Saturday, 21 April 2018

Crazy Horse on ecological warfare

The most serious physical issue facing earth is the fight to save the ecology and a fight it is.

The fight is between those who are more interested in short term profit or power versus those who are interested in the long term health of the planet.

It is not a fight that should be occurring. The fact that there are people who will still favour short term profit or power over the health of the earth is an indictment on where the thinking on earth is at.

He choice of profit or power occurs because such people disassociate from other people, from future generations and from other places of existence, making themselves so self important that their profit or power motive becomes justified.

In sum this is a lack of accountability. You are not on earth solely for yourselves, but as part of creating a greater good.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

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