Friday, 21 January 2022

Crazy Horse on, ‘I vote for no one’

 The problem with people allowing their government to lie to them is that it gives the government  approval to continue to lie.

The problem with allowing your government to threaten and bully you is that it gives them permission to continue to threaten and bully.

The problem with democracy is that you are either forced to vote or forced to vote for a nominated representative.  This gives incompetent representatives the permission to continue to be incompetent.

A democracy should entitle the voters to vote for none of those standing and ask for a new election with fresh candidates.

Wouldn’t that change the behaviour of politicians.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Wednesday, 12 January 2022

Crazy Horse on ‘accept or reject the hate from governments’

 Governments, some in particular, have deliberately turned people against people, getting the vaccinated to hate the unvaccinated so as to effectively ostracise them from society, thus hopefully forcing them to get vaccinated.

This campaign of hate is beginning to run out of fuel as the virus spreads widely amoungst the vaccinated,  along with the virus  strength waning.

The issue facing such hateful governments is how to change their hate campaign without losing face. They cannot achieve this without honesty, which means they cannot achieve it.

This leaves societies in a precarious position.  They continue to believe and accept what their government says and become more and more a divided society or they disregard government and allow their society to unite and progress.

In democracies ( even those run by tyrants) there is a history of voting governments out of power.  More and more society will opt to do this so as to reduce the hate in their life and become a more united and loving society.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Monday, 10 January 2022

Crazy Horse on loyalty

 You should be loyal to a leader or partner when you believe in their values and vision.

In the absence of either or both of these, loyalty is not only not warranted, it would be to a person’s detriment to give it.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Crazy Horse on gender equality

 As a Lakota Indian, men and women were considered equal but with each having different roles in the tribe which equally supported each other.

In the contemporary fight for gender equality,  view the significance of the role a man or woman undertakes in the way it helps all around them, rather than by looking at one task and comparing it to another.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Crazy Horse on Idolatry

 In explaining the term idolatry, there is a saying on earth, ‘we must not allow our idolatry of art to obscure issues of political significance.’

Political issues nor politicians advance the earth, yet art does.  Moreover, a deep love of anything is better for you and the earth than focussing on politics.

Thus the saying should be;

‘We must not allow political issues to obscure our idolatry of art’.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Sunday, 9 January 2022

Crazy Horse on ‘sleep ye well’

 Sleep ye well, 

when you have nothing about which you need to yell.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Crazy Horse on the lessons from history

 The work of Ghandi in showing the world of the power of passive resistance to tyrannical rule, is largely forgotten today.

It is this refusal to learn from true leaders and what they achieved in history, that allows tyrants to continue to rule and the earth to stubbornly resist growth.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Crazy horse on values and power

 Values slip when power grips.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Thursday, 6 January 2022

Crazy Horse on the deprivation of free will in the pandemic

 Blindness as a physical impairment is, in part, compensated for by the other senses.

Blindness to what is happening around people is not compensated for by anything, therefore is more debilitating to their life.

In the time of the current pandemic, putting aside the rights and wrongs of having a vaccine, it should be clear to all, but is not, that the vaccine is a failure.

It has not stopped the spread, not stopped anything but, it is claimed, has made the disease less severe for those with the vaccine in their bodies.

Yet still government and health authorities champion it to all to the point of causing a divide between those who have the vaccine and those who don’t.

It is known that governments tell whatever story to the people that is politically expedient to their retention of power.

In the knowledge of the way governments tell mis truths and that the vaccine has only one benefit which is to reduce the severity of the illness and it’s negative effects are not fully known, people are still lining up for it.

The willingness of people to not question their political masters, to blindly accept the validity of what politicians tell them and to willingly subject their bodies to the injection of poisons with no idea of the physical consequences, does not bode well for the earth.  

Trust needs to be earned, not shoved down your throat by intimidation, threats and punishment and propaganda.

The wholesale removing of free will will have consequences for the earth.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Wednesday, 5 January 2022

Crazy Horse on refusing to face your past

 If you cannot remember something in your life, or a chain of events that took place, then it is either unimportant to you or of such moment, pain and humiliation, that you refuse to allow it to come to the fore of your mind.

Thus it sits, festering and seeing which other parts of your life it can infiltrate and diminish you as a person.

You don’t have to let it happen again, but you have to face it again to make sure it can’t happen again.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Crazy Horse on the energy of earth.

 Only by feeling the earth, it’s energy and what it has to offer, will you be able to feel the shame of what has been taken from it.

It is not just the taking from the earth that is an issue, but not replacing with something else to fill the void.

A way to start feeling the earth is to walk barefoot or use your bare hands to feel it.

The earth is alive, humming with energy, even though depleted, and by feeling it, it will tell you it’s story.

Have you the time to devote to this?

The diminution of the earth is the fault of all, firstly the takers and secondly the users.

If you must take, then replace.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Crazy Horse on the way of educating

 As Indians we used grandfathers to teach much to our children of the Indian way.  We trusted the grandfather, their knowledge and understanding of our culture and their patient way of teaching.

A grandfather taught many children from different families at the same time.

No Indian  child was taught either alone or just with their brothers and sisters, for this would have deprived them of so much learning and the experience and joy of learning and discovering with others.

In so many education systems on earth, especially those mandated by government, they teach information but not culture, failing to understand the need to share and integrate.

For those who home school, their problems are even greater, for they are limiting their child in both knowledge and culture.

In the need for Governments to  homogenise education they have forgotten that schools are positioned in communities, each with a different culture, which needs to be shared and taught as the primary learning with information following that.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Crazy Horse on a river in a torrent

 A river in a torrent washes away all before it, good and bad, leaving devastation.

Just like a person’s anger.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Crazy Horse on a believer

Earth has many people who are believers.  What they believe in varies and changes over time as they learn in life on earth.  

For some what they believe in is flawed, but that gives them an opportunity to discover this and change their belief.

No matter what a person believes in it is better than believing in nothing, for believing in nothing marks a person as apathetic, therefore avoiding life.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 


Crazy Horse on a genius

 Those people who are, in a particular way, a genius, are born into every part of the world.  Being a genius is not restricted to being born in a wealthy country.

The development of that genius does, to some degree, require physical infrastructure.  However that is not and will never be enough.

For a genius to reach their potential they need an infrastructure of loving energy around them.

The notion that a genius does not feel is incorrect.

A genius can achieve to their limit with an infrastructure of love, but cannot achieve to their limit with only physical infrastructure around them.

If looking into history for an example of the need for a loving infrastructure, look for the greatest genius of all, Leonardo da Vinci.  The compilation of his greatest work came in the final three years of his life when he had the love and support of the King of France, who also provided him with the appropriate physical infrastructure.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Tuesday, 4 January 2022

Crazy Horse on, ‘in a relationship’

 In a relationship half the time you are the horse and half the time the rider.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Monday, 3 January 2022

Crazy Horse on Imagination v avoidance

Imagination is picturing life as it could be, not how it is.

Those with a strong imagination will rarely suffer mental health issues.

Do not confuse imagination with avoidance.  

Those with imagination want a better life.

Those who avoid want an easier life.

Those who avoid will often suffer mental health issues.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 


Sunday, 2 January 2022

Crazy Horse on the different ways to change

 People who are tired of the negativity in their life seek generally seek change by becoming angry at their situation and set about to change it.  The change they achieve is generally small and short.

A small percentage of people, tired of the negativity in their life, seek change by deciding that they need to replace the negativity with love and upliftment and change their life to accommodate this.  The change they achieve is generally large and enduring.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Saturday, 1 January 2022

Crazy Horse on the lesson from a holiday

 The time of holidays refreshes people for during that period of time they are not competing with other humans.

When I was an Indian we did not have, nor need, a holiday.

Competing with other humans is exhausting and self defeating.  

Your life is meant to be spent finding ways to reach your pre intended goals and exceed them through being en purpose.  Thus life is only meant to be a battle against your own desire for comfort and ease.  Competing with others is a sure way to avoid yourself.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual