Thursday, 17 December 2020

Crazy Horse on planning and fear of the unknown

 Planning can only be for the known, not the unknown.

The unknown cannot be planned for but must be allowed for.

The unknown should not frighten you.

As the wind rushed to the sea it met the force of the incoming waves.  The top of the waves were disturbed by the wind, but the waves rolled on.  The wind at its lowest point was disturbed, but it blew on.

So it is with life.  The unknown will throw major disturbances but will not stop you moving on.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Saturday, 5 December 2020

Crazy Horse on mediocre organisations

 In an organisation which is deeply embedded in processes, success is measured on how well people strictly adhere to the process.

The best at adhering to process are rewarded by promotion to positions of leadership.

The last thing leaders need to be experts of, is adhering to process. 

Such organisations are guaranteeing that only the mediocre rise and  only the mediocre stay.  This means that such an organisation is consigned to mediocrity, but will never understand why that is so.

The way to assist this is through more honesty.  Do not give people titles that state or imply leadership.  Rather call them titles such as, Supervisor of process, Head of process, Chief process officer.  This will allow future leaders to look elsewhere for fulfilment.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Crazy Horse on what the Indian had

 In the time of the Indian, they had nothing, but had everything.

Today people have everything, but nothing.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Sunday, 29 November 2020

Crazy Horse on being a winner

 A winner does not take all, they just stand tall.

A winner does not accept that there is a loser, just someone who did not win.

A winner is gracious and acknowledges that in any contest the outcome is division.

A winner will give the other party significant say in shaping the future.

The one who does not win is meant to graciously and humbly accept the role of the winner and pledge their ongoing support to the work of the winner.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Sunday, 15 November 2020

Crazy Horse on the price of an unhealthy ego

 Those people with an unhealthy ego will, at the worst possible time, be humiliated. That will make or break them and set the pattern for the next stage of their life.

The holder of an unhealthy ego will end up paying a greater price for the actions they take, than the damage caused to those their ego has caused them to hurt.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Sunday, 8 November 2020

Crazy Horse on those in power who operate for personal gain.

 The pandemic of Covid is real.  It will pass in time and mutate into something else.

In the meantime, beware of those who look to the suffering of the pandemic for personal gain.

The first way to recognise them is that they will operate under the guise of trying to reduce suffering from the pandemic.

The personal gain will come in the time honoured, but entirely dishonourable way of financial gain.  Having induced fear into the populace, they offer a solution which is primarily for their own benefit, not for the good of the people.

The more insidious method is those who use the pandemic for an increase in their own power, with a reckless disregard for the good of the citizens.  Watch not for what they say or how they act, watch instead for whether their words and actions increase their personal power.

True leaders find themselves in unfortunate circumstances and humbly accept their role and act accordingly.  The insidious develop a strut, a cockiness and stop listening to what is best for all.

Sooner or later the fall from grace of the insidious is sharp and steep.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 


Thursday, 5 November 2020

Crazy Horse on giving permission to political leaders to lie.

 When a country does not demand that their political leader stop lying, they are giving tacit approval to their lying.

When almost half a country votes in an election for the encumbered liar, they are giving further tacit approval to their lying.

Therefore, it should come as no surprise that the encumber leader tells even greater lies to both justify a potential loss and to cause civil unrest, which would be their parting gift, should they lose.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Sunday, 1 November 2020

Crazy Horse on grace

The amount of grace in a person is directly related to their spiritual growth which affects their self acceptance, which allows their grace to shine.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Sunday, 25 October 2020

Crazy Horse on powerless

 To feel powerless on earth is common and by itself not a huge problem.

To feel powerless when you don’t respect the person taking away your power is problematic.

To feel powerless when the person taking away your power is incompetent, morally corrupt and a brazen liar who constantly abuses their power, will lead to frustration, anger, illness, desperation and listlessness.

Either the person causing this must be ignored or you must leave their jurisdiction.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Thursday, 22 October 2020

Crazy Horse on endangering animal species.

 Where the removal of natural habitat causes animals to change their diet to either eating what humans eat or eating the remains of human food so as to survive, is one of the great human abuses of power.

Animals forced to change their diet to non natural foods, will quickly fall into sickness that will endanger their species.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Crazy Horse on ‘its about the economy’

 The great myth by political leaders, especially seeking election or re election, is that it is all about the economy.

Such political figures want to make it about the economy because they do not have the vision or personal values to lead their constituents to making their place or country a place of higher moral values, where they are as concerned for others as they are about themselves and collective betterment is more important than personal betterment.

Thus when a politician wants to make the economy the major issue of their policies, see them for who they are, people who are severely limited in what they can do.

A political leader who lacks a proper understanding of the emotional well being of their constituents is an enemy of the people they purport to lead.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Tuesday, 20 October 2020

Crazy Horse on touch

Touch by one person to another brings a soft reassurance of acceptance.  Touch is a way of displaying your feelings and invites the other person to equally express their feelings.

Touch makes you feel worthy.

Those who touch others frequently are more likely to reach out to help others in their lives.

Those who refrain from touching others are choosing to withhold their energy.  This is selfishness.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Sunday, 18 October 2020

Crazy Horse on Connivance

 Whenever there is connivance between two or more people, there is at least one innocent person unaware of the connivance who will be adversely affected.

Therefore, the secret schemings by some affect many.  This is particularly so in business and politics.

Connivance is a lack of honesty, done to dupe and hurt others for a private gain, usually justified in the mind of the connivers on moral grounds.

Therefore, connivers lack honesty and morals.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 


Sunday, 11 October 2020

Crazy Horse on Arrogance

 There is none so arrogant as one who perpetually lies.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Crazy Horse on Patience

Patience is staying still in a bad time, knowing or believing that a good time is about to happen.

Patience is lost when you know or believe that the good time will not come as you believed.

Patience turns to anger when the good time is taken away through no fault of your own and in a manner you consider to be unfair. 

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Sunday, 4 October 2020

Crazy Horse on. And the President was sick.....

 And the President was sick from the pandemic virus.

What should people feel about that?

For he had blamed another country for the commencement of the virus, for he opted for herd immunity without telling the people, having them believe the pandemic was trite; for he did little to improve the health facilities of the country; for he purported to represent the real members of his country but did not do so in the pandemic.

What should you feel?   The President is responsible for his decisions and their intended and unintended outcomes, therefore, you ought feel the same amount of compassion for him as you do for all virus sufferers.  In doing this you are showing equality, the exact lesson the President needs to learn the most.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Sunday, 27 September 2020

Crazy Horse on a sacrifice

 To make a sacrifice is to give up a part of yourself for the incremental good of other/s.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Tuesday, 22 September 2020

Crazy Horse on what a disappointment is

 A disappointment in your life is when you have a failed expectation with the level of disappointment related to the degree of failure of the expectation.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Sunday, 20 September 2020

Crazy Horse on the fantasy of being a hero

 There have been many people on earth who have performed heroic acts, all for the good of others, with no thought of self, who have earned the title, hero.

There are others who think of themselves as a hero and want to be remembered as such.  These people carry out acts that are not heroic, not for the betterment of others, but for self grandiosement.

These people usually hold an office which allows them to do this.  Their interest is in how they are seen and they seize upon an event to play out their hero fantasy.

Long will such people brood over their failed desire to be and to be remembered as, a hero.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Sunday, 13 September 2020

Crazy Horse on ‘ give too much power and it will be abused’

 The history of earth shows that if you give any government instrumentality too much power, including police, they will abuse it.

That abuse of power will always follow a person in leadership giving their employees tacit or express approval to abuse their power.

The abuse is justified by attempting to marginalise so called wrongdoers in the eyes of society as somehow being inferior to the rest of society.

The reality is disguised in any way, it is an abuse of power, the responsibility for which lies at the feet of the leaders who gave that power and for which they will pay a debt.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Sunday, 6 September 2020

Crazy Horse on the cost of apathy

 It is normal for politicians throughout the world to lie, so normal that people expect it and have become apathetic to it.

The lying ranges from lying through omission to straight out deceit.

Thus, when politicians lie about matters of significance that impacts on the freedom and livelihood of their constituents, it is of no use to complain because you have allowed it for so long that politicians see lying as acceptable.

The road back to honest politicians is a long one and must start with not accepting any form of lies.

Let such lying indicate to you the cost of apathy.

F on my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Thursday, 3 September 2020

Crazy Horse on restricting the movements of citizens

 In modern times citizens of many countries and regions are being locked up for parts of the day with all of their movements restricted.  They are asked to do this for the greater good of all citizens.

The basis for the political decisions to lock people up and otherwise restrict their movement is said to be expert scientific and medical opinion and advice.

People will respond to that whilst they accept the medical and scientific advice.  When they begin to doubt it, their conviction in the political process will waver.

Citizens also expect that political leaders will take into account the needs of them as citizens that science and medicine do not.

Where they believe the political leader is not taking their needs into account and erring too much on the side of science, they will quickly lose respect for the leader and begin to disregard their edicts.

Any political leader who disregards the needs of their constituents has become too arrogant to continue in their role.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Sunday, 23 August 2020

Crazy Horse on the control of the media

 Why is it tolerated that certain media outlets are known for the stance they will take on issues that come before them.

Why are media outlets so one dimensional?

It is because they are not independent, rather controlled or owned by those using them to push a line that suits their benefactors.

Why are Governments not able to be trusted for the efficacy of their decisions.  It is because they are controlled or influenced by lobby groups doing the same to them as happens in the media.

This is why Governments cannot be trusted to fund a public media outlet, for they directly or indirectly try to influence the editorial basis of the outlet.

It is fixable through legislation where any attempt to interfere in the workings of a public broadcaster are punishable by law and the government has no ability to reduce the amount of funding as a measure of control. 

An independent media outlet is one that deals with issues on their merit and is not predictable in their approach.

An independent media is a sign of a free society, a controlled one is a sign of a society which accepts being manipulated by a few for their personal gain through their media outlet.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Wednesday, 19 August 2020

The Wisdom of Crazy Horse via Podcast

 The Wisdom of Crazy Horse is now able to be listened to through Ian Rogers on podcast. There are 6 episodes available on Apple titled ‘Out of the box chat’. These podcasts incorporate the knowledge given by Crazy Horse

Sunday, 16 August 2020

Crazy Horse on ‘I did my best, insofar as I would allow my best to be’

 Imagine the torment of being a parent on earth, failing in that role, passing to the Spiritual World and as a consequence of your failure as a parent, being limited in what you experience in the Spiritual World. 

The frustration at your life on earth carries forward into the Spiritual World where you experience a deprivation, like on earth.

Such a person then tries to contact their child or children on earth to have them understand the situation the parent faced on earth and think of them more kindly.

The child might or might not do this, for it is unimportant.  All that is happening is that the entity in the Spiritual World is refusing to learn and accept accountability for their actions.

Such an entity justifies their refusal to learn on the premise, ‘I did my best’, without understanding that they did not do their best, for the best they did do was contrived.

Such an entity needs to learn, ‘I did my best, insofar as I would allow my best to be.’

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Tuesday, 11 August 2020

Crazy Horse on You are enough

 In saying to you, you are enough, I am telling you that you are enough for what your life currently provides and you are enough for much more in life.

To get more from life you need to grow.  In order to grow you have to allow for change, in the knowledge and belief that you are enough to handle what the change brings and once it has been you will be able to see how it assisted you.

For some, you are enough, means manacles in mediocrity, for others an avenue to openness and fulfillment.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Sunday, 9 August 2020

Crazy Horse on malicious actions.

 Being malicious towards another is carrying out an action that is designed to deliberately hurt another person.

How do you know which acts are malicious against you and which are not.

The answer lies in the behaviour of the person carrying out an action which causes hurt.

It will show as a course of conduct in their actions, in their reaction to your hurt.  These will help you ascertain their intent.

Look for the person who can truly say, ‘I know not who I hurt for I set out to hurt no one’.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Tuesday, 4 August 2020

Crazy Horse on dreams

There are dreams you have of a night and dreams you have about your future.

For most the dreams you have about your future are shattered and you then need to form a new dream.

The reason dreams about your future are so often shattered is because you hold these dreams.

Dreams need to hold you and carry you down the river of life cushioned in comfort and safety.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Sunday, 26 July 2020

Crazy Horse on the prospect of happiness

If you are contemplating a future with another person and the future does not look bright, it is unlikely you will go through the door into the relationship.

If you are in a relationship with someone and the future  does not look bright, it is likely that you will stay in the relationship.

A current relationship has had more invested into it than a prospective relationship, hence people are more likely to remain in it, even though it is an unhappy relationship.

Such people are hoping for the unachievable.  They are choosing the certainty of misery over the prospect of happiness.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Sunday, 19 July 2020

Crazy Horse on Man can not control the environment

Over the course of your life, many people ponder as to where on earth they would prefer to be.

In this current time, where you want to be is where the covid virus is not.

Man does not realise that he has lived with different  viruses forever, this latest one is just another one.  They all kill.

Moreover, you will continue to live with viruses into the future, which will also kill.

In the foolhardy way of man, they are concentrating on finding a vaccine, so that they can continue living as they were, without stopping to understand why there is a constant stream of viruses on earth.

When you stop polluting the earth and destroying the ecology, including by weapons of war, there is hope of reducing the amount of viruses on earth.  To do that man needs to learn one thing.

Man can not control the environment, man must work within it.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Sunday, 12 July 2020

Crazy Horse on wasting time

Wasting time is the period of time you spend in your life in indecision.

Therefore, it is the period of time between one action and the next.

Action, good or bad is not wasted time, for from both you can learn.

Life must be a series of actions, big and small, with the minimum of time in between.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Sunday, 5 July 2020

Crazy Horse on corruptors.

Those who corrupt, live by the motto that, ‘everyone has their price’.

Corruptors know that some people’s price is measured in dollars and others in power.

They are wrong in believing all people have a price, for they are not counting people of high values.

Unfortunately such people are very small in number, which means that almost all are corruptible.

However, it is those few of high values who are honoured by history, it is they who stand out like a beacon to the rest of society, it is they who become heroes, it is they who become the enemy of the corruptors and it is they who will lead earth in the direction it needs.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Sunday, 28 June 2020

Crazy Horse on your knowledge

Within each person on earth is great knowledge, knowledge known from other lives, or knowledge learned in their current life; knowledge used by each person or knowledge ignored.

Each person who acknowledges that they have knowledge ignored is at a point of significant learning in their life.

Little is done with this knowledge in most cultures, particularly those who do not pass down the stories of their ancestors.

Whether it is knowledge used or knowledge ignored, many will benefit from it being passed down.

Write your tome for your family to pass down over time for if it helps your family it makes your life to be more worthwhile.

Every life is a story worthy of recording.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Sunday, 21 June 2020

Crazy Horse On the growth of love

To lose something you must first have possessed it.

You cannot lose the love of someone who had not loved you.

The promise of love is what keeps you striving for love, whether that promise is from persons known or unknown.

The possibility of love with another doth grow gently.

To hurry the growth of love is to overcook it.

Something overcooked is generally discarded.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Crazy Horse on Insecurity

Insecurity is the lack of feeling secure in some or all parts of your life.

A lot of people who feel insecure set out to hide it by being controlling of those around.  Instead of learning what they do not know, they put too much emphasis into what they do know, often overstating their point of view, which comes across as a lack of tolerance of others.

This form of behaviour stills debate from others and holds everyone back.

The answer lies in self acceptance, the journey to which is long.  In accepting yourself that means you must accept your limitations.  A true acceptance of those will drive you to improve and grow.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Monday, 15 June 2020

Crazy Horse on the feeling of beauty

People who feel truly beautiful, only do so when they feel that what they are doing with their life is worthwhile and adding to the lives of others.

The feeling of beauty cannot come from external appearance alone.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Sunday, 14 June 2020

Crazy Horse on ‘the road to Nirvana ‘

The highway to Nirvana travels through the darkest lands. All on the highway recognise the darkness surrounding the highway.  Why then do all need to stop and visit the darkness?

It is said that you need to visit the darkness to appreciate the light. Why then do humans continuously visit the dark?

It is because of humans need for immediate gratification and justified because the road to Nirvana is not labelled with a distance.

This explains the slow speed of travel on the road to Nirvana.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Crazy Horse on the visible breakdown of democracy

In the Australian state of Victoria, you are witnessing the greatest abuse of political power that has ever been disclosed in that country.

The level of abuse affects all and puts into question every political decision made.

Worse than that, it shows the world that democracy is in name only.

How strange that so called democratic countries criticise the likes of Russia and China for interfering in the democratic system.  There is nothing they can do that democratic countries have not done to themselves.

The events of Victoria are symptomatic of what the world is witnessing, the visible breakdown of what is known as democracy.

The question facing the inhabitants of so called democratic countries is whether they  want to continue under a model where abuse of power is the norm, the only question being the degree, or whether they want real democracy for the first time in the history of the earth.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Sunday, 31 May 2020

Crazy Horse on power and apathy

If the various levels of government in the US can lay claim to anything, it is a staunch refusal to learn from history.

The current riots are because of the unwarranted killing of a black man by a policeman.  The people have had enough and a rioting against all levels of government for the discriminatory behaviour against minorities, even though their current ire is against police forces.

The problem is long standing and cultural.  America prides itself on being a country of laws and uses them prolifically nationally and internationally, giving a sense of absolute power to those holding power.

It is natural that this sense of power entitlement shifts down the line to police forces, whereby police members feel they have the power and right to do as they want, a power bestowed upon them only through the uniform they wear, a power entitling them to dishonour all good behaviour because they see the minorities as unequal.

What have they learned from the time of their dishonourable behaviour towards the Indian.

The problem is in their so called belief in being a country of laws and the stringent way they enforce them to suit their own ends.

A country is not measured as being civilised through the amount of laws they have and enforce; rather civilisation is measured by the tolerance given in the application of laws.

There is an exception to this: Australia, where the people would not riot over abuses against their aborigines because they are too apathetic.

Abuse of power and apathy are equally dangerous.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Monday, 25 May 2020

Crazy Horse on the power of your guides.

Each person on earth has with them a team of guides to help you with your life on earth.

Guides give hope and inspiration, regardless of whether or not you are on track.

Most importantly it is they with whom you communicate nightly in your sleep state.  Unlike communicating with people on earth, all communication with them are honest and the dishonest stories you use in daily life to tell your stories of misdirection and manipulation are seen through, thus forcing the truth to prevail.

Having received this truth as to issues in your life, if you reject the advice of your guides, it is because you do not want hope and inspiration.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Crazy Horse on ‘to be seduced’

To be seduced is to be reduced.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Sunday, 17 May 2020

Crazy Horse: loneliness is when....

Loneliness only occurs when you have not found your tribe, or if you have found it, you have not, as yet, reached the position in the tribe to which you aspire.

Being cut off from people is not loneliness, it is self imposed isolation.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Monday, 11 May 2020

Crazy Horse on Identity

The identity of people on earth is something that is not arrived at in one lifetime.

Identity for almost all people is a work in progress and it is too much to expect people to know who they are.

Identity is only discovered when a person becomes sufficiently evolved to realise that they want to stop achieving for themselves and give to others. That giving is always loving, inspiring and brings hope to those who they come into contact with.

It is only in discovering their identity that these people can find the inner peace to determine how they will give of themselves to others.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Tuesday, 5 May 2020

Crazy Horse on the source of everlasting love

Everlasting love on earth is an ideal, not a practical reality.

Life on earth has too many distractions for people to love continually, humans love sporadically.  The restricted amount of love on earth means there is less loving energy left on earth from each person, which in turn means there is less for each person coming to earth or return to earth, to draw upon.

With no ongoing and permanent loving source to draw from, earth struggles to evolve into a better world.  The question is where do humans draw love from at any time during their life.

The answer is your guide.  Guides are assigned to each person and without the constraints of earth’s energy, are permanently loving.  They are the only source of ongoing and everlasting love on earth.

A crucial part of spirituality is learning how to access that love and allow it to guide you in your life.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Monday, 27 April 2020

Crazy Horse on the eternal energy of earth

Earth is a place where, in difficult circumstances, people are meant to learn to be and to be, loving to each other.  In the vast majority of times they are not.

Over the course of many lives this is meant to grow into learning how to give unconditional love.
Such people on earth who can do this are extremely rare.

Love is meant to be the eternal energy of earth, the thing that those returning to earth are guaranteed to feel.  It is not.

The eternal energy earth has given itself over time is ill will.  It is ill will that entities returning to earth can expect to receive and in turn, learn to give.

The energy of ill will is the predominant energy people share with each other.  This is at the opposite end of the scale to where earth was meant to be.

To begin the change just choose to be more loving and consciously give less ill will to others.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Sunday, 26 April 2020

Crazy Horse on permanency

To the Ancient Egyptians the earth was permanent where they and those to follow them would be a part of earth forever.   They built structures that were permanent, some standing today.

To the American Indian their lands were permanent and their role with their land would go on forever.  They treated the land in a sustainable way.

Today, in a time of self believed cleverness and technology nothing is seen as permanent.  This includes the land, buildings, inventions and relationships.  Permanency has gone in the name of (economic) progress.

This stems from a belief that money solves all issues and technology is used as a tool of immediacy.

When money and technology do not work, people resort to fear, hiding from the reality of their impermanent attitude.

The return of permanency is presently more important than anything else on earth.  The prospect of people losing their permanency and dying from a virus, has shown people’s inner need for permanency.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Wednesday, 22 April 2020

Crazy Horse on ‘It is a time of reflection’

With most of earth confined due to a virus, the lack of industry and transport is showing you a cleaner world, one some of you remember from childhood.  You are being shown a world that could be if industry polluted less and there was less vehicular use.

The lack of transport has been a contributor to a drop in oil prices, leaving many countries, companies and individuals affected financially.  With most businesses forced to close, financial hardship and ruin is everywhere.

Millions more are unemployed relying on savings or government handouts to live.

Where allowed, more and more people are walking placing fresh air and exercise above in home technology.

People are using technology to communicate, but are realising it does not replace face to face communication.

Fresh food, including home grown food has become a priority for many.

All of this has led to a temporary state of contentment as life becomes more simple with the time and opportunity to enjoy it.

Will it cause people to make long term decisions to alter their life where simplicity and contentment become more important than the selfish pursuit of wealth?

If it doesn’t then a lot of what has occurred at the one time, has been wasted.  This is not an enforced time of isolation and rest paid for by a government; it is a time of reflection and decision making about how you will lead your life when once again you are allowed to make such choices.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Wednesday, 15 April 2020

Crazy Horse on the role of Government in a pandemic

For many reasons, the US government of the day decided to remove freedom from the American Indians and confine them to reservations.  This was an effective method of controlling the Indians and removing their rights to roam their traditional lands.

They stopped Indians mixing with other tribes, by limiting the reservation to their own tribe.  They restricted the Indians from practising their own Spiritual beliefs and forced them to rely on the government to provide food or the means to buy food.

The government encouraged spies within the reservations to report any breach of the rules or any signs of uprising to the police of the day.  They gave police open power to ensure the Indians were compliant.

Soon the government allowed in missionaries to replace the Spiritual beliefs of the Indian with those of their own.  They began to educate the Indian in white man’s ways, but the education was limited.

The result was a culturally weakened Indian suffering a loss of independence.  The government representing them, controlled them. To a significant degree, two centuries later, this situation remains.

It is a proper and reasonable action for a representative government to take, to isolate people in a pandemic, so as to limit its spread, thus save lives.  The people must agree and want to do it.

Where a pandemic results in a dramatic loss of liberty and an unhealthy reliance on the government, there are warning signs emerging for the public.  Further warning signs appear when all the government talks about is isolation and there is not a clearly laid out exit plan for the people.

Representative governments represent the people, not control them to an unnatural degree other than what is required to restrict the spread of the pandemic.  It is called a pandemic because it has spread internationally.  The aim is to restrict the pandemic, not the people.

In isolating you, Governments are not doing wrong, it is the extent of the isolation, including the loss of rights, which if allowed to go on for too long, becomes the new norm, that is cause for concern.

If the number of pandemic cases is shown to have dropped over three weeks there is no reason for ongoing extreme isolation. If isolation continues without valid explanation and in the absence of a fully documented exit plan. ...............

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Thursday, 2 April 2020

Crazy Horse on short vision

The journey is only long for those with a short vision.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Crazy Horse on resilience

Resilience is finding and acting on a new hope.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Sunday, 29 March 2020

Crazy Horse on politicians who cried wolf.

On earth, politicians are known for many things, one of which is not being truthful.

They pride themselves on avoiding questions, telling part truths, part untruths and openly lying.

As a consequence people have little respect for politicians, mostly dismissing what they have to say.

When a crisis occurs, such as the Corona virus, it is politicians who decide on the rules imposed on society and politicians who tell the public what is right for them to do.

They announce the rules and updates in a strong assertive tone, expecting people to believe them.  When people don’t, they get affronted and angry.

They do not realise that what they are saying to the public is, I have never been totally honest with you before, but now I am, so you must believe me.

Unfortunately for them, they have been untruthful too often for people to suddenly accept their veracity.

In the short term politicians should not announce rules and updates on the Corona virus.  If such a person exists, they need to find someone who the public trusts to make such announcements.

In the long term they must begin a new life of being honest with the public so that when a future crisis occurs, they might be believed.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Crazy Horse on fear leadership

Cultures raised on institutional fear are prone to be receptive to accepting leadership by fear in their adulthood from political leaders.

This is because such people have never, of their own accord, formed a strong and enduring belief system.  Rather they have led their life with the same fear instilled belief system of others.

Thus when a political leader, in a situation of significance, uses fear to get people to obey, such people do so and pass that fear onto others, which can become aggressive.

People with a set of belief systems, formed through their own choice, do not react well to fear leadership, dismissing it, losing respect for a political leader using such a tactic.

This causes a divide in society with the fear mongerers being critical of those with their own belief system.

What fear leaders do not realise is that the more they inspire fear to get their way, the more people, even those raised on it, begin to reject the message and openly disobey.

Fear leadership has never worked, except in the short term.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Sunday, 22 March 2020

Crazy Horse on human contact

The illness afflicting the world will pass, until the next one comes.  History shows that no matter how many vaccinations man creates, nature shows her dominance by throwing up another illness.

Illness ravages the body and in some cases it is able to be helped by vaccinations.

Illness also ravages the mind, which is unable to be helped by vaccinations.  The mind is cleared through kindness, acceptance, understanding, love and often with specialist help from another human.

The ravages of the mind long outlast the ravages to the body.

To get their mind right, humans need other humans.  Any attempt to stop humans connecting
with other humans, can for a short time, help the body, but will further damage the mind.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Sunday, 15 March 2020

CrazyHorse on an unintended outcome of the Corona Virus

Aside from human suffering and death, the worst effect of the corona virus pandemic is that it is causing humans to lose trust in each other and to isolate from each other.

This dropping of sharing of energy will have a more devastating long term effect on the development of man than any other virus effect.

Regardless of the real origin of the virus, one of the outcomes is meant to show people how connected to each other they are and how they need to rely on each other.

This lesson from the virus is being lost because of the use of fear in spreading messages.  Fear drives me thinking, not we thinking.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Friday, 13 March 2020

Crazy Horse on what is irrelevant

In the living of life, nothing is irrelevant.
 What is generally considered to be irrelevant is something that does not directly impact upon your life at a point in time.
Over time, all that happens and has happened, becomes relevant at a point in time.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Thursday, 27 February 2020

Crazy Horse on controlling others in a relationship

People in a relationship who set out to control the other person (no matter the methods used); will eventually cause the relationship to fail.

After the failure of the relationship the controller mostly continues to try to control the former partner, with the measures used becoming nastier.

This continued controlling occurs because the controller is not emotionally and intellectually capable of understanding  their behaviour and its effect.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Sunday, 23 February 2020

Crazy Horse on the wholesale loss of animal life.

The loss of life of a billion animals in the recent bushfires in Australia is catastrophic and is a catalyst to cause people to take action to stop bush fires.

The malicious slaughter of over a million buffalo in my time as an Indian, by the white man, so as to wipe out our food source, drive us to reservations, thus allowing our land to be mined for gold; was even worse, because it was a deliberate and malicious act by man for greed.

It did not act as a catalyst to stop greed.  Bush fires are an outcome of an environment ruined through greed.

This time let the plight of the animal lead you on a pathway to discovery.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Crazy Horse on the reporting of politics

On a particular day, when the news reports only politics, then there is nothing to report.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Tuesday, 18 February 2020

Crazy Horse on separating bad from good

What separates bad from good is that those who do good have an inherent desire to help humanity.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Sunday, 9 February 2020

Crazy Horse on loving fully.

It is better to have loved fully and in so doing hurt others, than to love indifferently and have them forget you.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Crazy Horse on treating equally.

At any point in time it is all but impossible to share your time equally between those who you love and serve.

Be it sufficient that over time you have equally distributed your time and energy.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Sunday, 2 February 2020

Crazy Horse on ‘flogging a dead horse’

It is a widely known truth on earth that, ‘You cannot flog a dead horse’.

Whilst widely known it is rarely practised.

Why do you ask political leaders to deliver leadership, wisdom and fairness.

Why do you ask business leaders to treat employees and customers with equality.

Why do you ask church leaders to act in the values of their god.

Stop flogging dead horses and find a new way.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Crazy Horse on the corruptible

Powerful people are more corruptible than non powerful people, for they are more addicted to power, therefore, wanting more and more, no matter what the means.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Crazy Horse on Reprehensible action by charities

Society is established on help when needed in a crisis being provided to those in need by people better off, as well as by government.  This help provided by individuals is often collected and distributed by charities.

In Australia the recent bushfires caused a public coming together, locally and internationally.  The major collecting charity collected specifically for the bush fire victims and having collected the money announced that they would only distribute a small proportion and keep the remainder for future catastrophic events.  This benefitted themselves.

Such an action eats away at the fabric of goodness in society and acts against future giving.  This puts a lot of people in jeopardy in the future as governments cannot meet all of the costs of such crises.

The behaviour of a charity in this way is reprehensible.  Its  attack on the goodness of society cannot be overlooked.  Any such charity acting in this way must be de registered by government and its executive officers barred from holding office in such organisations for life.

The goodness of people must be protected at all costs.  

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Crazy Horse on Britain leaving the EU

Britain has left the EU. This was never intended, but became the only option to them.

The EU government progressively become  about the EU government and not the member states.  They governed for the good of the government.  This meant that Britain was losing its identity which could never work.

The loss of Britain should have caused the EU government a huge dose of humility and introspection.  It hasn’t.  It has caused a bombastic anger, which will, in time, result in other countries leaving the union.

The lesson is Governments should govern for their constituents and each constituent is more important than the government.  No constituent should lose their identity as a result of the actions of a government.

The force of law is never enough to guarantee compliance in any rule.  It needs concurrence through a belief that, in the main, the government is acting to serve the people, not themselves.  All forms of government have been slow to recognise this.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Sunday, 5 January 2020

Crazy Horse on anti Semitic behaviour

On earth WW2  saw such a degree of anti Semitic behaviour that the world was repulsed, behaviour caused through extremist beliefs.

For years this behaviour has been reappearing, with it now at dangerous levels.  In parts of the world Jewish people cannot walk the streets in safety, due to their religious beliefs.

Ordinary people struggle to comprehend the reasons behind this hatred.

In broad terms Jewish people are fervent in their faith, live within their communities, and carry with them a feeling of peace and contentment.  Aside from the situation in the Middle East, their behaviour to fellow humans is passive and accepting.

The extremists who set out to hurt, denigrate and drive them away are intolerant, anti social, sociopathic, full of anger and fear with a need to control their environment so that anyone who challenges their state of being has to be removed.

For earth to progress, this anti Semitic behaviour needs to be brought to a stop.  For too long Jewish people have suffered quietly and relied upon each other for protection.  It is time for the world to say stop and act in support of fellow human beings being traduced and hurt.

Belief systems are only truly powerful when they embrace others, including others with varying belief systems.  Open your arms to the Jewish fraternity thus giving them the confidence to open their arms to you.  This current form of treatment of them is designed to isolate them. Do not allow it.

All of this forms a part of the Spiritual value of equality.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Friday, 3 January 2020

Crazy Horse on bush fires (2)

In Australia the number one politician has long opted to favour industry over the environment so as to grow the economy.

The bush fires ought to have shown him the error of his ways.  Have they?

In a symbolic gesture to garner public support for his persona as a caring person he has visited hamlets ravaged by fire.  These are populated by genuine and caring people.  He has been rejected and abused.

When a genuine and caring person meets a non caring and non genuine  person who will not admit his wrongs and commit some of the funds raised through the support of polluting industries, to saving towns, he will be rejected.  He has forgotten that face to face people can feel other people.

To blame his rejection on their hurt is an abject failure to reflect and correct.

Whilst his ilk are at the head, nature will strike back.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Crazy Horse on bush fires

For some time America has had ongoing bush fires, as has Australia.  Currently the bush fires in Australia are out of control as they burn through the most densly populated states.

Many blame dense undergrowth, which has merit, but is not the reason for the fires, even though it contributes to their spreading.

In a country as vast as Australia with so few people, survival and prosperity rely on respect for nature, otherwise it will show you its power.

Various politicians over time, have acted with scant regard for the resource of nature, opting instead to mine the earth with its subsequent  pollutants into the earth and the air.

Industry generally and politicians have taken a stance that they are bigger than nature and the earth is theirs to dominate for economic good.

Ask any fire fighter or person in the fire area right now if they believe that man dominates nature.

City people are covered in smoke haze and think that to be severe.

Here is the lesson, only when man stops thinking that he can dominate nature and do what he wants for economic prosperity and recognise that nature dominates him, will there be a long term balance and a reduction in man having to be shown the error of arrogance.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual