Monday, 5 February 2018

Crazy Horse on growth

If you push a child in a pram for too many years, it will become frustrated as it wants to grow beyond the pram and walk.  This you know.

As a child gets older, growth is accepted and is often a badge of honour to the parents. This you know.

Adults want to grow by expanding their horizons and broadening the boundaries they operate within. This is accepted.

As countries want to grow, in accordance with the natural cycle of life, they are often stopped as their growth impinges on the future plans, boundaries or economics of other countries.  This is akin to a child in a pram, they become frustrated and conflict occurs.

The solution is to not stop the growth of a country, but to attempt to have them do it in a way which causes minimal disruption to their neighbours.  This requires cooperation.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual.

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