Tuesday, 30 January 2018

Crazy Horse on the search for dominance

When nations set out to become a dominant nation, they almost always want that to be economically.

In turn this causes individual businesses to strive for the same, I.e. To be the best in their field economically.

When a business does this they lack the social drive to enhance the welfare and moral growth of their employees.  Sooner or later the energy of such businesses turns employees and customers away, Therefore, their success is short lived.

The same applies to a country, when leaders want to be only measured on economics, any success will be temporary.

For a person, business or nation to search for dominance, if they want longevity, it has to include a social and moral component where they see themselves as a part of something bigger than just themselves.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers, Director Sphinx Spiritual

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