Tuesday, 29 March 2022

Crazy Horse on the power of the indigenous to cure…

 The power of the indigenous to use nature to cure has been proven over time.

The power of non natural medicine to corrupt the body in its healing attempts has equally been proven, even though over a much shorter period of time.

If only the non indigenous could learn from nature in the way the indigenous have.

It leads to the question.  Which is more important?

1.  Curing people

2.   Making a profit from attempting to cure people.

Thus the power lies with people, for until they choose to be cured, medicine will continue to corrupt the body.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Monday, 28 March 2022

Crazy Horse on living in the now

 If you were positive about what would happen tomorrow, you would not want to live out today.

If you did not live out today, then tomorrow would deliver something different to what was expected.

Thus how you live today has a bearing on tomorrow.

Those who believe in only living in the now, will not understand the ongoing difficulty of their life.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Sunday, 27 March 2022

Crazy Horse on staying alive

 Staying alive is not a dream or an aspiration, it is a practicality.

Staying alive without a dream or aspiration is a nightmare.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Saturday, 26 March 2022

Cray Horse on when you are ready

 It is only when you can accept that you can do without something that you are ready to receive it.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Friday, 25 March 2022

Crazy Horse on faith

 Faith is believing in your ability to deliver on the promises you made to yourself before coming to earth for this journey.

Faith is not just believing in a higher power, for the higher power assists you to have faith in yourself.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Thursday, 24 March 2022

Crazy Horse on the energy in Ukraine

 The darkness of the energy sitting over the Ukraine right now is absolute.

To break it down requires pink energy sent into the air so as to permeate the dark energy and drift down to the earth.  Any well intentioned person can send this energy.

It is very difficult to feel hope when you are existing in an energy so black.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Wednesday, 23 March 2022

Crazy Horse on the real effect of the damage to the earth.

 The Indian drew energy from both the earth and the Great Spirit, thus from up and down.

The purity of the earth was so much greater  150 years ago and what we could draw from it was more than enough to fulfill and enrich us.

It is less so today, with the ongoing damage to the earth’s energy through wars, industrial pollution and mining (in that order).

This means it is much more difficult for man to take from the earth the energy needed to become a complete person and to understand the need to live with all things on earth.

This lack from the earth is shift values downwards to the ongoing detriment of both man and the earth.

Now you can understand the real effect from the damage that man is causing to the earth.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Sunday, 20 March 2022

Crazy Horse on the use of negative power

 A bull stands as peacefully in a field as a cow, yet people are drawn more to the peace of the cow, not the bull.

This is because of the underlying knowledge that the bull can be vicious, thereby causing those who observe the bull to remain distant for fear they might be hurt.

Does this cast a curse on all people who can physically or emotionally hurt others to always being alone?  It might but only if such a person exudes this power as their primary force.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Crazy Horse on the path to wisdom

 If you undertake a path in life, undertaken for your growth and you turn away from it because it is too hard, you are not wiser for the experience, for you looked wisdom in the eye and ignored it. 

You are just lazy.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Friday, 18 March 2022

Crazy Horse on changing bad people.

 Do not try to change bad people, just avoid them.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Thursday, 17 March 2022

Crazy Horse on complexity of mind

 Complexity of mind comes from a fear of failure.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Crazy Horse on the trappings of failure and success

 The trappings of failure ensnare you as much as the trappings of success.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Crazy Horse on great knowledge and great wealth

The purpose of knowledge is to share it wisely. 

The purpose of having vast financial wealth is to dispose of it wisely, more wisely than any government would.

Great knowledge and great wealth are of no help to earth if kept by one for self.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Crazy Horse on If every person was wise..

 If everyone person was wise there would be no need for wisdom.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Thursday, 10 March 2022

Crazy Horse on the phenomenon of theft

 The most prevalent form of theft on earth is mankind stealing from itself.  This extends beyond physical theft from one person by another.  It includes theft by an organisation from another organisation, theft by one country from another country.

It extends to emotional theft in relationships, theft of ideas etc, all based on taking from another for personal gain.

What happened to collaborating with others, forming teams, sharing for common growth 

In the battle of collaboration versus competition, collaboration is stuck at the start line.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual.

Monday, 7 March 2022

Crazy Horse on how an election should be contested

 Political elections are fought on issues allowing the constituents to make a judgement of which issues are the most important and which party will manage them the best.

This happens because politicians cannot campaign on what they do not have, a strong moral base, thus they divert from this and take it to issues, usually relating to economics.

In a real democracy an election would be fought on who is the best person, with appropriate values which are adhered to at all times-as a moral compass to make decisions.  This would allow trust.

This lack of trust of politicians continues to make them more and more irrelevant in peoples lives.

The politician you ought be most wary of is the one who steers you more and more to a small number of issues, thus taking you further and further away from values and trust.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Crazy Horse on opposing forces of greed

 Those on earth who direct the path of science (the providers of funds), find themselves in confusing times.

For some time they have driven science down a path of extending the longevity of human life through an increased use of drugs.

More recently they have pushed science down a path of creating drugs to control a virus, which will cause a decrease in longevity of human life.

Both actions by science principally serve the makers of the drugs.

Thus you see the actions of man in extending g life with scant regard for the emotional and moral issues involved, thwarted by the actions of man using science in an opposite way.

So it is, man is man’s worst enemy.  In this situation two opposing forces of greed negate each other.

It is time governments had moral advisers overseeing all major decisions that impact upon their citizens, in the same way that they do with economic matters.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Crazy Horse on when a politician can be judged as insane

 Unfortunately the people on earth have become accustomed to citizens murdering citizens. It takes a bizarre or particularly brutal murder to arouse people from their apathy of the taking of a human life.

When a serial murderer comes along, people are indignant and if caught, call for  more draconian measures, such as the death penalty.  This is because people still feel the wholesale taking of life is repugnant.

When a politician, elected to run a country, orders the mass execution of people of another country, delivered by people in military uniforms, there is relative quiet from the world about it, only because the killing is done by the military arm of a government.  

On what basis does this change anything from it being a wholesale taking of human life.

Politicians who order an invasion, usually disguise the real reason for the taking of life, stating that it is being done to save the world from some immoral behaviour in the country they elect to invade, as if somehow this justifies their action.

In looking at the current example of Russia, beware of other countries politicians who denigrate them, for you do not have to travel too far back into history to find their country having done the same thing.  

Citizens of the world must stop their politicians from becoming invaders, for it is citizens who have the morals to do this.  Sadly the world has accepted that once a person becomes a politician  they can desert their morals.

Do not look deeply into the character or past of a politician who orders an invasion of another country so as to see if they are insane.  Any person who orders the wholesale execution of other people on earth, under any so called justification, is by that very act, insane, thus immediately unfit for further office.

Imagine that, a politician who orders an invasion is immediately removed from office!  That is how you bring an end to this insanity.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual