Monday, 12 November 2018

Crazy Horse on the role of the public to teach politicians

Of all the promises political leaders make to you, how often does that include peace.

Many have promised to protect your borders, but in promising that they are relying on your fear to make their promise worthwhile.

Peace is not an absence of invasion or takeover.  Silly politicians, it's not all about the economy, it's about creating an environment to allow peace.  Peace follows safety.  Safety does not mean isolation.

Therefore peace must be found amongst people.  This feeling can only come when all are following the same vision.  One vision can only come from a leader.

Which political leader has a vision other than reelection.

Keep voting politicians out of power until they learn that people want a vision that will allow the feeling of peace through oneness.  Eventually political leaders will learn, but only when taught by the people.

It is the role of the public to teach politicians.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

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