Monday, 30 April 2018

Crazy Horse on selfish or selfless

A whipped Horse will run fast when whipped so as to stop the whipping, but it has no investment in the event for it relies entirely on its riders instructors.

A loved Horse will run fast when it chooses to and when it believes the sense of occasion demands it. However, this might not coincide with when the rider wants it to run fast.

This is the issue of control versus love.  Are you a controller or a lover?

The answer will tell you if you are selfish or selfless.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Saturday, 21 April 2018

Crazy Horse on ecological warfare

The most serious physical issue facing earth is the fight to save the ecology and a fight it is.

The fight is between those who are more interested in short term profit or power versus those who are interested in the long term health of the planet.

It is not a fight that should be occurring. The fact that there are people who will still favour short term profit or power over the health of the earth is an indictment on where the thinking on earth is at.

He choice of profit or power occurs because such people disassociate from other people, from future generations and from other places of existence, making themselves so self important that their profit or power motive becomes justified.

In sum this is a lack of accountability. You are not on earth solely for yourselves, but as part of creating a greater good.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Crazy Horse on time out from life

Throughout the world there are carnivals with mechanised rides for both children and adults.  These carnival rides cause the riders to have a lot of fun and enjoyment whilst on them and having left the carnival they cannot wait until they can revisit it.

The carnival rides give children and adults an opportunity to take time out from the tedium of life.

Life on earth is such that all people need time out for fun and enjoyment on a regular basis.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Friday, 20 April 2018

Crazy Horse On deception

People who practice deception on others do so because they practice deception upon themselves.

A person who is truthful to themself about themself will be truthful to others.

Self deception is, for example, where a person convinces themself they are a loving person, but more time in their life is spent in anger, hate and trying to hurt others, than it is in love.

 Self deception is common, where it accompanies a righteous indignation about being questioned or challenged over their true state, the person is in need of help for such a disorder.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Monday, 16 April 2018

Crazy Horse on chemical warfare

It is fascinating to understand the rules of war on earth, when and how it is acceptable to kill other humans.

It is as if man believes that killing in 'acceptable' ways is more acceptable to a higher force than killing in unacceptable ways.

The human mind has a particular ability to contort itself to come up with arguments to justify the unjustifiable.

There are countries who kill their own citizens for committing crimes against their society by shooting them, hanging them, electrifying them and injecting them with chemicals.

The sick are regularly killed by chemicals and it it either legal or so common it is acceptable.

Therefore, where does the moral justification come from when a country who kills their own with chemicals, decries the actions of another country for killing in a state of war through chemicals.

Why does the world sit back and accept retribution against another country for killing with chemicals, by bombing them and killing with explosives.

When will it be seen that the mental sleight of hand of taking moral superiority because one way of killing is better than the next, thus making one country more civilised than the next; is nothing more than a fraud upon society.

If the leaders of countries have a desire to appease a higher authority, then they would stop killing, not justify their killing method and decry the killing method of another.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Crazy Horse on criticism

It was meant on earth that advice was plentiful and criticism rare.  The negative energy which dominates earth has meant that advice is rare and criticism is plentiful.

It is this barrage of criticism facing people that causes them to not like criticism.  It becomes overpowering.  If criticism was rare, as intended, it would be easier to accept.

Criticism is rarely justified from one human to another, for it is says that the standards of one must be met by another.  Humans often criticise each other if another person's standards are too high, therefore humans criticise each other for being too good as well as too bad.

Those who criticise heavily are passing on the negativity and intolerance they have endured.

Criticism is rarely a loving state, although on occasions it can be.  In general you can change the world around you by criticising less and advising more.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Monday, 9 April 2018

Crazy Horse On input into your life

Earth is mostly a place where you are told what to do, where freedom is misunderstood and where you have little say into large scale decision making, whether or not you live in a democracy.  This has led to apathy, which in turn allows leaders to be non accountable.

It is seen by us that the systems on earth are failing and people need more input.  That means all people, not just privileged classes.

One way to test the effect of  giving people input into their situation is to look at those in gaols.  Let the prisoners, led by the leaders amongst them, decide on the rules by which they should live whilst in prison and let them enforce their own rules.  Strip the gaol of paid staff, other than administrative staff and see how it progresses, which it will.

For some this will test their stated desire for granting equality on earth for they view prisoners as sub human, however, as a social experiment it would show the world how more input and equality would positively change how people live and behave.

All change must be radical in thought and measured in its implementation.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Crazy Horse on the pursuit of happiness

All know of the term, The pursuit of happiness. All agree its value and all want to pursue happiness.

Very few do.

Most put it off until their current problems and combative issues are over.  Most see happiness as something to pursue when the battles are won.

Very few are clever enough to know that the pursuit of happiness is an alternative route to fighting battles.

Therefore, it can be seen that those who are continually fighting battles with others are the least happy.

The least happy are also the least loving, for there is no love in a battle.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual