Monday 8 September 2014

Crazy Horse on lies

When someone aspiring for a political office makes a promise which they are not certain can be kept and isn't, you call it a broken promise.  In any other part of life that is called a lie.

Such a person elected on a lie, will lie once elected.  Surprisingly, people are surprised.  When they do it is called a political lie.  In any other  part of life it is called a lie.

Whilst telling lies by political officers is tolerated, it will continue.  They ought be elected for a fixed term, unless they lie, then they are automatically removed.

Then and only then will you see political officers lead in the way they were intended.

From my guide, Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, medium and spiritual teacher.

Monday 1 September 2014

Crazy Horse on egalitarianism

How easy it is for a political leader to state that the strong ought not dominate the weak, especially when referring to the actions of another government.

This is especially so when the political leader is allied to another country whose government continually dominates the weak.

You need political leaders to comment on world affairs, particularly when they appear to be bringing a voice of reason.

Much more than this you need political leaders who will do as they ask others to do and in this way lead the way through example.

Only when you lead an egalitarian society can you afford yourself the privilege of criticising others for non egalitarian behaviour.

From my guide, Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, medium and spiritual teacher.

Crazy Horse on resolving conflict

Where there is conflict between people, no matter how large the conflict, a short term fix might be to overpower one or other side with more force, but it is not and will never be a solution.

A conflict born over time must be resolved over time and can only be done through a greater understanding of the other combatant.  Those who try to stop forceful conflict through greater force can only ever be doing it for short term glory.

Inter human conflict is a part of life people on earth have never mastered.  It will only ever be mastered when short term solutions are not sought.

 From my guide Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, medium and spiritual teacher