Wednesday, 21 September 2016

Crazy Horse on 'Give a man enough rope.....'

There is a saying on earth, 'Give a man enough rope to hang himself'.

Do you need to suffer the consequences of the man's actions until he does hang himself?
Do you want any man to hang themselves?
Do you want to watch a hanging?

Spiritually, for a man to learn his lessons the answer to each of these questions is yes.  However if that man is in a position of great power, or about to be, where the consequences of his actions will be so great as to adversely affect millions, then the answer is no.  Take the rope off the man, strip him of his opportunity to do harm.

With a choice between two people in power where one offers more of the same  (largely ineffectual leadership) and the other something different, but deleterious to the people, take the more of the same option so as to protect the majority.

A change of leadership to something that can only bring bad is not a change to be welcomed.

From my guide Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, Dorector Sphinx Spiritual

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