Monday, 25 December 2023

Crazy Horse on shame

 Those who come into this life without privilege and with a low intellect are prone to manipulate others.  It is their weapon of survival and is called cunning.

Those who come into this life with privilege and intellect and manipulate others for their own gain are abusing their power.

Shame has many faces, with those who manipulate despite privilege and intellect being amoung the most shameful.  

Those who manipulate for survival will feel shame during their life.  

Those who manipulate so as to abuse their power will feel shame through eternity.  Despite their ability to hide from their own reality, the realisation of their actions will cause the shame to hit them deeply in the latter stages of their life, staining their spirit through time.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Subscribe to Sphinx Spiritual YouTube channel 

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