Thursday, 17 December 2020

Crazy Horse on planning and fear of the unknown

 Planning can only be for the known, not the unknown.

The unknown cannot be planned for but must be allowed for.

The unknown should not frighten you.

As the wind rushed to the sea it met the force of the incoming waves.  The top of the waves were disturbed by the wind, but the waves rolled on.  The wind at its lowest point was disturbed, but it blew on.

So it is with life.  The unknown will throw major disturbances but will not stop you moving on.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Saturday, 5 December 2020

Crazy Horse on mediocre organisations

 In an organisation which is deeply embedded in processes, success is measured on how well people strictly adhere to the process.

The best at adhering to process are rewarded by promotion to positions of leadership.

The last thing leaders need to be experts of, is adhering to process. 

Such organisations are guaranteeing that only the mediocre rise and  only the mediocre stay.  This means that such an organisation is consigned to mediocrity, but will never understand why that is so.

The way to assist this is through more honesty.  Do not give people titles that state or imply leadership.  Rather call them titles such as, Supervisor of process, Head of process, Chief process officer.  This will allow future leaders to look elsewhere for fulfilment.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Crazy Horse on what the Indian had

 In the time of the Indian, they had nothing, but had everything.

Today people have everything, but nothing.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual