Friday 26 April 2013

Crazy Horse on who you associate with.

It is not so much that you are judged by your associates, as you are judged by the energy of your associates.
If your essence is as a loving person and you associate with a person/s too long who is/are tense, in need of feeling powerful, angry and who readily judges others; it is only a matter of time before that energy infiltrates yours at a cost to your loving energy.  When you take on their tension and negativity, you become diminished, for they are not trying to learn from you, but to change you to be like them.
At such a time recognise that you cannot help them, that there are others in real need of your energy and move on.

From my guide CrazyHorse, through Ian Rogers, medium & spiritual teacher.

Monday 8 April 2013

Crazy Horse on permanence.

Action inspires hope.
Faith inspires courage.
The battle of life inspires resilience.
Together they inspire permanence.

From my guide Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, medium and spiritual teacher.

Wednesday 3 April 2013

Crazy Horse on Anger in a group situation

One of the causes of anger in a group situation is when you feel people around you are doing better than you are in your life.  This causes a need to change direction, either to try to improve your journey or to move away from people you perceive are doing well because you feel misunderstood. 

The anger arises when, in attempting to change direction, you feel swamped by the group's strong and positive energy and instead of moving along in the wake of that energy, you set out to fight it.  The reason you choose to fight it at that time is because you do not feel heard or understood about the difficulties of your life.

The solution would be to move in the wake of others energy, until you feel resilient enough to stand in your own stead and confident enough to add to the positive energy of the group.

From my guide, Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, medium & spiritual teacher.

Tuesday 2 April 2013

Crazy Horse on fitting in.

If you do not fit in with a group of people, whether that be work, social or family, it is for one of two reasons.

The first is that your energy is darker or lower than the others and energetically you find yourself rejected.

The second is that your energy is lighter or higher than the others and energetically you find yourself rejecting them.

Either way, to try to fit in where there is an energy mismatch is futile and can only result in disappointment and pain.

From my guide Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, Medium & Spiritual Teacher.