Monday, 26 March 2018

Crazy Horse on how you do it, not what you do

When leaders of countries or organisations hold off on decisions until they gauge the reaction of the public, they are not leaders, they are reactionaries and are the wrong people for the job they are performing.

A leader is meant to have an extremely high set of values and is meant to bring the people to those values through decision making.  When they don't have such values and are reactionaries, they are allowing the lowest form of values to run their organisation or country.

It would be simple if such people would just step down from their role, but their lust for power will not allow this to happen.

The consequence is a world without leaders.  It is much more important to be remembered for how you did it, rather than what you did.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Crazy Horse on what a nation accepts

When the sporting team of a nation commits an unethical, unfair act in order to enhance their chance of winning and the nation they represent recoils in shock and admonition, this is a good sign for the nation, for values override results.

When that same nation accepts far worse behaviour from its political leaders without recoil,  because such behaviour is common place, it is time for the nation to take stock.

They are accepting behaviour from political leaders that they don't from sporting representatives.  Either the political leaders change immediately and start to act with values or the country rids themselves of all such people until eventually they are represented by people with values.

From my guide Crazy Horse through avian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Monday, 19 March 2018

Crazy Horse on good and bad behaviour

A person on earth is doing good when they live their life in a way which offers an opportunity for others to grow.

A person is doing bad when they live their life in a way where all they offer is negativity through condemnation of others.

The cause of this bad behaviour will have at its root, envy.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers, Director Sphinx Spiritual

Monday, 12 March 2018

Crazy Horse on when bullying becomes a mental disorder

Unfortunately bullying is common on earth.  It is part of the need to control.

When the need to bully is incessant and is without proper reason, other than the need to bully, it becomes an irrational behaviour and has crossed over to a mental disorder.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Crazy Horse on envy

Envy is when the earthly see an unearthly, wish they could be like that, know they can't be and then live in a lower state as a result of that knowing.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Crazy Crazy Horse on self destruction

One of the Universal truths is that like attracts like.

An example of this is when someone is unhappy, unfulfilled and envious as a person and they set about to spread negative comment about others in an attempt to get other people to dislike the person they are disparaging.  Their aim is to have others normalise their unhappy, unfulfilled and envious existence by finding others who live like them.

Such people might think they are exercising power over and hurt to, the other person.  In reality they are ensuring the continuation of their sad existence.

Self destruction is a particular ability of the unhappy.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Crazy Horse on control

If you watched a foal being born, then standing and in a short period of time, running; you would marvel at its spirit, determination and drive.  It would not cross your mind to hurt it and to slow down its progress.

Yet with other humans you do these things.  The reason is the human need to control.  Any person with more energy and power than you brings forward in you a need to control. This need to control is usually less so for animals for they offer less of a threat.

Control is the need to limit others so that their prowess does not match yours.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Monday, 5 March 2018

Crazy Horse on changing errant behaviour

In your society the way gaol systems run, consigning someone to gaol is not to consign them there for a specified term, but for the course of their life, such are the horrors bestowed upon prisoners.

The system of removing people from society is not meant to be a life long punishment.

The solution lies in how they are treated.  Where prisoners are allowed to care for an animal or to care for a vegetable patch, their behaviour improves.   They learn to give and receive love with the animal and with the earth.

If prisoners behaviour can be so simply turned around why is this practice not more widespread and secondly why is it not seen in society more broadly that the injection of love into a person's life, will change their behaviour.

Society needs to put as much effort into caring for the loveless as they do the sick.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual