Friday, 23 September 2022

Crazy Horse on Will there be a time….

 About 150 years ago the USA decided that Indian land had to become land for white people to mine gold and farm. To achieve this, through the use of their excess fire power over the Indian, they eventually killed or herded up the Indian population.

Not trusting their victory they continued to oppress Indians, to keep them small, to continue to try to socialise them into the white mans rule and ways and to use heavy handed law enforcement techniques on them.

150 years later they have an Indian community that primarily sits outside societies norms and who is contributing less to society than they could.

They have repeated this tactic of overpower and opress around the world where any variation of society operating differently to their own is seen as dangerous to their existence.

It has failed and will continue to fail.

Earth needs to find ways to co exist under different beliefs and frameworks so that a common goal can be found and humans can work together in peace.

The Indians only wanted their land and nature as it was and had been for thousands of years.  They did not want the land white man had already stolen.

Will there be a time when greed is replaced by reasonableness and power is replaced by tolerance?

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

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