Tuesday, 17 December 2024

Crazy Horse on an easier life


In seeking help from another, people are generally seeking a way to make their life easier.

Rarely do they want to accept that it will not improve by continuing to avoid.

You have to do the hard things to have an easier life.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Subscribe to Sphinx Spiritual YouTube channel 

Crazy Horse on the willingness to cooperate

 Willingness to cooperate is only a good thing

When who you are cooperating with has an equal willingness to cooperate with you.

Anything less than that will lead to conflict.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Subscribe to Sphinx Spiritual YouTube channel 

Monday, 16 December 2024

Crazy Horse on feeling alone


When someone says they feel alone in their life and is in a relationship 

They are saying they feel alone in their relationship 

But are not aware enough to realise their relationship is the problem 

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Subscribe to Sphinx Spiritual YouTube channel 

Wednesday, 11 December 2024

Crazy Horse on those who follow the work of Machiavelli


The more someone subscribes to and practices the work of Machiavelli 

The weaker a person they are.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Subscribe to Sphinx Spiritual YouTube channel 

Crazy Horse on priceless and worthless.


Priceless means something has a value beyond money.

On earth priceless relates mostly to physical objects.

This was never the intent of the term priceless.

It is meant to relate to your values.

Depending on what they are, they will be either priceless or worthless.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Subscribe to Sphinx Spiritual YouTube channel 

Crazy Horse on specialisation


Industry seeks specialisation in the work place as it increases profit.

Being a specialist can be good for you if you are not easily bored and you are confident that this function is all you want to perform for the rest of your working life.

Organisations  want specialisation for their own gain.

Employees need the opposite.

For your own sake, become a factotum.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Subscribe to Sphinx Spiritual YouTube channel 

Sunday, 8 December 2024

Crazy Horse on war


When trying to comprehend human’s need for war

Ask yourself when you last heard of the monkeys going to war with the snakes.

Or when you heard of the tigers, birds and moths supporting the monkeys and donating to their war effort.

Or when you heard of the lizards, frogs and mice supporting the snakes and donating to their war effort.

You will not hear of any of this for animals are too clever

And if they learned of one type of animal going to war with another type, they would wonder why they wanted to make themselves extinct.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Subscribe to Sphinx Spiritual YouTube channel 

Crazy Horse on gaols

When pondering humans use of gaols

Try and recall when you saw an animal gaol.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Subscribe to Sphinx Spiritual YouTube channel 

Crazy Horse on the wolf, the lion and the human.


The wolf knew it was feared.

The lion knew its presence caused apprehension.

The wolf mixed with other wolves.

The lion mixed with other lions.

Only a bad human can cause both fear and apprehension.

The bad human doesn’t mix with other humans.

They only mix with other bad humans.

When bad mixes with bad, it creates worse.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Subscribe to Sphinx Spiritual YouTube channel 

Crazy Horse on the bull and the human


The bull chortled to itself as yet another person entered its field, knowing it was the domain of the bull, but selfishly entering anyway for humans have greater rights than a bull.

The bull allowed the human a short time to acclimatise themself to the bull’s field and to feel as only humans do, self important and entitled.

Then it charged….

Veering off at the last moment to spare the life of the human, instead only slightly injuring it.

For that is the way of humans, self important and entitled.

Then, as only humans do, the person wanted the bull killed for endangering them.

Only when you learn to live with animals will you learn to live with each other.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Subscribe to Sphinx Spiritual YouTube channel 

Saturday, 7 December 2024

Crazy Horse on a man amoungst women


If you regularly associate with a group of women and you are the only man, use your time wisely, listen and don’t speak for only in that way will you learn.

A group of women will accept a male companion until he starts to tell them what he is not qualified to do, how to act.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Subscribe to Sphinx Spiritual YouTube channel 

Wednesday, 4 December 2024

Crazy Horse on the weak and the strong


A weak person is one who knows that they are frustrated with their life, especially their private life, and does nothing about it for that requires effort and a risk.

Such a person doesn’t have to be weak forever, they can act on their situation.

A person who lets their private life deteriorate to such a degree that it is so bad they are forced to make a change, has not found strength, just more pain in their weakness.

Thus, strength in a person is making an early decision on the part of their life which is not working.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Subscribe to Sphinx Spiritual YouTube channel 

Crazy Horse on extinction

 When earth stops spinning, then you can believe the extinction stories.

Until then, it’s your responsibility to progress you.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Subscribe to Sphinx Spiritual YouTube channel 

Crazy Horse on excuses for avoidance

 Do not bother trying to find an excuse for avoiding, for there is no excuse, it’s a choice.

The choice of avoidance brings with it a karmatic debt of significance.

The one thing on earth you should be fearful of is the karmatic debts you are loading upon yourself.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Subscribe to Sphinx Spiritual YouTube channel 

Sunday, 1 December 2024

Crazy horse on the land of the walking wounded

 Earth is the land of the walking wounded, physically, mentally and most particularly,emotionally.

Why is it commonplace for those so wounded, to use that as a justification to wound others.

In turn, why is it commonplace for authorities to accept this as a justification for such behaviour.

Earth is not only the land of the walking wounded, it is also the land of self pity.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Subscribe to Sphinx Spiritual YouTube channel 

Crazy Horse on self esteem

Those who have an interaction with an adversary and make them feel good, can only do so because they have a sufficient level of self esteem.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Subscribe to Sphinx Spiritual YouTube channel 

Crazy Horse on self worth

 Self worth is when you believe that you are worth it.

What you are worth is whatever you need to increase your fulfillment.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Subscribe to Sphinx Spiritual YouTube channel 

Crazy Horse on self belief

 Self belief is when you have an inner conviction that you are able to and capable of undertaking a task with a belief that you will succeed.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Subscribe to Sphinx Spiritual YouTube channel