Thursday, 27 September 2018

Crazy Horse on US political abuse of power

In the USA currently, a woman has complained against a nominee for the Supreme Court over an alleged sexual assault when they were young teenagers.

This has called into question the Supreme Court nomination.

The woman, already anxious, was clearly made more anxious by the alleged sexual assault.

She has been coerced and supported by a political party to give public evidence of what took place and its effect.  In giving evidence she was labelled a national hero by the political party who encouraged and supported her to give evidence.

Labelling her a hero is hyprocacy in its most damaging form.

The political party supporting her has little to no interest in her other than for their political expediency.

The effect of giving evidence is that her trauma over giving public evidence is much worse than from the event as she sits in the light of public judgement, criticism and abuse.  Shortly she will be discarded and left to her own devices to cope.

The situation for this woman was made worse by the political party who nominated the potential Supreme Court Judge, who put political advantage well before either their candidates' or the lady's emotional health.

 This is a cynical abuse of power disguised as doing the right thing.  The victim of the original alleged assault is now a victim for life, not from the original event, but from the actions of two political parties who are so recklessly indifferent to the needs of a fragile individual who has been sacrificed at the altar of short term and inconsequential political gain.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

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