Sunday, 15 December 2019

Crazy Horse on peace on earth

It surprises people on earth each year as calamity strikes around Christmas time, leaving a feeling of unfairness that this period of the year is spoiled by disaster.

Christmas time signifies the one period of peace in the world, a time off from plotting against each other, a time of relative goodwill.

In order to increase the peace on earth man must find a harmony and belonging with the earth, the sky, the moon and the stars and realise that he is a part of them, not a master of them.

Because this lesson has not yet been learned, man is reminded of the power of nature and his relationship with it, through disasters visited upon him in a time meant to be of peace.

You cannot spoil the earth, sky, moon and stars all year and expect to be rewarded with peace at Christmas.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Sunday, 8 December 2019

Crazy Horse on distribution of wealth

In a country where the system determines that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, the inevitable outcome is an economic crash.

As the chasm between the two grows, the crash gets closer.  As society is taught to try to model themselves on the rich, moral decay sets in.

Of what use is several billion dollars to one individual?  None, other than to satisfy greed and ego.

It is odd that if a government believes they are missing out on their proper share of their country’s wealth , they change the rules to increase their share.  However, they do not do the same to ensure the poor receive a commensurate increase.

Until the cycle is changed and the distribution of wealth becomes more equal, financial crises will continue.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Crazy Horse on ‘creating jobs’

The most common reason cited for organisations justifying money making schemes that damage the environment is ‘it will create jobs’.

In 50 years time as the environment is damaged or wrecked, those jobs will go, along with the local community

The short term creation of jobs will never be enough reason to justify long term damage to the environment.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Sunday, 1 December 2019

Crazy Horse on critising another political system

You are justified in critising  another country’s political system when your own country’s system is working properly.

It is a human trait to criticise another system and try to impose their own failed system onto others.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Crazy Horse on walking away from a failed relationship

When a person walks away from a failed relationship with grace, they have accepted their part in the failure and are signifying a desire to move forward with what they have learned as a part of them.

When a person  does not and continues not to, walk away with grace, it is because they have failed and continue to fail to accept their part in the relationship breakdown.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Sunday, 24 November 2019

Crazy Horse on International Spies

In recent times, firstly Russia and now China, are receiving adverse exposure for having spied upon other countries and attempted to interfere in the running of other Governments.

Given that all countries use spies  (including the countries complaining of being spied upon and interfered with), why are the complaints so strong against firstly Russia and now China.

It is an attempt to demonise them, with the complainants purporting to come from a position of purity, which they don’t.

As all countries interfere in each other’s business for gain, complaining about another country doing it, is a meaningless bleat.

Instead, concentrate on fortifying your own country’s system of government so as to enhance your chance of precluding others’  attempts to interfere.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Crazy Horse on nasty

Nasty is when a person says or does something to another with the deliberate intention to hurt.

Nastiness becomes a problem when it becomes the normal,pattern of behaviour of a person.

When that happens it can only be helped by isolation other humans for a period of time or by associating with loving people.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Friday, 22 November 2019

Crazy Horse on destabilisation

When one country sets out to destabilise another country, it will eventually be that they destabilise their own country.

No (long term) good will arise from doing no good.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Sunday, 17 November 2019

Crazy Horse on being stuck

If you are stuck in life it is because you have not either felt, thought or acted.

It might be that you feel correctly, then think and/or act incorrectly, but this will be discovered by you quickly.  At least you are no longer stuck.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Thursday, 7 November 2019

Crazy Horse on Suicide

When a person takes their own life, they are making a number of conscious and unconscious decisions.

Consciously, they are declaring that the negativity of their life has become so entrenched that they don’t want to fight their way out of it.

They are also declaring that they believe their situation is unfair, hence they want to hurt others for their situation.

Lastly they are consciously declaring  that they want to escape from life rather than face it.

Unconsciously they know that they are not escaping and that they are making their situation worse through suiciding.  However, they cut themselves off from this higher knowledge and selfishly suicide.

Hence, suicide is a deliberate act of avoidance with a desire to hurt those close to them through committing this act, in the higher knowledge that it will not allow them to avoid anything.

Suicide normalises suicide amongst peers.  The first line of defence against this is for funeral celebrants to explain the spiritual consequences of this act to the peers at the funeral.  The self evident selfishness of the act also needs highlighting.

The bigger part of the strategy is to not make it normal or acceptable and to teach people the reality of the need to be accountable for their life.

Science has not reduced the incidence of suicide. The only way is Spiritual education.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Sunday, 3 November 2019

Crazy Horse on loyalty

In a relationship when love diminishes, equally so does loyalty.

Loyalty ought never be confined to physical acts.  Emotional loyalty is the most important.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Crazy Horse on unacceptable

Continue to allow what is unacceptable to you and it will continue.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Sunday, 20 October 2019

Crazy Horse on making a country great

In a country where a political leader has a slogan of ‘make this country great again ‘ and then sets about lying, acting for personal advantage, disowning key staff when they get into trouble following the leaders instructions; then that political leader does not understand what great means.

They can only think that great means economically.  Economics never make a country great, it only supports a country to remain great.  Great is in the values of the nation and the people.

When a leader wants to make a country great, but their actions are causing this to never be able to happen under their stewardship, they must be replaced.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Crazy Horse on Uluru (part 2)

The crescendo of protest increased over their inability to be able to climb on the sacred site of the indigenous.  The tourists did  not understand how the Indigenous could turn their back on the tourist dollar.

Herein lies the chasm between an Indigenous race and non indigenous.

If in a culture the most sacred thing is money, they can never understand a more advanced culture who hold many things above money, including their spiritual beliefs.

Until this is learned, the evolution of non Indigenous cultures will continue to be slow.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Wednesday, 9 October 2019

Crazy Horse on Uluru Australia

To the indigenous people, Uluru is a sacred mountain in the desert of northern Australia.  It is a significant energy source within Australia.  It is on land owned by the Indigenous.  Uluru is similar to Bear Butte in America which is a sacred site for the Indian.

For a long time Uluru has been climbed by tourists, that is, non indigenous.  When ownership of Uluru passed to the Indigenous, this right was allowed to continue.

Uluru is a sacred site for a number of reasons including what the indigenous recognise as Spiritual energy.  It is a place where they connect to the spirit of their ancestors.  It is part of the identity of the indigenous.

They have decided to withdraw the right for people to climb Uluru, bringing criticism from non indigenous.  Is their decision justified?

Few non indigenous people claim to climb Uluru to feel and be a part of the indigenous culture.  It is seen as another tourist thing to be seen to have done.

The indigenous feel their sacred site is being disrespected.  It is.

Non indigenous have few natural sacred  sites and little understanding of them.  Their sacred sites include churches and cemeteries.  They do not allow people to climb their churches or walk over graves.  It has probably not crossed their mind to do so.

Why then is it seen as acceptable to climb on an indigenous sacred site.  It can only be because the indigenous site is seen as unimportant to non indigenous, that is second rate.  This is blatant racism.

If the indigenous believe their sacred site is being disrespected and it is; they are entitled to stop people climbing the site.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Wednesday, 2 October 2019

Crazy Horse on flawed political leaders

What do you do about a political leader whose judgement is so flawed it acts against the national interest?

Do nothing in the short term for their actions will have them remove themselves.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Thursday, 26 September 2019

Crazy Horse on the beauty of your home

On earth you prioritise making the outside and inside of your home look welcoming and lovely.

Then each time you enter this lovely environment you do so with a body and mind full of negativity, therefore, wrecking the beauty of your home.

If you put the same effort into improving your mind as you do your home, your world would improve.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Friday, 20 September 2019

Crazy Horse on the priority of life

The priority of life is incontrovertible. Your Spiritual growth comes first. Your private life comes second and your work comes last.

In maintaining that order you stand the best chance of finding fulfillment and happiness.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Tuesday, 17 September 2019

Crazy Horse on isolation

If it is space that divides earth from other planets and universes, what is it that divides country from country and man from man.
Historically this has been seen as distance, but technology has changed that.
With earth having insight into all other parts of earth, why do people and countries want to remain isolated from each other?
Earth is a continual recipient of energy from the Greater Universe, for which it is not levied a charge. This is called sharing energy.
Why do people and countries not share freely on earth, most is done for profit.
The mysteries of the greater universe will remain locked to man whilst they remain isolated from each other energetically.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Crazy Horse on a human’s basic right

The basic right of a human as a child and as an adult in any form of a relationship, is to fight to be who you are. You cannot expect any more.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Sunday, 8 September 2019

CrazyHorse on what happiness is.

Happiness is when at a point in time, you feel life is really worth living.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Sunday, 1 September 2019

Crazy Horse on successful longevity

Holding onto entrenched positions, attitudes and beliefs, is a lack of adaptability and thwarts growth of all involved with such a person, including themself.

No one needs to reinvent themselves, nor is any person able to.  All they need to do is adapt to a changed situation which may be due to people or external factors such as economic.

Adaptability is the key to endursuccess.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Sunday, 18 August 2019

Crazy Horse on who you are

You are who you can be
You can be who you are

From my guide Crazy Horse Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Sunday, 11 August 2019

Crazy Horse on sharing

Throughout a lot of the world there is a current trend to vote in conservative governments, otherwise called right wing governments.

This is happening because of the insecurity people are feeling about world peace and the ensuing financial uncertainty.

The outcome of this is that people become self consumed and lose their broader social conscience, concentrating on survival.

As finances ease people feel constrained by conservative governments and want to share more of themselves as well their relative prosperity with those with less.

Hence the pattern.  World uncertainty brings with it a higher focus on self and an exclusion others.

If you are short of possessions to share, you will always have your energy to share.  This should never be constrained because of external forces.  This sharing of energy makes the good better and the weak strong.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Sunday, 4 August 2019

Crazy Horse on dominating children

Why do parents want to dominate children through imposing their beliefs, knowledge and desires on the child until they reach adulthood, then expect them to become independent and free thinking?

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Sunday, 28 July 2019

Crazy Horse on honest communication

The dishonesty issue causing the greatest problem on earth is not theft of possessions, it is dishonesty in communication, particularly of feelings and intent.

This stems from a belief on earth that honesty in communication is optional and even then in degrees.  Whilst illogical it is accepted on earth as it is convenient.

Every piece of non honest communication is dishonest.  Honest communication must transcend cultural norms, which have only been put into place to facilitate dishonesty in communication.

As earth moves towards honest communication so will the shift in society manifest.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Sunday, 21 July 2019

Crazy Horse on the race of life

In the race of life, you are both the competitor and your own opposition.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Crazy Horse on growth after hurt

If you isolate yourself after having been hurt by a nasty person you will be able to stop further hurt, but not be able to grow.

In order to grow you need to stop your isolation and mix with non nasty people.  This will impregnate you with an energy of goodness and giving, from which you can grow.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Friday, 19 July 2019

Crazy Horse on being overwhelmed

To be overwhelmed is either the start of a journey of achievement or the end of a journey to achieve. It’s your choice.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Thursday, 18 July 2019

Crazy Horse on good and bad

People,are,more scared of the good in life than the bad.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Sunday, 7 July 2019

Crazy Horse on rebuild before regrowth

After a problem in a relationship from which both persons want to move on, there needs to be a period of rebuilding before any great progress can be made in the relationship.

This rebuilding phase causes further issues for usually  one of the partners does not want to rebuild, just race ahead as if there was never a problem.

Rebuild must come before regrowth.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Friday, 5 July 2019

Crazy Horse on what you forget

You forget what you consider unimportant.

This behaviour can affect relationships.

To change, make what is important to your loved one, important to you.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Sunday, 30 June 2019

Crazy Horse on pollutants

Nature was designed to deal with its own pollutants.  It balances itself.

It is the introduction of man’s pollutants that it can’t deal with.  Even worse are the chemicals added to nature to balance the problems caused by other chemicals.

This will make easy sense for you understand the working of nature.

A human body is part of nature.  It too can deal with natural pollutants and it too cannot deal with either chemical pollutants or further chemicals added to the body to balance the first lot of chemical pollutants.

These chemical pollutants in the human body are, in the main, called medicine.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Crazy Horse on Stability

 Most people seek stability without realising they already have it.

Stability does not come from one thing appearing solid and unmoving.  Stability comes when one thing in your life is equally balanced by another.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Monday, 10 June 2019

Crazy Horse on the prerequisite for peace

Political leaders of today espouse the position that peace relies on strength.

That is why there  is not peace on earth.

Peace will only come with humility.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Wednesday, 5 June 2019

Crazy Horse on wellness for life

In a world taught to be obsessive about immunisation so as to avoid certain illnesses; it needs to be remembered that the lack of an illness does not constitute wellness.

Wellness is sought over time with a view to allowing the body to carry the person through their life in the best physical condition possible for that human. 

Immunisation will play only a small role in overall wellness of an adult. 

Wellness is achieved through a holistic approach to and being involved in all aspects of living, not through seeking to avoid aspects of life.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Crazy Horse on self imposed isolation

A self imposed  isolation from other people is only successful when you want to and do, return a better person.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Sunday, 2 June 2019

Crazy Horse on investing.

Invest your money wisely.
Invest your time more wisely.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Crazy a Horse on being rejected

Rejection hurts because you expected acceptance from the person who rejected you.

Reassess your need to be accepted by your rejector.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Wednesday, 15 May 2019

Crazy Horse on love and practicality

Too much practicality will destroy love.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Sunday, 12 May 2019

Crazy Horse On ‘When a politician only represents himself’

Until the party system in democracy changes and politicians truly represent the needs of their constituents, democracy will continue to fail.

Rarely in the democratic world has there been a politician, let alone a political leader of a country, represent themself and not their party or broader constituents. This is the case in the USA.

It will lead to a reduction in the powers given to future presidents.

If the USA wants this situation, they are entitled to have it. Their leader was elected democratically, acts as if he were not in a democracy, and can’t be reigned in because those trying to do so are constrained by the rules of a.democracy.

The victims will be the people. The great lesson will be that being a political leader is about a lot more than just the economy.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Friday, 10 May 2019

Crazy Horse on Brexit

Britain wants to leave the European Union.  It’s original issues related to loss of identity and over crowding through the influx of people from poorer EU countries.
It is that the world is going to be better placed through a one world and in the meantime by unions of countries, therefore the concept of the EU is sound.
The problems of the EU  stem from the political body set up to run it.  The power of their role consumed them and decisions taken were guided by the use of and retention of their power.
In wanting to leave the EU the problems were twofold. Britain did not know how it wanted to leave and the EU made it impossible for them to leave through abuse of power.  The outcome was to be expected, mayhem.
This has left Britain divided.  The problems with the EU could have been fixed through allowing greater sovereignty of member nations and giving them more say into people movement.  This did not and will not happen due to the political arm of the EU not wanting to lose power granted to them by the member states.  It is a repeating story through history.
As the EU will not change voluntarily, Britain should leave and do what it has done for centuries, set up its own trading union in the world that does not involve a political body running it.  This can work if Britain sees itself as a part of the new union, not the head of a new commonwealth of countries.
In doing this it has the opportunity to show the world how it should be done, establishing itself as a world leader, but not an economic or military world power.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Monday, 22 April 2019

Crazy Horse on the murder of Joan of Arc

Throughout history Governments and religious institutions have made errors. Their worst have been when they have made them conjointly.

In each case the errors affect individuals, but also the culture of the broader populace.

In the case of Joan of Arc in France, she saved France from England as an untrained female general and was subsequently murdered by the interests of the church and England, acquiesced to by France with their silence.

Her crime was to believe in supernatural forces, beyond which the church understood, yet evidenced by her feats as a general.  Her murder was carried out by public burning.

At a later point in history the church recognised its error and made her a saint.  France went along with it and gave her celebrity status.  It was England’s turn to be silent.

Unfortunately, both the church and the state did what they did in proclaiming Joan to be a saint and a heroine to make themselves look better in the eyes of the public, not to truly right their wrong.  Instead of a memorial to where she was burned,overshadowed by a church in her name, which only glorifies the church; the site should be a Sorry sight.  It should be a permanent reminder to the people that the church and state got it wrong, they are fallible and when acting in concert, can be dangerous.

How can acts of murder by the state and church, convince people to not murder.

Following monumental errors of judgment, often times relating to the indigenous population, sorry should not only be said, but also meant and a monument erected to remind future people and future governments of the peril of abuse of power.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Friday, 19 April 2019

Crazy Horse on how bad people present themselves

A bad painting is presented in a good frame to give it an appearance that it is more than it is.

So it is with people, bad people like to present as not being so.  It is only when you can see within them that the truth shows.

The fact that bad people present this way shows that they do not like being bad, but are not prepared to make the choice to change.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Sunday, 7 April 2019

Crazy Horse on treading heavily on the earth.

Do not confuse the ecological need to step gently on the earth with the energetic need to tread heavily.

The earth is so damaged through thousands of years of abuse from man, by man’s actions to other men and wars fought, that it needs all of the energy those with good energy can spare it.

It is this that will transform the earth, for when Man feels good coming from the earth their inclination will be to protect and preserve it, not destroy it.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Thursday, 4 April 2019

Crazy Horse on gender

Beyond  the laws of man is karma, which is personal and which affects so much of what transpires in your life. Karma always involves facing situations you would prefer not to face, for they are not easy to overcome.

The most basic condition you are sent to earth with is your gender and the gender given to you allows you to meet (and hopefully overcome) your karma.

When you avoid anything in your life that you need to face so as to meet your karma, it only means that you will have to meet that same karma in a future life.

This includes changing your allotted gender.  This is a choice to not face the issues being in your allotted gender bring.  In turn it means you have to face them in a future life.

In an era on earth of striving for greater equality, it is understandable that people who  only think in earthly terms, will see a change of gender as acceptable.  It is only when such people reach a state of evolution which allows them so see the earth as a part of a whole, not the whole, that the folly of gender change will be seen.

This extends itself to all variants of gender change including parents opting not to nominate a child’s gender, leaving it foe child to choose at a later time in life.  It is neither the child’s nor the parents choice to make on earth.  It has been agreed to prior to coming to earth.

In bringing forward to you this Spiritual truth, it is recognised that not all of you are ready to hear it.  That does not take away from my role to bring it forward.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Sunday, 31 March 2019

Crazy Horse on no noise time

In your world of technology, not only is the art of communication reducing, so too is no noise time.

No noise time is where you are left with your thoughts, uninduced by external sources.

This time can be where the environment is quiet or loud such as a cafe, but you do not have anything playing in your ears.

It is in this time that you can collect your thoughts, prepare yourself for what is to come and find a self peace.

It is these moments which allow you balance.  Your inner voice is more powerful than external voices.

When you walk you do not need your ears filled with music.  When you drive it is the same.

Savour the time that is yours for your private thoughts and self voice.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Sunday, 24 March 2019

Crazy Horse on when a political leader must go.

A person holding a position of great responsibility, including a country’s political leader, can only be effective when respected.

In the world today few country political leaders are respected by their constituents.  Generally such people are voted out at the first opportunity, whilst their initial appointment remains a blight on the effectiveness of the political system at play.

When a country’s constituents begin to openly declare their lack of respect, then both the country and their political leader are in great trouble.

Lack of respect is shown in comments such as openly and consistently calling their leader a liar, dumb, mentally unwell and dishonest.

When this point is reached the people only have disdain for the political system and the whole process of government is put at risk.

Ei5er the political leader must resign or convention must be cast aside and the country needs rescuing by someone who will cause the political leader to go.

It is simple.  Is the political leader more important than the country.?

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Sunday, 17 March 2019

Crazy Horse on the prime cause of mass murders

The amount of hate required to commit mass murder of a group of people peacefully following their Spiritual beliefs, is unimaginable.

To commit this act, the person was devoid of any good will, committed, with others, to a cause of wiping out a sector of society.  Every single act of good will given to this person throughout their life, has been discarded. Every act of love, rejected.

The person was seeking joy through other’s sadness.

The person who did this is a beacon for what not to be. Cast him aside now and focus on removing hate from your lives.  It is the only way to ensure there is not a repetition.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Sunday, 3 March 2019

Crazy Horse on charities

The proliferation of charities on earth is a direct result of the lack of communities.

People in need will appreciate help more from a person in their community, than from a faceless organisation.

Find a person in your community in need of something, physical or emotional and give it to them.

Earth was meant to work with people helping people, not people giving to organisations so that they can help people.  Organisations do not collect kindness and distribute it, nor time, nor doing an odd job for a neighbour.  They trade in money, which will solve the least of people’s problems.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual.

Crazy Horse on listening aids

There is on earth an invention to help those with hearing problems to hear.  They are called hearing aids and the increase the volume of noise into the ear.

Do not confuse these with listening aids, for hearing aids do nothing to help people listen.

There is no physical invention for listening aids, but there is something available on earth to help.  It’s called tolerance. All poor listeners lack tolerance.

To feel listened to is one of the great gifts one person can bestow upon another.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Thursday, 28 February 2019

Crazy Horse on the elderly

With the large numbers of people on earth in their senior years there ought be a surplus of people within families and the broader community to provide physical and emotional support to the younger ones.

However, this is not occurring on a broad scale.  A lot of seniors are avoiding their family through where they live or through the pursuits the choose to undertake.

Conversely a lot of younger ones are not asking for help as they do not value what those more senior can give.

Add to this the breakdown of the family, allowing seniors to feel dislocated from and not responsible for the general well being of their families.

Lastly, there is a growing number of seniors acting as careers for grandchildren whilst the parents chose to work, rather than parent, which causes them to help the grandchildren but not the children.

Therefore, society is dotted with selfishness, both amongst the younger as well as the elderly.

It is time for the younger to respect what the elderly have to offer and for the elderly to be more ready to help the younger, particularly where they need it the most, which is probably not where they want it.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Sunday, 24 February 2019

Crazy Horse on pre election mode

The ability for people to be truthful is never more threatened than when in a pre election mode.

With the power of office beckoning, lies told in promises made are easily justified, notwithstanding a knowing that the promise will never be fulfilled.

Beware the biggest promiser.  Equally beware those who are silent on contentious issues.  Mostly beware the fear mongerer.  The best candidate will make it clear they respect the choice of the voter, but will humbly portend a plan for the people.

Great leaders exist to serve, not have power over others.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Crazy Horse on a true friend

Blessed are those who have found a true friend, a relationship where equality is paramount and trust is everything.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Sunday, 10 February 2019

Crazy Horse on fighting for a cause

United we stand, divided we fall.

People only fall from a cause because they had not realised how long the journey to success was, so they withdraw for an easier journey.

The biggest battle in fighting for a cause, is to win and maintain the right to fight for it.

Some causes are just, some unjust.  Fighting for a cause will bring change.  If the cause is just, it will bring positive change.  If unjust it will bring negative change and a karmatic debt to those involved.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Crazy Horse on the most important task facing man

Over time on earth the amount of people killed in wars is staggering.  Those killed include combatants and innocent victims.  Add to those those who have suffered through the loss of a loved one to war and the numbers bely belief.

Once every combatant, innocent victim and relative of either; enters the Spiritual world they are asked if war was worthwhile.  Not all answer no, it was not worthwhile, however, after they adjust to the loving, non judgmental energy of the Spiritual world, all eventually say no.

The origin of wars is conflict.  Therefore, the art of conflict resolution is the most important task facing man, families, businesses and nations.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Sunday, 3 February 2019

Crazy Horse on the cornucopia of life

The true cornucopia of life is the free sharing of your ever growing and brightening energy.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Crazy Horse on living day by day

Living day by day, if done without a bigger plan, is a recipe for survival, but not growth.

Growth as a person only comes with a plan and living day to day forms part of that plan.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers, Director Sphinx Spiritual

Saturday, 2 February 2019

Crazy Horse on catastrophes in the holiday season

In a festive or holiday season season, bad events still take place. When they do they interrupt the festive or holiday season, casting a pall of gloom over it.

Such events are no worse than at any other time of the year, but because of the state  of mind and emotions of people, they are felt more deeply, making them seem more catastrophic

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual