Saturday, 15 September 2018

Crazy Horse on major storms

It is known that major storms are not accidental and do not happen in random locations.

It is further known that they are a message to man that he cannot control all things, is a part of something bigger and ought to get his priorities in order.

When a major storm hits it is cleansing to the energy of the area, not withstanding  damage caused.  It   Is using the force of nature to say things have to change.

When storm after storm hits the same country, it is not because of its geographical location, it is because nothing is changing.

Storms destroy property and possessions.  Storms show man that as compared to their life, they are of little value.

Why then following the storm does man return to a low values life where possessions and corruption are paramount

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

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