Thursday 25 February 2016

Crazy Horse on identifying loving people

People who are loving are easily identifiable. When darkness and negativity become a part of their life, they will quickly determine that they cannot live in this manner and will find a way to restore harmony to their lives.  This allows the love in them to again show and be dominant.

Those people who are continuously negative, who are always complaining about the actions of others are that way because they are not, within themselves, loving.  Hence, they will opt to stay in their negative state.

You can see that loving people will only be in a negative state for a short time and non loving people for long periods.

From my guide, Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, medium and spiritual teacher.

Monday 22 February 2016

Crazy Horse on repression

The more outrageous the behaviour is to you, the more outraged you need to be.  To be less outraged than the level of behaviour towards you, is repression.

The more joyous the occasion, the more joyous you need to be.  To not do so is to be repressed.

From my guide, Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, medium and spiritual teacher.

Monday 15 February 2016

Crazy Horse on the domination of animals

Capturing animals such as a dolphin, putting them on public display and teaching them to jump through a hoop for the benefit of humans, is cruel.

By doing this you are stealing the spirit of the animal so as to show the domination of man and to make money.  In return the dolphin is fed.

If you want to watch a dolphin play then travel to its natural habitat and watch.

It is not the right of man to steal the spirit of other humans or animals, particularly for selfish reasons.

From my guide, Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, medium and spiritual teacher.

Thursday 11 February 2016

Crazy Horse on community culture

The strength of a community is its culture.  Where that culture sets high standards of expected behaviour due to the actions and learning of your ancestors, a community is in good stead.  This is the gift a community leaves future generations.

Where the actions of a community have been to serve greed, power or both with no thought of the future, a community will not grow over time.

You will recognise a community that has not grown for they will act in the same manner as their forefathers, serving only the immediate and not leaving any gifts for the future.

Where the community leaders do not act with a sense of responsibility to the past and the future, they will be failed leaders.

Where a community acts in the same failed way over a century or more, the community will be in decline.  That decline will be rapid.  It can only be changed through changed values.

From my guide, Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, medium and spiritual teacher

Monday 8 February 2016

Crazy Horse on a wedding ceremony

The symbology of a wedding is the proclamation of love of two people for each other and the subsequent outpouring of that love to all who bear witness to it.

The reason for the wedding is the orderly existence of society through a collection of laws.  Man made the wedding ceremony, not spirit.  The laws envisaged a wedding to be between a male and female.

A couple of the same gender can love each other with the same degree of intensity as a couple of different genders.  A same gender couple at their wedding ceremony can pour out their love to the same degree as a couple of different genders.

Therefore, if any of the laws of man preclude a same gender marriage, their law can only be saying that the presence of a same gender married couple will affect the orderly existence of man.  This is unsupportable.

Those denying such a union are denying the outpouring of love at a marriage ceremony and subsequent positive effects on all present.  They are encouraging only an orderly and suppressed society.

From my guide, Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, medium and spiritual teacher

Monday 1 February 2016

Cray Horse on great music

The composers of music do not expect those who listen to it, to understand its intent and musical nuances in the same way as they do.

They are sufficiently satisfied that you just listen to it, for they know that great music is an accompanyment to change.  Desire and inspiration for change and growth and rarely found without an external intervention.  Often this is music.

Within the notes and rhythm a peace can be found to allow you to unlock the pathway forward.

This is why great compositions are eternal, it's mind music.

From my guide, Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, medium and spiritual teacher.

Crazy Horse on reaching an accord

In order to reach an accord with another, find a genuine interest in the other's situation.  Once that is found, listening is easy.  Without a genuine interest in the other's situation, you don't listen, you sit silently waiting to speak.  When this happens an accord will not be reached, just a compromise favouring the stronger party.

From my guide, Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, medium and spiritual teacher.