Monday, 29 May 2017

Crazy Horse on mining

The Indian would never dam a river, nor think of doing it, for the river had many purposes for animals and plants as well as humans.  The Indian also knew that the river carved its own path across land for its own purpose.  The Indian took from the river, but never at an ongoing cost to the river.

Herein lies the answer to mining.  Deposits of minerals and metals exist where the land stores them.  Dig them up only when doing so has no ongoing effect upon the earth, the plants and the animals.

If that is not possible, leave the earth intact until a way is found to make it possible.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Crazy Horse on bad decisions

When someone is appointed to a position of leadership and their term begins with a series of bad decisions, it surprises many that they are no less popular because of this.

Indeed, if their predecessors were non decision makers, allowing a system to constrain them, the new leader will be more popular just because they are making decisions.

This is because the world is looking for leadership and decisions show leadership, thus people would much prefer a leader who makes bad decisions than a leader, interested only in survival, who does not make any or many decisions.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Friday, 26 May 2017

Crazy Horse on sensuality and sexuality

Sensuality whispers.
Sexuality shouts.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Monday, 22 May 2017

Crazy Horse on a lack of determination

A lack of determination only exists in those who have not been able to convince themselves that they are worthy of change.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Crazy Horse on the secret knowledge of today's Indian

In the world of today the Indian can only have sad eyes if they are measuring themselves against what is important to the white man.

There is a great pressure applied to the Indian to measure themselves this way for it makes them more dependent.

The truer test is how connected a person is to their spirit and to the spirit of the animals, nature and those things in the far distant sky.

In applying this test the Indian of today will walk around with smiling eyes and the knowledge that they know a secret, the secret of what is really important.

From my guid, Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Monday, 15 May 2017

Crazy Horse on the joy of life

The joy of life is only overcome by the fear of hurt.

From my guide Crazy Horse Through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Crazy Horse on other life

Tribal societies develop a great kinship, but growth of the tribe and the individuals within the tribe relies on mixing with and assimilating with other tribes, merging the good and purging the bad.

So it is with Earth, it needs to be focussed on merging with other life.  Earth is a slow teacher of itself and needs external help to develop more quickly with better values.

Instead of lamenting its inability to seek and find other life forms, open up energetically and allow them to present themselves to you, for they are able to do so.

Having done this and realised the benefits it might teach man to open its doors to each other on earth.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Monday, 8 May 2017

Crazy Horse on the first born.

Onto the earth a child is born.  It cries out 'Caretaker, caretaker where are you?'

This is a cry to the parent to come to the child in their true role.

The first time parent searches for a rule book, a set of things to do for the child.  No such book is written except in the most general of terms.

It is not written, for to follow a book of instructions on parenting your own child means you are not feeling the child, being one with it, nor growing to love it.

Love of your child does not flow from doing actions, but from feel, mutually expressed.

Instructions on parenting set up a minimum standard for survival, not growth.

The baby associates the term parent with caretaker, does the parent do the same?  If not there is discord from the beginning.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers , Director Sphinx Spiritual

Monday, 1 May 2017

Crazy Horse on dealing with a small threatening leader

If a leader of a small country wants to be accorded equal status to the leaders of the four major countries on earth, he will find a way to be heard so that if not formally, then at least informally he will find the equality he seeks with those major countries.

If he does not have wisdom to take him from small to large, then he will resort to loud words about his ability to harm others to give him his voice.

Oh how he loves to be heard, for any discussion about him makes him appear larger than he is.

Give the leader of the small country much less attention.  Respond not to his words for when a naughty boy is being noticed he will continue to be naughty.

Fear not his threats for they spill from the mouth of a dictator like vomit from a baby.

Let the leaders of the major countries show the leader of the small country that the way to best look after your own people is to be a part of the world, not try to tear the world apart.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual