Thursday, 20 September 2018

Crazy Horse on the flow of unauthorised immigrants

Countries whose borders are the sea, rely on that to act as a barrier to stop the flow of unauthorised immigration. It has not worked.

Countries who borders are on land cannot rely on building a physical barrier such as a wall to keep out authorised immigrants.  The invention of the ladder rendered this futile.

The more significant issue with a wall is that it creates a fortress mentality.  Us versus them.  Of course this is the primary motive for such a wall of any leader promoting building one.

A political leader promoting a fortress mentality is wanting to ensure that the people in siege see him as their leader, the one protecting them against the rest of the world.  Hence it is a tool for self grandiosment, with no other practical effect.

In promoting such a wall the leader is doing a serious misdeed to the people, for he is trying to take them away from the thinking of one people, one  world.  This is short term thinking for political expediency at its worst.  This is not the role of a leader.

It is also not the way to treat your people or to stop unauthorised immigrants.

The real question to be answered is do you really want to stop unauthorised immigrants and why.

If the answer is yes and that is an ideologically held belief, whether sound or not, then that country is bound to begin the process of removing all unauthorised immigrants already in residence in their country.  If there is not a will to do his there is no real will to stopping  more coming in.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

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