Sunday, 26 April 2020

Crazy Horse on permanency

To the Ancient Egyptians the earth was permanent where they and those to follow them would be a part of earth forever.   They built structures that were permanent, some standing today.

To the American Indian their lands were permanent and their role with their land would go on forever.  They treated the land in a sustainable way.

Today, in a time of self believed cleverness and technology nothing is seen as permanent.  This includes the land, buildings, inventions and relationships.  Permanency has gone in the name of (economic) progress.

This stems from a belief that money solves all issues and technology is used as a tool of immediacy.

When money and technology do not work, people resort to fear, hiding from the reality of their impermanent attitude.

The return of permanency is presently more important than anything else on earth.  The prospect of people losing their permanency and dying from a virus, has shown people’s inner need for permanency.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

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