Monday, 30 October 2017

Crazy Horse on changing a set course

Making change through a set course of action will rarely win acclaim.  The nay sayers will pound your ears with dissent whilst the acclaimers will more quietly nod with respect.

A leader will change course because they believe it to be right, regardless of the dissent or acclaim it brings and will be prepared for their actions to be judged over time by results.

A person who changes course as a means of removing the dissenting voices from the course they have set, is not a leader but a person without conviction who is trying to plot the easiest path forward.

When such a person then tries to portray themselves as a leader and deny their motive, they are not only, not a leader, they are also without conviction, manipulative and not to be trusted.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Crazy Horse on the drug problem

Societies are based on laws.
Laws exist to moderate behaviour to community standards.
Compliance stops excesses.
Compliance relies on fear of punishment by the laws.
In order for this to work the fear of being punished has to be greater than the need to break the law.
Thus society sets out to moderate needs so as to gain compliance.

This system of moderation and mediocrity has many flaws, but mostly that it has no relevance to excesses within society, including the drug problem.

It is silly to think that creating laws will have any effect upon the taking of illicit drugs.  This is particularly so in a society where children are raised on a diet of legal drugs and their use is not only allowed, but advocated by governments.  In some backward countries people are even punished for not taking legal drugs.

With this background it is a small step for people to take illegal (not made by a licensed drug maker) drugs.

The challenge for society is stop making their young so drug dependent, thus breaking the cycle into adulthood.  Secondly, to make emotional development as important as physical and mental development.  In these ways excesses such as the drug problem will ease.

Society at large needs to stop sneering at excesses, for each person is part of the system that has created it.  As much as possible, welcome those who partake of the excesses of drugs into the loving arms of society.  To continue to repel them is to ensure their continued behaviour.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Monday, 23 October 2017

Crazy Horse on the USA/North Korea dispute

Both the USA and Northh Korea are beset with internal problems within their countries and in different ways both have flawed forms of government.   Both also have leaders who have trouble accepting high level input into their decisions.

These two peas in a pod are now arguing as to who is the mightier pea.  Resolution from this cannot be achieved.

The greater country of the two will ensure there are people who intercede into the role of leader and take over the role of resolution.

The problem with being a pea in a pod is your shelf life. Countries outlive their leaders.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Tuesday, 17 October 2017

Crazy Horse on Euthanasia

Those who advocate euthanasia, no matter what term they refer to it by, hold a genuine belief that they are helping a person who is dying to die more easily.  For those with a belief in a higher power, they believe they are making the transition of their loved one to be with their higher power, easier.

They also hold a fear that their own death will be difficult and they want things put in place in advance of that to avoid such difficulty.

Advocates of euthanasia are saying that life on earth is difficult, why should dying also be difficult.

Those who believe in a single life on earth will struggle to see it any other way.

For those able to grasp the concept of the ongoing existence of the spirit are able to view it differently.

Life on earth is difficult and will remain so until humans learn to love more and reduce the amount of emotional hurt they cause to each other.  This will only change as humans become more accountable for their actions.

To help with this each entity prior to coming to earth, is aware of three guiding concepts, one of which is that you cannot take a life and if you do there is a debt to pay in a future life.

The course of your life on earth is largely set through your actions in an earlier existence.  To avoid it it any form, is to have to repeat it.

Thus, those wishing to end the life of a loved one so as to avoid suffering, are only serving to slow down the growth of earth as a place of existence and of the person they believe they are helping.

Do not question the good intent of proponents of euthanasia, it is the outcome that is the problem.  If people want to reduce suffering on earth, start at birth and continue it through life by changing they way they treat others, do not start it at death by drowning the dying with drugs.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Monday, 16 October 2017

Crazy Horse on making life difficult

The network of assistance available to those on earth is immense.  Each person is connected to a beam of energy, assistance and guidance, ready to be turned on at any time.

It is not the lack of assistance that makes life on earth so difficult, it is the refusal to turn on the tap.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual.

Monday, 9 October 2017

Crazy Horse on families

Families are the base structure of society, yet the most dysfunctional part of society.  Were the family unit be made to work again, the fabric of society would improve.

The core issue amongst families is the lack of equality or its heirachical nature of operating.  Parents are seen as always being more equal than their children and older children more equal than younger ones.  This takes place in both natural and amalgamated families.

When young this leads to an unnatural amount of fighting, but in adulthood it really plays out as families fall apart when true feelings are acted upon.

As the family unit falls apart there is a breakdown of community, with subsequent consequences for the care of the elderly.

If only parents could see their children as their equal and for a few short years as the children come to the age of reason, they have a role to guide them with knowledge about the consequences of their actions.

This lack of equality being  modelled to children is acting as a serious detriment to the emotional progress of earth.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Thursday, 5 October 2017

Crazy Horse on motive for mass murders

When someone murders another person or a large number of people, a lot of energy is spent in trying to establish the motive.

Rarely do they discover the motive, mostly they discover an event or events which have happened in the perpetrator's life, which authorities can point to and blame as being the cause of the murders.

In being able to blame an event or events, authorities are not only being shortsighted and absolving themselves from blame, they are doing nothing to solve the real problems of their society.

When someone undertakes mass killings, the motive is constant, my life is so full of negativity that it has overtaken me and I now want to share that hurt, pain and negativity with society so they can feel what I feel.

Thus, it can be seen that the motive stems from a cultural  belief that misery in society can be shared, or visited upon others.

Mass murders will continue until there is a cultural shift, whereby people are taught to be accountable for their own life, not blame it on others.  Accountability means that every action has a reaction, for which you are responsible.

It is time for authorities to take a broader cultural look at their countries.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Crazy Horse on shame

Shame occurs in a human when they ponder on a past action and regret that they acted in the way they did because such actions no longer fit their values.

In this regard shame is a good thing, for it identifies how you have grown and changed.

Do not linger on the shame, which is what humans are taught to do, rejoice in what you have learned and how you have grown.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Wednesday, 4 October 2017

Crazy Horse on chemical intervention into the body

The health problems of the earth began with reduced hygiene and pollution, particularly with the growth of cities early in the earth's history.

Instead of resolving the cause, poor hygiene and pollution were allowed to continue and a solution was eventually sought in chemical drugs.

To deal with the natural process of the body rejecting chemicals and also to deal with ongoing poor hygiene and increasing pollution, chemical drugs were made stronger and stronger.

The effect of these chemicals and worsening pollution allows only for reduced health of the earth's inhabitants.

A return to nature is the only way back to improving the world's health.  Unpollute large areas of land and grow medicinal plants and spices.  Feed the bodies on what they were designed to be fed on, nature.

You cannot inoculate against bad health, you must fight the cause.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Tuesday, 3 October 2017

Crazy Horse on making democracies more democratic

It is fanciful in today's world to believe that operating democracies are democratic.  In order to begin the process of making them more democratic, here is a list of changes to the system which are required.

1.  Ban all corporate donations to the election process.
2.  Each individual who donates has to publicly declare their connection to business or an interest      group, which will demonstrate any bias.
3.  Each individual needs to prove their ability to pay the donation from their own funds.
4.  List all donors publicly on a government site updated daily.
5.  Any person caught accepting cash payments is made ineligible to stand.
6.  Limit the amount able to be spent on elections by candidates and their parties.
7.  Where the government financially supports parties, these monies are to be used to pay bills incurred in the election, not paid directly to parties.
8.  Ban all lobbyists.  If individuals, interest groups or businesses meet with an elected official it needs to be declared on a government site, updated daily.

In making this start there is a chance that politicians will be elected on policies, be made more accountable to the electors and less accountable to the holders of large private purses.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Monday, 2 October 2017

Crazy Horse on same sex marriage

Same sex marriage is not a religious question, it is a question of equality.

The legal institution of marriage and all that it symbolises, is available to heterosexuals, therefore, should be available to same sex couples, for they are no less equal as humans.

A religious institution with the power to marry, ought have the right to refuse to marry same sex couples if it offends their teaching.

However, in doing this they are declaring that they do not teach equality.  In doing this they can only attract those to their faith who similarly, do not believe in equality.  This is their right.  The only problem they face is if they try to convince others that they believe all are equal in the eyes of their god.

Is it not difficult enough to be a same sex person in a heterosexual world, without being treated unequally because of it.

The Spiritual world advocates love, not just love between opposite sexes.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Crazy Horse on a country divided

In a country that is divided, that is, part of the country does not get on with another group within the country, the ensuing hatred will cause significant emotional damage to citizens on both sides and many people will become disaffected for life.

In turn this will affect the orderly working of the country for decades to come.

In this situation  there has to be something to catch those who have become disaffected.  In every case this needs to be love, a love that eventually will allow them to treat all people as equal.

Only when a country has more love than hatred will the people of that country prosper.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Crazy Horse on advocating violence

Where the leader of a country advocates violence and killing against another country, they are tacitly giving approval for citizens of their country to be violent everywhere, including in their own country.

When hate and violence are made a part of people, it cannot be contained to a part of their life, it will eventually permeate all of them.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers, Director Sphinx Spiritual

Crazy Horse on mass killings

If a foreigner entered your country and opened fire against a massed gathering, killing many, particularly if the person was a terrorist, there would be an outpouring of rage and an international hunt for those behind the killer.

What then if the killer is from within your country and not a terrorist.  Where is the outrage placed?

It must be placed at the causes.  The factors in the person's life which caused them to take such an action, the lack of state support for such people, the availability of and culture to use guns in the society, the racism in the country and the example set by those in authority over promoting violence as against peace to all people, in that country or out of it.

Such horrific events are an opportunity correct the causes.  To do that blame needs to accepted by past and present leaders who have set up a culture allowing people to be in such a negative place that they see this behaviour as acceptable.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual