Crazy Horse on resisting change

Humans are predisposed to change and to deal with the changes as they come.  This is necessary as life is a constantly changing cycle of events.

Therefore, those who resist change, do so by choice.

The choice to resist change is a refusal to grow, therefore a comfort in living unchallenged.

Generally this afflicts earth and causes mediocrity, thus slowing down the evolution of earth.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Monday, 12 November 2018

Crazy Horse on the role of the public to teach politicians

Of all the promises political leaders make to you, how often does that include peace.

Many have promised to protect your borders, but in promising that they are relying on your fear to make their promise worthwhile.

Peace is not an absence of invasion or takeover.  Silly politicians, it's not all about the economy, it's about creating an environment to allow peace.  Peace follows safety.  Safety does not mean isolation.

Therefore peace must be found amongst people.  This feeling can only come when all are following the same vision.  One vision can only come from a leader.

Which political leader has a vision other than reelection.

Keep voting politicians out of power until they learn that people want a vision that will allow the feeling of peace through oneness.  Eventually political leaders will learn, but only when taught by the people.

It is the role of the public to teach politicians.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Monday, 29 October 2018

Crazy Horse on doing enough

Great people can never do enough.

People who will never be great never want to do enough.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Crazy Hors on turmoil on earth

Earth is in turmoil with the major countries pulling in different directions, attempting to shore up their own position and destabilise  that of a the others.

Added to this are the largely unnoticed natural disasters and a looming financial crisis.

Unpredictable national leaders have made the method of international communication, diplomacy, almost irrelevant.

Earth has returned to the era of the bully, with the contest being who is the bully today and who will be the bully tomorrow.

If natural disasters and a financial crisis don't have them see the folly of their ways, what will.

The people need to elect leaders with a world view and policies that are for the good of all, not just a small minded partisan approach.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Monday, 22 October 2018

CrazyHorse on food waste

Every food grower knows of the effect of nature upon the quality and presentation of food.

In the food chain the grower is the most important cog.  Society has been seduced into believing it is the final outlet, the supermarket.

Supermarkets market themselves as a dream world of unearthly quality and presentation of food.  This allows them to justify an enlarged price for products.

The consumer is convinced that any food stuff shouldn't be purchased if not in pristine condition, thus giving their power and support over to the supermarket.

The outcome is a world caught up in packaging and wasted food for the growers cannot find a market for imperfect produce.

The solution is with consumers to step outside their urban beliefs and demand secondary outlets of food artificially rejected by supermarkets and otherwise destined for tipping by the grower.

Earth cannot afford food to be wasted like it is.  Give power back to the growers who will find a way to get food into the homes of purchasers.

It is time for the seduction regarding food quality to be seen through and people eating food that is likemthemselves, imperfect.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Monday, 15 October 2018

Crazy Horse on extending royal blood lines

When a member of a royal family becomes pregnant, it is good for the constituents of that country.  The more a royal family extends itself, the more normal they become, the less mystique there is over royalty.

With a reduction in royal families on earth, there is less going off to other countries to marry another royal, thus keeping the royal blood.

This means that more and more of a royal family marry outside the blood line, bringing them closer to the people they serve.

Royal service is titular, nevertheless important to those whose culture is based on royalty.  Its future depends on being less distant from the people, including the birth of children outside of royal bloodlines.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Tuesday, 2 October 2018

Crazy Horse on immoral leaders of a country

When it is shown that a leader of a country has accumulated wealth prior to being elected to office in a way that has subverted the laws of the country, there is a moral outcry by their detractors and a feigned indifference by their supporters.

What does it mean?  It means that upon such a disclosure, the acts of the country leader leading up to the disclosure and subsequently, need to be viewed in the light of the morality of the leader.

Where the morality of a leader is substantially diminished, their standing as a leader diminishes in the same proportion.

Country leaders pay homage to their morality when it suits them, however it needs to be more than attending their church, it needs to reflect in their actions.

If a country accepts an immoral leader, they are setting the standard for behaviour throughout the entire country.  No longer can they hold up drug dealers and fraudsters as the demons of society.  Such behaviour becomes tacitly accepted under an immoral regime.

If a country wants to raise the standard of behaviour of its citizens, it must first raise the standard of its leader.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers, Director Sphinx Spiritual

Thursday, 27 September 2018

Crazy Horse on US political abuse of power

In the USA currently, a woman has complained against a nominee for the Supreme Court over an alleged sexual assault when they were young teenagers.

This has called into question the Supreme Court nomination.

The woman, already anxious, was clearly made more anxious by the alleged sexual assault.

She has been coerced and supported by a political party to give public evidence of what took place and its effect.  In giving evidence she was labelled a national hero by the political party who encouraged and supported her to give evidence.

Labelling her a hero is hyprocacy in its most damaging form.

The political party supporting her has little to no interest in her other than for their political expediency.

The effect of giving evidence is that her trauma over giving public evidence is much worse than from the event as she sits in the light of public judgement, criticism and abuse.  Shortly she will be discarded and left to her own devices to cope.

The situation for this woman was made worse by the political party who nominated the potential Supreme Court Judge, who put political advantage well before either their candidates' or the lady's emotional health.

 This is a cynical abuse of power disguised as doing the right thing.  The victim of the original alleged assault is now a victim for life, not from the original event, but from the actions of two political parties who are so recklessly indifferent to the needs of a fragile individual who has been sacrificed at the altar of short term and inconsequential political gain.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Monday, 24 September 2018

Crazy Horse on how to make organisations more loving

The larger the organisation (including government organisations) the less loving people view it.

People see these organisations as powerful, therefore link power to non loving.  This extends itself to powerful people.

Because large organisations are run by powerful people, who adopt a persona of being non loving, their organisation adopts the same non loving persona.

The reality is that the larger the organisation the more loving it should be, both internally and externally.

This will only occur when the powerful people running such organisations become more loving in themselves.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Sunday, 23 September 2018

Crazy Horse on The breaking down of Democracy

In the country of Australia where, once again, the sitting Prime Minister has been removed from office by his own party, it is being seen as an act which shows the breaking down of democracy.
Thus, it is argued that rules should be put in place to stop a sitting prime minister being removed by their own party as a means to save democracy.

This is folly.  It is looking at the end of the cycle of events.  It is true that in most democratic countries democracy is failing.  The cause is the party system, not the ability to remove a sitting prime minister.

Party membership is small and non representative of the needs of constituents in voting regions.  Party membership is sectarian and within the parties there are broadly differing beliefs and agendas working against each other.  There is little to no hope that the needs of constituents can be met.

Thus politicians do not represent the people, but their party.  Attempts to convince the people that this is an effective way of representing them are failing.  The outcome of this is that party politicians are fearful of losing their job, so they vote out their leader and put in another one who they hope will allow them to keep their job.  The needs of the people are not considered.

Democracy in the form of representing the needs of constituents is long lost.  The people are moving closer to having had enough.  They are demanding that their voice be heard and their local issues be acted upon.  The political system is not geared for this and in the pandemonium, democracy is falling apart.  It can only be saved by returning to its origins.  People before Parties.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Thursday, 20 September 2018

Crazy Horse on the flow of unauthorised immigrants

Countries whose borders are the sea, rely on that to act as a barrier to stop the flow of unauthorised immigration. It has not worked.

Countries who borders are on land cannot rely on building a physical barrier such as a wall to keep out authorised immigrants.  The invention of the ladder rendered this futile.

The more significant issue with a wall is that it creates a fortress mentality.  Us versus them.  Of course this is the primary motive for such a wall of any leader promoting building one.

A political leader promoting a fortress mentality is wanting to ensure that the people in siege see him as their leader, the one protecting them against the rest of the world.  Hence it is a tool for self grandiosment, with no other practical effect.

In promoting such a wall the leader is doing a serious misdeed to the people, for he is trying to take them away from the thinking of one people, one  world.  This is short term thinking for political expediency at its worst.  This is not the role of a leader.

It is also not the way to treat your people or to stop unauthorised immigrants.

The real question to be answered is do you really want to stop unauthorised immigrants and why.

If the answer is yes and that is an ideologically held belief, whether sound or not, then that country is bound to begin the process of removing all unauthorised immigrants already in residence in their country.  If there is not a will to do his there is no real will to stopping  more coming in.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Wednesday, 19 September 2018

Crazy Horse on children going from family to family

Sharing a child equally between two parents who are no longer living together does not work well. No child is parented equally when the parents live together so how can they when they are apart.

In a world full of hurt, retribution and financial responsibility better solutions are difficult to enact.

In order to make it work  for the child they have to look forward to the exchange of parents and feel excited about going to be with the other one.  Both parents have a role in making this happen.

If the point of exchange is exciting and equally encouraged by both parents, the likelihood of the time spent with the other parent being uplifting, will be increased.

F Om my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Monday, 17 September 2018

Crazy Horse on what freedom is

Your mind holds on tightly to the negative experiences of your life, imprisoning you in them.

Freedom is when you are able to escape the negativity you hold from these experiences in your mind.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Sunday, 16 September 2018

Crazy Horse on gun control

Gun control should not be needed within a community, it is the community attitude to guns that needs controlling.

The attitude that you need guns to stop guns being used is nonsensical. In the USA in the Cold War, they and Russia eventually came to understand that the way to stop necleur weapons was not to build more, but less and eventually none.

Why then is their attitude to guns within their country different, where no matter the abuse of guns to kill innocent people, nothing changes with regards to gun use, except to arm the authorities more and more heavily, closely followed by citizens doing the same.

Militarily this country has worked on the belief that might is right, thus outgunning all other countries.  Is it any wonder the citizens follow suit.

The attitude of all arms of the country to guns needs to change from the military down.  When the community sees guns as the unnecessary evil that they are and they become a nation that wants to live with itself, not kill itself, only then will the amount of guns and their use change.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Saturday, 15 September 2018

Crazy Horse on major storms

It is known that major storms are not accidental and do not happen in random locations.

It is further known that they are a message to man that he cannot control all things, is a part of something bigger and ought to get his priorities in order.

When a major storm hits it is cleansing to the energy of the area, not withstanding  damage caused.  It   Is using the force of nature to say things have to change.

When storm after storm hits the same country, it is not because of its geographical location, it is because nothing is changing.

Storms destroy property and possessions.  Storms show man that as compared to their life, they are of little value.

Why then following the storm does man return to a low values life where possessions and corruption are paramount

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Monday, 3 September 2018

Crazy Horse on Reality

Reality is accepting and facing the consequences of your actions.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Crazy Horse on clarity of mind

Tiredness stops clear thought, but does not bring clarity of mind.

Being present and aware brings an attention to your immediate environment, but does not bring clarity of mind.

Perseverance in difficult times brings growth, but does not bring clarity of mind.

Knowing where you want to get to brings clarity of mind.  The application of your values to that journey will make the journey worthwhile or worthless, depending on your values.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Monday, 27 August 2018

Crazy Horse on rules and enforcement

The rules a society lives by are put in place by governments and enforced by police, backed up with a system of punishment for those  caught breaking the rules.

Great stock is placed in the rules, they give governments a reason to exist.  Enforcement by police is seen as critical and the threat of punishment makes it seem like police are everywhere.

Sometimes a new group enters a society, such as immigrants and they don't know the rules and do not care about them and in breaking the rules they expose the low numbers of police and the veneer of the threat of punishment.

At this time society turns against the immigrants, wishing them to return to their country of origin, as well as seeking more rules to confine them and more police to enforce the rules.

In other words, people want more of the same, more rules and more enforcement, allowing politicians to remain in a job and governments to grow fat.

However, in exposing the deficiencies of a system the immigrants have done that society a favour.  It allows society to examine whether rules and enforcement are the best method by which a society can exist.  In finding another way of acceptance and collaboration, a new way forward can be found.

This happens rarely as the fear mongers demand enforcement and immediate change.  Rules, more rules, enforcement and punishment do not work in your own family, so why would they work with immigrants and the broader society.

One of the signs of an advancing society is less rules, not more.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Crazy Horse on measuring evolution

Your state of evolution as a spirit is not reflected in what you say or how you like others to see you, it is reflected in what action you take so as to grow.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Crazy Horse on when you become 'grown up'

You become 'grown up' when responsibility weighs you down.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Crazy Horse on raising animals for consumption

When human consumption of an animal reaches such a level that the animal raised for consumption, is forced to live its life unnaturally, it is time to eat more of something else.

Whether or not for human consumption, an animal is entitled to live its life with a reasonable degree of roaming in peace.

Where the imperative for raising animals is profit, it is always the animal who becomes the largest loser.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers, Director Sphinx Spiritual

Monday, 13 August 2018

Crazy Horse on a two person cult

If you are in a relationship where you are scared of the wrath of your partner, are overpowered by them and do what they want just for peace, you are in a two person cult.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Crazy Horse on a successful life

If the journey of life allows you to find those who need you, the journey has been successful.

F Om my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Crazy Horse on leaders and pollution

Political expediency is insufficient reason to not do what is right.

Loss of office is more palatable than a loss of your values.

There is one thing the earth cannot do and that is to protect itself against man, that requires man to protect it from other men.

This is the role of all forms of leaders.  Leaders are expected to see a bigger picture than the rest and part of that picture is a knowing that the earth needs protection from those who would use what is in the earth to create pollution elsewhere on earth or in the earth's atmosphere.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Monday, 6 August 2018

Crazy Horse on true power

Those new to power, take a delight in exercising it so as to be able to feel the effects of their power on others.

Those who are on the receiving end of someone's use of power and those around them, will become compliant and fearful.  They will also find a way, even if small, to strike back at the powerful person.

The person who is at peace with their power, will accept small transgressions against them without the need to strike out at the transgressor.

They will be called 'fair'.  They will be respected and loved.

True power is not shown through punishment, but by demonstrating to others that you are at peace with your power, you are loving and you have coped with life and want to continue to grow beyond survival. True power encourages others to seek the same for themselves.

F Om my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Monday, 30 July 2018

Crazy Horse on privacy and respect

The technological age has given man unprecedented opportunities to invade the privacy of others.  Institutions have led the way and invaded privacy for profit. individuals have followed, the only difference being the quantum of profit.

Notwithstanding their actions, society still lauds the actions of organisational heads, at the same time condemning the actions of individuals.

By faint condemnation of organisational heads, you are giving tacit approval for individuals to act in the same manner.

Your society is at a perilous stage. Privacy is a respect issue and there needs to be a shifting of the moral standard of society, so that respect returns for each other.

Respect needs to override financial status so that the actions of man are to gain respect, not money.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Monday, 23 July 2018

Crazy Horse on detractors

People on earth who bring good change or live to a higher set of values than most, will bring detractors to them.

This is a good sign, for detractors are only modelling their discomfort at a higher or better way of living.

If you try to bring good change and not have detractors, then you are trying to be a politician, which will block your effectiveness.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Crazy Horse on self imprisonment

Few people understand what freedom is because few humans have experienced it or allow themselves to experience it.

All humans have an understanding of imprisonment, but usually equate it to being in a gaol.

Few humans understand self imprisonment and how that stems from imposed thoughts and beliefs.

A small percentage of people are imprisoned in gaols.  A very large percentage of people are self imprisoned.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Crazy Horse on self importance

When you do something that you are proud of and it is ignored by someone important in your life, that is an opportunity to focus on yourself, not on what others think of you.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Crazy Horse on speaking quietly

Speak quietly for the loudest effect.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Monday, 16 July 2018

Crazy Horse on moving forward with anger

When you move forward in a phase of your life with anger, that phase will not work out well for you.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Wednesday, 11 July 2018

Crazy Horse on the result of a lack of trust

Man has enemies because one person cannot trust the other or they cannot trust each other.

They will remain enemies until trust is regained.

So it is with warring factions.  Wars start over a lack of trust.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Monday, 9 July 2018

Crazy Horse on Bear Butte Mountain

Bear Butte Mountain in South Dakota, America is the traditional sacred place for so many Sioux people, especially those who do live and have lived on the South Dakota Plains.

The land incorporating Bear Butte and its surrounds should belong to the Sioux now and forever, with all people welcome to experience the sacred mountain.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual.

Sunday, 8 July 2018

Crazy Horse on national pride

When a country has grown on the basis of their military power, therefore, grown through threatening others, they have not had to compete economically in a world sense.

With the dimunition of its military power and struggling to compete in a manufacturing sense on the world stage, the solution is not to return to being cut off from the world and  returning to its former military might.  The solution is to extend national pride beyond military might into the quality with which products are made and exported and confine fighting to fighting for trade equally with other countries.

To do that it will need to ensure it's working class are fairly and equally treated by its business owners.  A nation cannot have real national pride if its people do not feel it in what they do.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Crazy Horse on the fascination with native culture

No matter which country, there is a fascination with the culture of the natives of the country.

This is shown through tourism to the native areas and through the purchase of art products depicting native beliefs and culture.  This fascination is growing, particularly amongst the younger and older generations.

Surely this is a sign to governments that people do not want to see the original culture and beliefs of the nation suppressed any more.

To achieve this they need to begin by not suppressing the natives any more.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual
Where the leader of a country is openly derided and mocked by the people, it is time for the leader to stand down at the end of their elected period for the good of the country.

Leaders are meant to polarise, otherwise they are popularists, but derision and mocking are many steps further than polarising.  It shows a lack of respect and acceptance of that person as a leader and will hold the count back.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Crazy Horse on a Society in decay

One of the main ways to identify a society in decay is where there is a wide gap and widening, between the financial fortune of the rich and the poor.

Commensurate with this will be the widening gap between their rights and treatment in society.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Crazy Horse on equality for the Indigenous

In the time of the Indian, their spirit was strong, therefore, their power was strong.

Their spirit was broken by making them reliant upon white man for food and by breaking down their Spiritual beliefs through the introduction of white man's religion.

Time has proven that this has not helped the Indian, nor has it benefitted the broader society in which they live.

They need to find pride in who they really are, in their beliefs and in the freedom of their actions.

Why is it that there is a pattern that conquering societies accept new cultures and integrate with them, but consistently alienate themselves from the natives of their country who they conquered.

It is time to treat natives with the same level of equality as those introduced into their country post conquering.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Monday, 18 June 2018

Crazy Horse on recognising when you are not making progress

You will know when you are not making progress in your life, when you are stuck.

It is when you are still blaming others for what has gone wrong in your life.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Crazy Horse on the journey of change

The journey of change is not only difficult to start, but also difficult to undertake.

In the end the thing that will cause the start of a journey of change is a recognition of the bad things in your life and how all encompassing they are.

In undertaking your journey of change, what will keep you going is the feeling and knowledge of a more loving world waiting for you.

In many respects this sums up life on earth.  You put yourself into a bad place through your choices and we still offer a way out to a better life.  However, the worse place you have put yourself into, the more difficult we make it to get out, yet at the same time offer you guidance and hope to get there.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Monday, 11 June 2018

Crazy Horse on ' Change will only happen when....'

Change will only happen in your life after you have yearned it and earned it.

From my,guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Cazy Horse on, 'When Enemies meet'

When two country leaders meet, whose countries have been enemies for some time, do not expect too much.

At a first meeting, both leaders will bridle with injustice, standing in the way of outcomes.

It is enough that they meet, from which good can come.  If 10% of good comes out of the meeting it should be considered a success.

The only issue that will make the meeting a failure is if one or both leaders tell lies.  Then it is not a meeting between two country leaders, just between one or two liars.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Monday, 4 June 2018

Crazy Horse on returning to where you once lived

As a spirit to return to the places where you lived on earth is not something we do unless there is a purpose.

The purpose will depend on whether your life on earth has shone a path for others to follow or shown others what not to do.

Where your journey shone a path for others to follow, you develop a special interest in those following your path.

Soon I will spend time in the land of the Indian and I will feel from the earth all of the memories of the life of my people, the Sioux.

I will be supporting people following my path. I will imbue them with the spirit of the Indian, their courage and fortitude.

I will stand proud in the knowledge of who I once was and proud of how the journey of the Indian people in my time can help non Indian people today.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Crazy Horse on misery

After the passing of the pre adult years, there is a feeling of lucky to be alive as the mysteries of life unravel.

With the coming of the retirement years, there is a feeling of enjoying life and being glad to be alive.

With the elderly pre death years there is a feeling of sad to be alive.

No one gets through life unscathed.  Everyone understands the pain others feel.

Why then are so many people fixated on making the journey of others worse through hateful acts.

When will their thoughts allow them to understand that the more hateful they are to others the worse their own life will be.

It is time the people of earth realised that life will be better for all by stopping trying to make others lives more miserable.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Monday, 28 May 2018

Crazy Horse on the power of emotions over thought

The greatest innovations are yet to come to earth for the history of earth is dark and the greatest innovations will come when the earth is light.

This is meant to cause a change in thinking. Currently it is believed that scientific innovations will make life on earth better.  They will not as time has proven.

Change the thinking to how humans treat each other as the catalyst for a light world, from which great change will flow.

To do will require a change in beliefs whereby emotions are more important than thoughts.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Monday, 21 May 2018

Crazy Horse on beauty and ugliness

On earth there is a strong focus on beauty and ugliness, measured in a physical sense.

You are given the looks you have so as to help you meet your karma.  Thus, no one is beautiful or ugly on the outside, they just are and no matter the looks, someone will think it beautiful.

Your looks can be improved, but only marginally.

The inner you is the true decider of whether you are beautiful or ugly.  Inner beauty transcends looks and draws the right people to you.  Inner beauty eternally changes from your feelings and actions.

Inner beauty cannot be disguised by make up or clothes and its radiant power extends far beyond yourself.

There are many who present Sam physically beautiful who are ugly on the inside.  No one who is Beautiful the inside will look ugly to those who receive their inner beauty.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Monday, 14 May 2018

Crazy Horse on decisions

The free market makes decisions regardless of values.
Governments make decisions based on power and getting re elected.
Organisations make decisions on power and greed.
Churches make decisions based on the interpretation of beliefs they are following mixed with a need to protect the organisation.

Who is left. You!  You are the only person you should trust to navigate the course of your life , for it is only you who has your best interests at heart.

You will only make a wrong decision for yourself when your heart is not pure.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Crazy Horse on semi-darkness

Semi darkness is a state of existence for people who fail to recognise their own failings.

As a consequence their state of existence cannot move out of semi darkness.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Crazy Horse on accountability

If you do something on earth, do not blame or shame, you did it and you are accountable for the outcomes, good or bad.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Crazy Horse on responsibility

Your responsibility on earth is for your own growth.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Monday, 7 May 2018

Crazy Horse on climate change

Those  who see climate change as mythical cannot see the earth as we do from the Spiritual world.

Climate change is an outcome of earth change, with the earth change being negative.  The climate change then causes further deterioration of the earth and the cycle continues.

Earth change occurs from abuses of the earth, justified as progress.

The trains built across Indian land, polluted the land and the air. Eventually it was realised that a more efficient way of powering the trains was required as they moved from steam to engines.  Slowly it is being realised that there must be a better way to power trains, not so much for the environment, but for profit.

Whilst the rationale is unsound, the outcome is good for it is another step on the journey to rescuing the earth from its inhabitants.

Because of man's fixation with self importance, solutions are looked for from what is known or what is in the earth.

As man begins to see themselves as part of the greater universe and profit is not their main motive, they will look to understand what energy is available from beyond the earth and at that point knowledge will be provided as to how to gather and use such energy.

It is sad that the speed of learning by man is so slow that only in the face of a crisis will they stop being so insular.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Monday, 30 April 2018

Crazy Horse on selfish or selfless

A whipped Horse will run fast when whipped so as to stop the whipping, but it has no investment in the event for it relies entirely on its riders instructors.

A loved Horse will run fast when it chooses to and when it believes the sense of occasion demands it. However, this might not coincide with when the rider wants it to run fast.

This is the issue of control versus love.  Are you a controller or a lover?

The answer will tell you if you are selfish or selfless.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Saturday, 21 April 2018

Crazy Horse on ecological warfare

The most serious physical issue facing earth is the fight to save the ecology and a fight it is.

The fight is between those who are more interested in short term profit or power versus those who are interested in the long term health of the planet.

It is not a fight that should be occurring. The fact that there are people who will still favour short term profit or power over the health of the earth is an indictment on where the thinking on earth is at.

He choice of profit or power occurs because such people disassociate from other people, from future generations and from other places of existence, making themselves so self important that their profit or power motive becomes justified.

In sum this is a lack of accountability. You are not on earth solely for yourselves, but as part of creating a greater good.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Crazy Horse on time out from life

Throughout the world there are carnivals with mechanised rides for both children and adults.  These carnival rides cause the riders to have a lot of fun and enjoyment whilst on them and having left the carnival they cannot wait until they can revisit it.

The carnival rides give children and adults an opportunity to take time out from the tedium of life.

Life on earth is such that all people need time out for fun and enjoyment on a regular basis.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Friday, 20 April 2018

Crazy Horse On deception

People who practice deception on others do so because they practice deception upon themselves.

A person who is truthful to themself about themself will be truthful to others.

Self deception is, for example, where a person convinces themself they are a loving person, but more time in their life is spent in anger, hate and trying to hurt others, than it is in love.

 Self deception is common, where it accompanies a righteous indignation about being questioned or challenged over their true state, the person is in need of help for such a disorder.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Monday, 16 April 2018

Crazy Horse on chemical warfare

It is fascinating to understand the rules of war on earth, when and how it is acceptable to kill other humans.

It is as if man believes that killing in 'acceptable' ways is more acceptable to a higher force than killing in unacceptable ways.

The human mind has a particular ability to contort itself to come up with arguments to justify the unjustifiable.

There are countries who kill their own citizens for committing crimes against their society by shooting them, hanging them, electrifying them and injecting them with chemicals.

The sick are regularly killed by chemicals and it it either legal or so common it is acceptable.

Therefore, where does the moral justification come from when a country who kills their own with chemicals, decries the actions of another country for killing in a state of war through chemicals.

Why does the world sit back and accept retribution against another country for killing with chemicals, by bombing them and killing with explosives.

When will it be seen that the mental sleight of hand of taking moral superiority because one way of killing is better than the next, thus making one country more civilised than the next; is nothing more than a fraud upon society.

If the leaders of countries have a desire to appease a higher authority, then they would stop killing, not justify their killing method and decry the killing method of another.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Crazy Horse on criticism

It was meant on earth that advice was plentiful and criticism rare.  The negative energy which dominates earth has meant that advice is rare and criticism is plentiful.

It is this barrage of criticism facing people that causes them to not like criticism.  It becomes overpowering.  If criticism was rare, as intended, it would be easier to accept.

Criticism is rarely justified from one human to another, for it is says that the standards of one must be met by another.  Humans often criticise each other if another person's standards are too high, therefore humans criticise each other for being too good as well as too bad.

Those who criticise heavily are passing on the negativity and intolerance they have endured.

Criticism is rarely a loving state, although on occasions it can be.  In general you can change the world around you by criticising less and advising more.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Monday, 9 April 2018

Crazy Horse On input into your life

Earth is mostly a place where you are told what to do, where freedom is misunderstood and where you have little say into large scale decision making, whether or not you live in a democracy.  This has led to apathy, which in turn allows leaders to be non accountable.

It is seen by us that the systems on earth are failing and people need more input.  That means all people, not just privileged classes.

One way to test the effect of  giving people input into their situation is to look at those in gaols.  Let the prisoners, led by the leaders amongst them, decide on the rules by which they should live whilst in prison and let them enforce their own rules.  Strip the gaol of paid staff, other than administrative staff and see how it progresses, which it will.

For some this will test their stated desire for granting equality on earth for they view prisoners as sub human, however, as a social experiment it would show the world how more input and equality would positively change how people live and behave.

All change must be radical in thought and measured in its implementation.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Crazy Horse on the pursuit of happiness

All know of the term, The pursuit of happiness. All agree its value and all want to pursue happiness.

Very few do.

Most put it off until their current problems and combative issues are over.  Most see happiness as something to pursue when the battles are won.

Very few are clever enough to know that the pursuit of happiness is an alternative route to fighting battles.

Therefore, it can be seen that those who are continually fighting battles with others are the least happy.

The least happy are also the least loving, for there is no love in a battle.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Monday, 26 March 2018

Crazy Horse on how you do it, not what you do

When leaders of countries or organisations hold off on decisions until they gauge the reaction of the public, they are not leaders, they are reactionaries and are the wrong people for the job they are performing.

A leader is meant to have an extremely high set of values and is meant to bring the people to those values through decision making.  When they don't have such values and are reactionaries, they are allowing the lowest form of values to run their organisation or country.

It would be simple if such people would just step down from their role, but their lust for power will not allow this to happen.

The consequence is a world without leaders.  It is much more important to be remembered for how you did it, rather than what you did.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Crazy Horse on what a nation accepts

When the sporting team of a nation commits an unethical, unfair act in order to enhance their chance of winning and the nation they represent recoils in shock and admonition, this is a good sign for the nation, for values override results.

When that same nation accepts far worse behaviour from its political leaders without recoil,  because such behaviour is common place, it is time for the nation to take stock.

They are accepting behaviour from political leaders that they don't from sporting representatives.  Either the political leaders change immediately and start to act with values or the country rids themselves of all such people until eventually they are represented by people with values.

From my guide Crazy Horse through avian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Monday, 19 March 2018

Crazy Horse on good and bad behaviour

A person on earth is doing good when they live their life in a way which offers an opportunity for others to grow.

A person is doing bad when they live their life in a way where all they offer is negativity through condemnation of others.

The cause of this bad behaviour will have at its root, envy.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers, Director Sphinx Spiritual

Monday, 12 March 2018

Crazy Horse on when bullying becomes a mental disorder

Unfortunately bullying is common on earth.  It is part of the need to control.

When the need to bully is incessant and is without proper reason, other than the need to bully, it becomes an irrational behaviour and has crossed over to a mental disorder.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Crazy Horse on envy

Envy is when the earthly see an unearthly, wish they could be like that, know they can't be and then live in a lower state as a result of that knowing.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Crazy Crazy Horse on self destruction

One of the Universal truths is that like attracts like.

An example of this is when someone is unhappy, unfulfilled and envious as a person and they set about to spread negative comment about others in an attempt to get other people to dislike the person they are disparaging.  Their aim is to have others normalise their unhappy, unfulfilled and envious existence by finding others who live like them.

Such people might think they are exercising power over and hurt to, the other person.  In reality they are ensuring the continuation of their sad existence.

Self destruction is a particular ability of the unhappy.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Crazy Horse on control

If you watched a foal being born, then standing and in a short period of time, running; you would marvel at its spirit, determination and drive.  It would not cross your mind to hurt it and to slow down its progress.

Yet with other humans you do these things.  The reason is the human need to control.  Any person with more energy and power than you brings forward in you a need to control. This need to control is usually less so for animals for they offer less of a threat.

Control is the need to limit others so that their prowess does not match yours.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Monday, 5 March 2018

Crazy Horse on changing errant behaviour

In your society the way gaol systems run, consigning someone to gaol is not to consign them there for a specified term, but for the course of their life, such are the horrors bestowed upon prisoners.

The system of removing people from society is not meant to be a life long punishment.

The solution lies in how they are treated.  Where prisoners are allowed to care for an animal or to care for a vegetable patch, their behaviour improves.   They learn to give and receive love with the animal and with the earth.

If prisoners behaviour can be so simply turned around why is this practice not more widespread and secondly why is it not seen in society more broadly that the injection of love into a person's life, will change their behaviour.

Society needs to put as much effort into caring for the loveless as they do the sick.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Monday, 26 February 2018

Crazy Horse on the connection between trust and love

You can love broadly without trust in those you love.

You can only love deeply those you trust.

In your life those who you trust will number very few.

From my guide Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, Director Sphinx Spiritual

Crazy Horse on helping or observing

The balance is hard to find between remaining silent and letting others learn their own lessons or having your say to hopefully stop someone unnecessary pain.

The choice is to try to help or sit still and observe.

Perennial observers are accused of being avoiders and perennial helpers are accused of being interfering.

The solution is with one exception, offer your advice and help and if wanted then give it.

The exception is when the other person is angry. Never offer help to an angry person, rather sit and wait for them to overcome their anger and if they do then offer help.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Crazy Horse on International sporting events

International sporting events, such as the Olympics, feature individuals competing in events, representing their country, which means their country at a point in time.

Countries claim credit for victories and medal tallies are primarily kept for countries, not individuals.

However, results really represent the effort of individuals, not their country.  Individuals compete, not countries.

It is inferred that the energy and power of a country shows itself through the competitors who live there.  This is a miniscule part of it.

Countries are just a method to bring an order to the organisation of the games.

When people begin to recognise the effort of individuals, not countries, there will be better will at the games and a better coming together of people, both competitors and spectators alike.

From my guide Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, Director Sphinx Spiritual

Monday, 5 February 2018

Crazy Horse on growth

If you push a child in a pram for too many years, it will become frustrated as it wants to grow beyond the pram and walk.  This you know.

As a child gets older, growth is accepted and is often a badge of honour to the parents. This you know.

Adults want to grow by expanding their horizons and broadening the boundaries they operate within. This is accepted.

As countries want to grow, in accordance with the natural cycle of life, they are often stopped as their growth impinges on the future plans, boundaries or economics of other countries.  This is akin to a child in a pram, they become frustrated and conflict occurs.

The solution is to not stop the growth of a country, but to attempt to have them do it in a way which causes minimal disruption to their neighbours.  This requires cooperation.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual.

Tuesday, 30 January 2018

Crazy Horse on the search for dominance

When nations set out to become a dominant nation, they almost always want that to be economically.

In turn this causes individual businesses to strive for the same, I.e. To be the best in their field economically.

When a business does this they lack the social drive to enhance the welfare and moral growth of their employees.  Sooner or later the energy of such businesses turns employees and customers away, Therefore, their success is short lived.

The same applies to a country, when leaders want to be only measured on economics, any success will be temporary.

For a person, business or nation to search for dominance, if they want longevity, it has to include a social and moral component where they see themselves as a part of something bigger than just themselves.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers, Director Sphinx Spiritual