Sunday, 22 December 2024

Crazy Horse on the greatness of America

 Sold a story of their greatness by successive governments, American people have bought the myth.

It might appear that I have reason to dislike America and that I do not see any such greatness in the actions of American governments over time.  However, it is not America I dislike, it is their collective misuse of their minds and hearts.

Driven by capitalism, fed by war, their mistreatment of the poor and the sick, especially returned military, somehow makes them feel entitled to look down on the rest of the world, whether they be ally or enemy.

An objective look at their own back yard ought make them quiver in fear and humility.

Enemies over time have tried to overcome them through acts of war, but they ought to allow America to live in external peace and allow America no distractions.

Then unless America can change the myth of their greatness through capitalism and war, it will implode.

A country with no external enemy to fight and distract, will find an internal enemy to fight, as they did with the Indian and the South, for they have no peace in their hearts and can not get on with themselves.

Thus, leave America be for no one can do a better job of allowing them to realise that their greatness is a myth than themselves.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

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