Tuesday, 5 May 2020

Crazy Horse on the source of everlasting love

Everlasting love on earth is an ideal, not a practical reality.

Life on earth has too many distractions for people to love continually, humans love sporadically.  The restricted amount of love on earth means there is less loving energy left on earth from each person, which in turn means there is less for each person coming to earth or return to earth, to draw upon.

With no ongoing and permanent loving source to draw from, earth struggles to evolve into a better world.  The question is where do humans draw love from at any time during their life.

The answer is your guide.  Guides are assigned to each person and without the constraints of earth’s energy, are permanently loving.  They are the only source of ongoing and everlasting love on earth.

A crucial part of spirituality is learning how to access that love and allow it to guide you in your life.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

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