Saturday, 5 November 2016

Crazy Horse on the American Indian Protest

In my time it was the Railroad and the opening of the Black Hills for the gold search.  White man was prepared to anniliate the Indian and all they stood for in the name of progress, a term which also means greed and includes a lack of respect for others and their beliefs.

In order to control the Indian and remove them from their beliefs, White man put them on reservations and set out to bring them into the beliefs and ways of the White man.

This attempt to brainwash the Indian flew in the face of thousands of years of culture.

The reservations were waste land, of little value to White man and not designed to allow the Indian to be self sustainable, rather to be forever reliant upon White man.

Today, they want to dig up the Indian land and put under it an oil pipe line. The pipe line criss crosses a river.  The Indian is outraged for they know pipe lines leak and it will only take a tiny leak to spoil their water supply, a water supply shared with nature and the animals.

White man in showing a familiar lack of respect for the Indian uses their physical resources to force this upon the Indian for they still consider this reservation to be waste land.

How little has changed.

The Indian protests, small angry voices against the might of White man.  Are they justified and if so in what form should they protest.

The difference between the actions of white man in my time and now is that in my time it was a deliberate and malicious attempt to rid the world of Indians.  Today it is a reckless indifference to the future of the Indian.  Both are worthy of protest.

Because we could not negotiate with liars, talking with the white man failed.  We fought and did so in a manner to be remembered through History (Little Big Horn) so that our message could not be forgotten.

Today little has changed with regards to the honesty of the white man, hence talking is a waste of time.  Therefore, the question is what form should the protest take.

It should not be through war or anger.  Today these are the ways of the white man who has learned so little over time.  The heart of the Indian is more pure and remembers the stories of ancestors  and this is your strength.

In putting the Indian into reservations and embedding them into the ways of the white man, they have taught you of themselves.  Use this knowledge.

To do this first understand the feeling of white man to you. The level of resources put into controlling the Indian since the battle of the Little Big Horn is out of proportion to the risk. Therefore, what do they fear from the Indian for they have the physical might to squash you.

What they fear now is what they have feared from my time, that is the righteousness of your actions will win over public support.  In my time they countered this by portraying us as savages.  To prove this they incited our anger and used our subsequent actions to vilify us as savages.

As they have learned so little they will once again set out to incite the Indian into anger, and damn you with your subsequent actions.

Therefore, you cannot negotiate with them and you cannot let them cause you to be angry.

The outcome is that you must revert to your culture, to your spiritual beliefs and to accept the righteousness of your cause.

Protest in silence my friends.  Take to your ponies.  Let 10,000 ponies carrying men, women and children ride silently through the towns and cities.  The people,will know of your cause and be inspired into supporting you.  Let not one sign be displayed, not one angry word said or angry look given.  Show the people,that you are above that.  Incite love and passion, not hatred and war.

Be proud, for you have much to be proud of.  The Indian is custodian of so many secrets as to how to advance the world.  Let the people understand this.

The education of white man is lacking in how people can work together in a united way   This knowledge is held by the Indian.  Bring the people of the country with you on your protest. Let them see your faces.  Let them feel your pride.  Let them feel your connection to your great spirit.  Let the voice of silence cascade into a crescendo. In doing this your message will re write history and stand the test of time.

In so doing you are showing how you have learned from history, you are using the righteousness of your actions to overcome the traditional use and abuse of power of white man. Stories will be told of you into the future.

My name is a Crazy Horse, this is my message to you, who were once my people.

Through Ian Rogers. Director Sphinx Spiritual

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