Monday, 26 November 2018

Crazy Horse on what independence is

Independence is making the choice to have your own thoughts, when someone else is trying to overpower you to have their thoughts.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Crazy Horse on the cheating epidemic

To the Indian, the notion that someone would devote their life or part of their life to finding ways to cheat people out of their possessions is foreign.

It is true that in times of war we stole ponies from other tribes, but no one stole from others in their own or allied tribes.

We earned what we got and when we had a surplus we shared it with those who had less.

The lack of such a community feeling is what allows people to usurp their morals and use the available communication tools to lie and cheat others for financial gain.

Cheating others as a way of life causes you to have to live outside your community. It is so prevalent today it is nearly normal.

The return of the community and the value of sharing is the only thing that will change the cheating epidemic on earth.

A community can only be formed by including people into your community. If you push them away, expect them to try and cheat you.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Crazy Horse on the Corruptor

The corruptor in society is much more dangerous to the good of the society than the corrupted.

The corruptor will always be recognisable by one thing; they are insincere.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Monday, 19 November 2018

Crazy Horse on the treatment of a leaker.

There was an era when the leaking of government secrets publicly was rampant.

Those who publicised the leaks were chased down and publicly held up as treasonous people.

What should happen to these people?  It is clear they were outraged by the actions of governments and wanted the public to know so they could hold their governments to account.

Governments did not want to be held to account and felt angry at the exposure of behaviour they believed was their right.  The outcome was to use their might to make an example of the leakers so that it would not happen again.

In one case the leaker mostly leaked against the USA, is in exile and virtual detention in the U.K. and whose origin is Australia.

What should Australia do?  Appease their ally being the USA, or bring this person home to Australia under their protective wing.

Australia regularly deports people to their country of origin for previous perceived or bad conduct.  If their values are consistent they will support the leaker being deported back to Australia.

If they have a government without morals, they will not.

It is proper for a country to have allies and to support the allied countries.  However, this duty is secondary to the need to support their own citizens.

It is a question of the values of a country and how much their citizens demand their Government acts morally.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Crazy Horse on why you should dream

In life learn to dream.

Remember, dream before you scream!

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Crazy Horse on why people have negativity in their life

People who have a lot of negativity  in their life lack purity in their thoughts and actions.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Crazy Horse on a negative workplace

In a negative workplace, when a new person arrives who changes the status quo by being positive, uplifted and loving, it will cause a disruption.

The negative incumbents will feel threatened, envious and will band together against a person who they consider a threat to their negative but comfortable existence.

They will make the new person unwelcome and find a way to force them from their workplace.

Having done this this they will congratulate themselves about having removed the threat.

For the next period of time they will reap the outcome of their action.  They will remain locked together in their prison of negativity, trapped in a downward spiral, convincing themselves that this is acceptable, until they then start to turn on each other.  In the absence of anyone else to be negative towards, they will be negative to each other.

The solution?  A new workplace leader.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Sunday, 18 November 2018

Crazy Horse on resisting change

Humans are predisposed to change and to deal with the changes as they come.  This is necessary as life is a constantly changing cycle of events.

Therefore, those who resist change, do so by choice.

The choice to resist change is a refusal to grow, therefore a comfort in living unchallenged.

Generally this afflicts earth and causes mediocrity, thus slowing down the evolution of earth.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Monday, 12 November 2018

Crazy Horse on the role of the public to teach politicians

Of all the promises political leaders make to you, how often does that include peace.

Many have promised to protect your borders, but in promising that they are relying on your fear to make their promise worthwhile.

Peace is not an absence of invasion or takeover.  Silly politicians, it's not all about the economy, it's about creating an environment to allow peace.  Peace follows safety.  Safety does not mean isolation.

Therefore peace must be found amongst people.  This feeling can only come when all are following the same vision.  One vision can only come from a leader.

Which political leader has a vision other than reelection.

Keep voting politicians out of power until they learn that people want a vision that will allow the feeling of peace through oneness.  Eventually political leaders will learn, but only when taught by the people.

It is the role of the public to teach politicians.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual