Thursday, 7 November 2019

Crazy Horse on Suicide

When a person takes their own life, they are making a number of conscious and unconscious decisions.

Consciously, they are declaring that the negativity of their life has become so entrenched that they don’t want to fight their way out of it.

They are also declaring that they believe their situation is unfair, hence they want to hurt others for their situation.

Lastly they are consciously declaring  that they want to escape from life rather than face it.

Unconsciously they know that they are not escaping and that they are making their situation worse through suiciding.  However, they cut themselves off from this higher knowledge and selfishly suicide.

Hence, suicide is a deliberate act of avoidance with a desire to hurt those close to them through committing this act, in the higher knowledge that it will not allow them to avoid anything.

Suicide normalises suicide amongst peers.  The first line of defence against this is for funeral celebrants to explain the spiritual consequences of this act to the peers at the funeral.  The self evident selfishness of the act also needs highlighting.

The bigger part of the strategy is to not make it normal or acceptable and to teach people the reality of the need to be accountable for their life.

Science has not reduced the incidence of suicide. The only way is Spiritual education.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

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