Monday, 27 October 2014

Crazy Horse on giving support.

To the sick and infirmed, you extend feelings of sympathy, support, goodwill and love. This is a natural state.

It is just as natural to extend sympathy, support, goodwill and love to those who are not sick and infirmed.

The reason you do not extend these things to the healthy is a choice, based on how you have been taught.  Re learn.

From my guide, Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, medium and spiritual teacher.

Monday, 20 October 2014

Crazy Horse on being oppressed.

Oppression is a state of being where your life is controlled to the point that your needs are not met. This state leads to reduced feelings and a lack of happiness.  Long standing oppression leads to apathy, which is the aim of the oppressor.

Therefore, the fight of the oppressed, is the fight against apathy.  Once won, people will find a way to overcome the oppressor.  The  weapon to fight apathy is self belief followed by a belief in your tribe.

From my guide, Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, medium and spiritual teacher.

Crazy Horse on delusion

For those people with a sound mind, they can still create an unrealistic top of mind belief of their greatness, their gifts and ability in most parts of their life.

This self formed and unrealistic belief will be their greatest limiting factor in their growth.  There is little more difficult to face than these delusional beliefs.  The main thing more difficult to face is living within the delusion.

From my guide Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, medium and spiritual teacher.

Monday, 13 October 2014

Crazy Horse on far sight

Wisdom, once earned and learned,  never leaves you, it only temporarily deserts you when an impulse for immediate gratification overtakes you and you despatch wisdom to the four winds for the time being.

The more you do this the more difficult it is to recall your wisdom in times of need.  Hence, the more wise people are the ones who despatch their wisdom to the four winds, less often.  Rather, they keep it close at all times and it becomes their guiding light.  I call this far sight, which is the way of the Indian.

From my guide, Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, medium and spiritual teacher.

Monday, 6 October 2014

Crazy Horse on expectations of love

When someone in your family passes, someone you were not close to, someone with whom you could or should have shared a loving relationship, but did not; you will still be affected by their passing.

It will bring forward to the top of your mind feelings of pain and hurt caused by the non loving relationship.  It will bring a sadness of what could and should have been and with that a flatness and heaviness.  These feelings only exist when the person who passed was incapable of telling you they were incapable of loving you as you needed.

Herein, lies your solution, your hurt was mainly due to an expectation that you deserved to be loved by this person, without fully understanding they were incapable of this.  Set yourself free of this expectation and look forward to the tomorrow's of your life, not lamenting the yesterday's.

Your life will be full of people who cannot love you as you need.  It is better to spend your time searching for those who can love you as you need.

From my guide, Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, medium and spiritual teacher.