Monday, 5 March 2018

Crazy Horse on changing errant behaviour

In your society the way gaol systems run, consigning someone to gaol is not to consign them there for a specified term, but for the course of their life, such are the horrors bestowed upon prisoners.

The system of removing people from society is not meant to be a life long punishment.

The solution lies in how they are treated.  Where prisoners are allowed to care for an animal or to care for a vegetable patch, their behaviour improves.   They learn to give and receive love with the animal and with the earth.

If prisoners behaviour can be so simply turned around why is this practice not more widespread and secondly why is it not seen in society more broadly that the injection of love into a person's life, will change their behaviour.

Society needs to put as much effort into caring for the loveless as they do the sick.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

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