Unfortunately the people on earth have become accustomed to citizens murdering citizens. It takes a bizarre or particularly brutal murder to arouse people from their apathy of the taking of a human life.
When a serial murderer comes along, people are indignant and if caught, call for more draconian measures, such as the death penalty. This is because people still feel the wholesale taking of life is repugnant.
When a politician, elected to run a country, orders the mass execution of people of another country, delivered by people in military uniforms, there is relative quiet from the world about it, only because the killing is done by the military arm of a government.
On what basis does this change anything from it being a wholesale taking of human life.
Politicians who order an invasion, usually disguise the real reason for the taking of life, stating that it is being done to save the world from some immoral behaviour in the country they elect to invade, as if somehow this justifies their action.
In looking at the current example of Russia, beware of other countries politicians who denigrate them, for you do not have to travel too far back into history to find their country having done the same thing.
Citizens of the world must stop their politicians from becoming invaders, for it is citizens who have the morals to do this. Sadly the world has accepted that once a person becomes a politician they can desert their morals.
Do not look deeply into the character or past of a politician who orders an invasion of another country so as to see if they are insane. Any person who orders the wholesale execution of other people on earth, under any so called justification, is by that very act, insane, thus immediately unfit for further office.
Imagine that, a politician who orders an invasion is immediately removed from office! That is how you bring an end to this insanity.
From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual