Governments set the rules, therefore, the standard of behaviour expected of the country’s citizens.
Governments operate from prestigious buildings built in grandeur as a testament to the high standing in society of being in government.
The general public accepts this and as a consequence, expects a higher standard of behaviour from those in government than what is expected of them.
Political leaders, as the face of government, play to this, liking to appear as above the general public and purport to know more than the general public and purport to behave in a manner that is above the general public.
When it becomes apparent that the standard of behaviour of those in government is lesser than the general public, a test of the values of the political leaders presents itself.
When the political leaders defend their sub standard behaviour and refuse to be accountable for low standards of behaviour, you have a precursor to a drop in community standards and behaviour.
The political leaders will not accept their role in the subsequent drop of community standards and behaviour, if they do anything it will be to apportion money to solving what they caused.
Of equal significance is their refusal to accept accountability for their low standards and do what is required to change them.
Political leaders who allow lower standards of behaviour in their hallowed halls than they impose on the populace are acting fraudulently and are an imposition on the public. They have forfeited their right to hold such an office.
From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual