In modern times citizens of many countries and regions are being locked up for parts of the day with all of their movements restricted. They are asked to do this for the greater good of all citizens.
The basis for the political decisions to lock people up and otherwise restrict their movement is said to be expert scientific and medical opinion and advice.
People will respond to that whilst they accept the medical and scientific advice. When they begin to doubt it, their conviction in the political process will waver.
Citizens also expect that political leaders will take into account the needs of them as citizens that science and medicine do not.
Where they believe the political leader is not taking their needs into account and erring too much on the side of science, they will quickly lose respect for the leader and begin to disregard their edicts.
Any political leader who disregards the needs of their constituents has become too arrogant to continue in their role.
From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual
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