Sunday, 2 February 2020

Crazy Horse on Reprehensible action by charities

Society is established on help when needed in a crisis being provided to those in need by people better off, as well as by government.  This help provided by individuals is often collected and distributed by charities.

In Australia the recent bushfires caused a public coming together, locally and internationally.  The major collecting charity collected specifically for the bush fire victims and having collected the money announced that they would only distribute a small proportion and keep the remainder for future catastrophic events.  This benefitted themselves.

Such an action eats away at the fabric of goodness in society and acts against future giving.  This puts a lot of people in jeopardy in the future as governments cannot meet all of the costs of such crises.

The behaviour of a charity in this way is reprehensible.  Its  attack on the goodness of society cannot be overlooked.  Any such charity acting in this way must be de registered by government and its executive officers barred from holding office in such organisations for life.

The goodness of people must be protected at all costs.  

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

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