Friday, 3 January 2020

Crazy Horse on bush fires

For some time America has had ongoing bush fires, as has Australia.  Currently the bush fires in Australia are out of control as they burn through the most densly populated states.

Many blame dense undergrowth, which has merit, but is not the reason for the fires, even though it contributes to their spreading.

In a country as vast as Australia with so few people, survival and prosperity rely on respect for nature, otherwise it will show you its power.

Various politicians over time, have acted with scant regard for the resource of nature, opting instead to mine the earth with its subsequent  pollutants into the earth and the air.

Industry generally and politicians have taken a stance that they are bigger than nature and the earth is theirs to dominate for economic good.

Ask any fire fighter or person in the fire area right now if they believe that man dominates nature.

City people are covered in smoke haze and think that to be severe.

Here is the lesson, only when man stops thinking that he can dominate nature and do what he wants for economic prosperity and recognise that nature dominates him, will there be a long term balance and a reduction in man having to be shown the error of arrogance.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

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