Sunday, 28 November 2021

Crazy Horse on a mean leader.

 If a person is mean, it might show out in the way the share money. 

Where they will show their meanness is how they use their power and dispense justice.

In your world in this time many have been deprived of their liberty in a way that is unprecedented.  Where that deprivation has included seeing loved family members on special days such as birthdays, Christmas, Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, as well as during illness, then the political leader imposing that is a mean person.

A mean person can never be trusted to be a leader for they will never care about the interests of people.

All bullies are mean people.  

Bullies retard the growth of society.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Crazy Horse on avoid now, pay later

 The one thing life on earth will not do is pass you by.

If you are an avoider, life will deliver dissatisfaction and non fulfillment.

If you are a complier because that will keep you out of trouble, you will attract boredom and sickness.

It is a simple recipe, avoid your life’s intended journey and pay later.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Sunday, 21 November 2021

Crazy Horse on the Machiavellian business of politics

 The greatest insult you can offer a political leader is to title them a political leader.  In so doing you are telling them they are not a leader, just adept at the Machiavellian business of politics.

It is an insult because  the power they are bestowed usually causes them to believe they are a real leader.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Crazy Horse on the growth of cults

 In your world at this time there are demonstrations, including violent demonstrations against various government regulations, all of which impose mandates and limit freedom of choice, in the name of medicine.

The demonstrators are labelled extremists.  In one way they are, for their behaviour is extremely different to the majority who willingly comply to the mandates of government.

There is a connection concerning violence in the demonstrations.  The more draconian the mandates of a government the more violent the demonstrations.

The violence is an outcome of frustration from not being heard and feeling powerless in so called democracies.

The violence is more likely to continue when a political leader uses terms such as; I will not be persuaded by the violent actions of extremists.  The political leader is trying to make the protesters socially unacceptable. They are also diverting attention from the issue that it is their behaviour that has caused the protests and the violence.

The more worrying part for earth is the actions of the majority who accept the mandates because they are the path of least resistance, for this apathy is the enemy to growth on earth.

Citizens in such dictatorships disguised as democracies have three options: protest, leave or submit.

In a world where people still concern themselves of the power of a cult that induced hundreds of people to suicide by drinking poison, they are unconcerned by the growth of the most dangerous cults, governments who mandate away the freedom of choice of its citizens and almost all of the citizens submit, allowing the death of democracy.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Crazy Horse on deflation

 When you feel deflated, it comes from an emotional letdown or hurt.

It comes as a result of not feeling your place with someone else because your place has been reduced.

This reduction in your place with another causes a let down or a deflation.

Thus, deflation is caused from relegation.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Sunday, 14 November 2021

Crazy Horse for the about to be mum

 As I go to sleep

I feel the pitter patter of my baby’s feet

Turning and pushing, here I come

For it’s time for you to be my Mum

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Crazy Horse on knowing when a government is concerned about their protesters

 How do you know when a government is concerned by the amount of protesting against their methods and laws?

When they grossly understate the number of people protesting against them.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Crazy Horse on dithering

 Dithering is doing what is not useful to the forward journey of your life.

Dithering is addictive, the more you do it, the more you will do it.

Those who dither, whither.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Sunday, 7 November 2021

Crazy Horse on hurting others

 It is a truth that humans copy from their parents a lot of their parents worst behaviour to them.

They do this knowing of the hurt they felt from their parents behaviour.  

They copy the behaviour because of the human condition engraved into their mind of a need to visit the pains of their past upon someone else.

It is, almost, the ultimate act of selfishness.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Crazy Horse on the mothers lament

 Amongst the Indian, motherhood was a shared function and a highly regarded one.  Mothers understood their role in the Indian culture and the contribution they were making to the tribe’s existence and place in the lore of the Lakota.  

It would be hard to find a Lakota woman entering the world of spirit with a regret about the effort they put into preparing their children to take their place in the tribe, and once that was done, thereafter.

Not so in the world of man dominated by material gain.

It is rare to find a mother entering the world of spirit from this domain, without regrets.  It is only from here that they realise what the child needed and they chose to not provide.  We call it the mothers lament.

Such entities never lose that lament whilst in the world of spirit with it being continually reinforced as they watch the earthly actions of their child.

The mothers lament always comes with the catch cry, ‘if only’.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual