Tuesday, 21 December 2021

Crazy Horse on the greatest gift.

 As an Indian, had the white man tried to give us gold (taken from our land) as a present, we would have refused it for it had no value to us.  All we wanted was to be allowed to be ourselves, the very thing refused to us.

This solves the mystery of the greatest gift to give another, allow them the environment and opportunity to be their true self.  The journey to find the true self takes people inward long before it allows them to be able to share the real person with others.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Crazy Horse on the recipe for peace and goodwill

 The celebration of Christmas, a celebration of many peoples great spirit coming to earth, is meant to be a time of peace and goodwill to all men.

For earth to achieve any level of peace and goodwill, think of a baby.  It only wants for enough food, clothing and shelter to survive, provided with love and tenderness.

This is the recipe for peace and goodwill, for the child knows what the adult has forgotten, enough is enough.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Sunday, 5 December 2021

Crazy Horse on a spiritual community

 A spiritual community is one where the members of the community have the growth of themselves as primary, the growth of others in the community as secondary and the desire to help others with their lives through invoking their spiritual gifts as next.

The community and its members can only grow whilst these three things are in place with the first and second inevitably leading to helping others.

It is not a spiritual community where the dreams and aspirations are primarily financial.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Sunday, 28 November 2021

Crazy Horse on a mean leader.

 If a person is mean, it might show out in the way the share money. 

Where they will show their meanness is how they use their power and dispense justice.

In your world in this time many have been deprived of their liberty in a way that is unprecedented.  Where that deprivation has included seeing loved family members on special days such as birthdays, Christmas, Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, as well as during illness, then the political leader imposing that is a mean person.

A mean person can never be trusted to be a leader for they will never care about the interests of people.

All bullies are mean people.  

Bullies retard the growth of society.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Crazy Horse on avoid now, pay later

 The one thing life on earth will not do is pass you by.

If you are an avoider, life will deliver dissatisfaction and non fulfillment.

If you are a complier because that will keep you out of trouble, you will attract boredom and sickness.

It is a simple recipe, avoid your life’s intended journey and pay later.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Sunday, 21 November 2021

Crazy Horse on the Machiavellian business of politics

 The greatest insult you can offer a political leader is to title them a political leader.  In so doing you are telling them they are not a leader, just adept at the Machiavellian business of politics.

It is an insult because  the power they are bestowed usually causes them to believe they are a real leader.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Crazy Horse on the growth of cults

 In your world at this time there are demonstrations, including violent demonstrations against various government regulations, all of which impose mandates and limit freedom of choice, in the name of medicine.

The demonstrators are labelled extremists.  In one way they are, for their behaviour is extremely different to the majority who willingly comply to the mandates of government.

There is a connection concerning violence in the demonstrations.  The more draconian the mandates of a government the more violent the demonstrations.

The violence is an outcome of frustration from not being heard and feeling powerless in so called democracies.

The violence is more likely to continue when a political leader uses terms such as; I will not be persuaded by the violent actions of extremists.  The political leader is trying to make the protesters socially unacceptable. They are also diverting attention from the issue that it is their behaviour that has caused the protests and the violence.

The more worrying part for earth is the actions of the majority who accept the mandates because they are the path of least resistance, for this apathy is the enemy to growth on earth.

Citizens in such dictatorships disguised as democracies have three options: protest, leave or submit.

In a world where people still concern themselves of the power of a cult that induced hundreds of people to suicide by drinking poison, they are unconcerned by the growth of the most dangerous cults, governments who mandate away the freedom of choice of its citizens and almost all of the citizens submit, allowing the death of democracy.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Crazy Horse on deflation

 When you feel deflated, it comes from an emotional letdown or hurt.

It comes as a result of not feeling your place with someone else because your place has been reduced.

This reduction in your place with another causes a let down or a deflation.

Thus, deflation is caused from relegation.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Sunday, 14 November 2021

Crazy Horse for the about to be mum

 As I go to sleep

I feel the pitter patter of my baby’s feet

Turning and pushing, here I come

For it’s time for you to be my Mum

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Crazy Horse on knowing when a government is concerned about their protesters

 How do you know when a government is concerned by the amount of protesting against their methods and laws?

When they grossly understate the number of people protesting against them.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Crazy Horse on dithering

 Dithering is doing what is not useful to the forward journey of your life.

Dithering is addictive, the more you do it, the more you will do it.

Those who dither, whither.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Sunday, 7 November 2021

Crazy Horse on hurting others

 It is a truth that humans copy from their parents a lot of their parents worst behaviour to them.

They do this knowing of the hurt they felt from their parents behaviour.  

They copy the behaviour because of the human condition engraved into their mind of a need to visit the pains of their past upon someone else.

It is, almost, the ultimate act of selfishness.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Crazy Horse on the mothers lament

 Amongst the Indian, motherhood was a shared function and a highly regarded one.  Mothers understood their role in the Indian culture and the contribution they were making to the tribe’s existence and place in the lore of the Lakota.  

It would be hard to find a Lakota woman entering the world of spirit with a regret about the effort they put into preparing their children to take their place in the tribe, and once that was done, thereafter.

Not so in the world of man dominated by material gain.

It is rare to find a mother entering the world of spirit from this domain, without regrets.  It is only from here that they realise what the child needed and they chose to not provide.  We call it the mothers lament.

Such entities never lose that lament whilst in the world of spirit with it being continually reinforced as they watch the earthly actions of their child.

The mothers lament always comes with the catch cry, ‘if only’.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Sunday, 24 October 2021

Crazy Horse on when to be proud of yourself

 You should be proud of yourself when you have achieved something so meritorious that it leaves you in a state of elation, exhaustion, joy and tears of contentment.

Any feelings less than these do not deserve the title Proud.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Sunday, 17 October 2021

Crazy Horse on the perfect gift

 If you are searching for the perfect present for one of meaning to you, what would you give them?

Give them love for all else are trinkets and trinkets only have a purpose when given with love.

Ponder the gifts you have received and is it the gift that has significance or the feeling you received from the giver.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Crazy Horse on getting what you need

 Humans have a particular gift for unravelling what is right so as to do what is wrong.

The gift is driven by getting what you think you need right now.

The solution is to firstly establish what you do really need and then when do you need it.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Sunday, 10 October 2021

Crazy Horse on the process of electing politicians

In a democratic system, people accused of serious wrong doing are tried before a jury of peers who determine their innocence or guilt. 

The selection process of a jury is arduous, with both sides wanting to know as much as possible about the juror’s beliefs so they can predict the way they will react to different scenarios.

Why is the process of electing political representatives less than that of selecting a jury member.

Why is the process of election based on their party’s beliefs and not about who and what the person is.  Surely you need to know their values and personal beliefs so as to give you a guide as to how they will react in uncertain times.

If you only want to elect a representative who follows the party line, then they are not a representative of you, just the party.  This system leads to dictatorship.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Sunday, 3 October 2021

Crazy Horse on I will not let you take my future from me

 One of the greatest things I did as an Indian was to teach others that I will fight so that you cannot take my future from me.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Crazy Horse on hope and no hope

 There are many things authorities can take away from you and do, often with a perverse delight.

One thing thing they cannot remove from you is hope.  When someone says to you, ‘Have a good day’ they are really saying ‘ I hope you have a good day’

To be deprived of hope will cause you to mope, which is a condition of no hope.

Hope does not come from an external source.  It comes from a fighting spirit in the mind and is always able to be found.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Sunday, 26 September 2021

Crazy Horse on when you can trust a political decision

 When a political leader tells you that the decisions they are making are to help you, does not make it true.

You can only trust the decision of a political leader when their consultation is only with the people through their elected representative.  This is the only way to achieve some level of purity in their decision making.

All groups representing their case to politicians have a vested interest.  

If a politician is elected to represent you, why do they need to be lobbied by power groups?

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Crazy Horse on significant conversations

 The conversations you have in your life that are significant are those that bring something to the top of your mind which causes you to ponder long after the talking has finished.

Few conversations  are significant. Most conversations are about agreeing with each other, whether or not you know that is what you are doing.

To ponder and discard is to have wasted an opportunity to grow.  To ponder and act is what a wise person does.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Saturday, 25 September 2021

Crazy Horse on what is caused by man can be ……

 As I watch the earth I see the birds flying free, allowing their instinct to direct them to where they go and what they do next. The different species do not fly into each other, they share trees and each recognise there is enough food for all.  They are independent but dependent on nature.

Humans consider birds to be less intelligent than them, paying scant attention to them.

Which of the two species has rules they are forced to follow, which is the more independent, which is the more joyful, which is more harmonious with its environment and which lives naturally and in good health and which exists through chemical interventions in a chase for a healthier life.

It is not that humans are dumb, it is that they are too arrogant to take the time to learn from nature.

Whatever illness is caused by nature can be cured by nature.  Whatever illness is caused by man can be cured by nature. If only man was not so arrogant that they believed  they knew more than nature.

This will be the time for those who heal through nature.  If only arrogance was a illness, then you could cure that too.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Friday, 24 September 2021

Crazy Horse on knowing the cost of your decisions

 When I was an Indian, one of the Lakota Sioux, descended from the original inhabitants of the land, the Government of the white settlers of the US tried to slowly eradicate the Indian nation through a slow infiltration of our lands by white settlers and bringing gold hunters into the Black Hills.  

This served to reduce our food supply and the actions of the Government’s enforcement arm, the army was to kill us off.

I do not consider the term of us being original owners of the land to be appropriate for it was and is the land of the great spirit which we carefully and lovingly tended for ‘him’.

Following the battle of the Little Big Horn the government changed its plan to speeding up the eradication of the Indian by killing the buffalo roaming the plains and allowing  the Black Hills to be infested by gold hunters.

They followed this by a deceitful offer to help our people by putting them on reservations and once there filling their bellies with food, food supplied as long as they followed the rules of the white man, which included learning a new religious belief.

It was a plan of creating control through dependence with the rules of dependence changing at the whim of the government.

It was driven through greed to take over our land and all that lay beneath the surface, plotted by a few and delivered by a government as if it was for the good of all.  

Slowly my people succumbed through hunger and a belief that they could no longer fight the might of the white man’s government. One by one or in small groups they quietly made their way to the reservation so as to be fed.  I recognised the signs of their submission but did not try to stop them for that was between them and their great spirit.

I knew what they didn’t and that was they were giving away the tradition of the Indian and our culture which was going to be eradicated through submission.  Each one who left moved from being a warrior to a worrier.

I recognised in each one who I saw on the reservation, a person with a full belly and an empty heart.  Too late, each knew what they had given up and their shame was great.

I was profoundly sad for I thought of the deeds of my ancestors, of my brother and my friends, all washed into history and now of little to no consequence.  I did know that nothing the white man did could eradicate the energy of the Indian from the land.

The tactics of the government were clear, but only to those who could see; wipe out our food supply ( in the terms of the earth today close down your ability to earn money), lock us into a confined space, make us reliant on the government to survive, surround us with ever increasing rules and inject us with what would poison us (in my time it was alcohol) so as to make us weak.

In doing this they broke the spirit of the Indian nation, one by one.

For those who went to the reservation and were aware of the consequences of their surrender, the immediate need for food overrode any cultural responsibility.

Once again it is time for me to speak of these times for it is upon certain parts of the earth again. In succumbing to the suppression and control tactics of governments you are surrendering your history and your voice.

The outcome is that others must fill the chasm and lead, not through violence, but through a vision that each man has the ability to positively and lovingly impact the future of the earth and from this group the leaders will show.

Each man has the ability to defend the right on earth of freedom of choice and an equal ability to desert it for a full belly and an empty heart.

In making decisions know first what the long term cost of that decision is.

This is from my heart.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Sunday, 19 September 2021

Crazy Horse on stress

 Stress comes from not knowing if you can cope with what is, rather than what you wanted it to be.

Remove the notion of what you wanted it to be and accept what is, then your stress will reduce.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Saturday, 18 September 2021

Crazy Horse on sarcasm

 Sarcasm is used by people so as to hurt the person they are using it on.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Crazy Horse on a dour personality

 A person who is dour is one who permanently fears an attack upon them, whether that be physical, mental or emotional.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Crazy Horse on ‘relax’

 To relax is to allow the body to run itself without  tension which causes imbalance in the operation of the body.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Sunday, 5 September 2021

Crazy Horse on the era of division

 The current era on earth is the era of division 

Division leads to unfairness, which leads to conflict.

Conflict leaves scars that can last for a thousand years.

Only the enlightened know that showing people a better way to live together on earth is much more powerful and enduring than using superior force to beat down those who have used force.

No matter when conflict is withdrawn from, it is better than one day later.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Thursday, 2 September 2021

Crazy Horse on fury

 Fury in a person does not just come about and does not just go away.

When furious at another over an incident or a behaviour it is because it has happened too often and the triggering incident takes you over a line of no return..

Having crossed that line there is no return.  The best the offending party can do is to remain mute.

In the case of a politician with whom you are furious, it can lay dormant for a while, but in the nature of politicians, they do not know when to be quiet, so they will continually infuriate you.  

Using the only power you have to be able to stop listening to them, you will vote against their reelection.

Hence once a politician has infuriated enough people they have sounded their own death knell as a politician.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Sunday, 29 August 2021

Crazy Horse on words and actions

 Waste not your time talking to the converted for they already believe.

Waste not your time talking to the non converted for they do not have a mind of their own.

Let your actions dictate who you are and what you believe in for those who want to see, will recognise you for who you are and come.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Crazy Horse on sheep or shepherd?

 For every thousand sheep there needs to be one shepherd.

Are you a sheep or a shepherd?

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Crazy Horse on your legacy

 Even in the times of the Indian wars with white man, many were seduced by the purse of the white man, firstly to act against their own people as scouts and later so as to receive food, clothing and shelter.

Having been seduced, all regretted it, feeling a loss of freedom, identity and purpose, but having been seduced it was impossible to return.  In order to justify their poor choice many acted as encouragers of others to join them.

The parallels to the world today with the rules of COVID and their use by governments are extraordinary.

For those who choose to retain their identity, values and beliefs, you will feel isolated, for this is the aim.

As in Indian times, the majority will always be seduced by what is easy.  They are entitled to.  The test of the individual is standing firm by your beliefs and values, for this will be your legacy.

For those who leave a legacy of taking the easy way, they are leaving behind fools gold.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Saturday, 21 August 2021

Crazy Horse on COVID and freedom

 There are so many people in the world, but particularly in countries or regions COVID affected, who smugly follow rules restricting their freedom, with the rules being of little help in stopping COVID.  

Earth has never relied on medical or scientific advice to decide its future and during COVID it is still not.  Those who believe that governments are making freedom decisions for their constituents are not only naive, they are symptomatic of the problem, generations of people taught to slavishly follow rules so they don’t have to think too much, do much to add to earth and in the process be comfortable financially.

Smugly they sit in their servitude espousing the messages of their political masters, messages purporting to be based on a mythical medical expertise, but in reality these decisions are for the political benefit of those making them.

The cost of COVID to the earth is and will be great.

The cost of the loss of freedom, greater.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Friday, 20 August 2021

Crazy Horse on slothful people

 Slothful people are recognised as being slow and lethargic physically. This leads to a state of frustration in their life which often results in an active but acerbic mind and tongue as they struggle to find both positivity and purpose in life.

In their state of mind they mostly see themselves as clever, but not clever enough to realise that the solution to their negativity is positivity and purpose, found through action.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Sunday, 8 August 2021

Crazy Horse on government rules

 Governments enforce their wishes by the imposition of rules.

The more rules a government introduces, the more they believe they can.

The passing of new rules is easy, enforcing them is also easy where you have a fat or compliant police force.

At times Governments ‘sell’ their new rules to the public in a bid to win support for them. Sometimes this selling of rules is done honestly.

When a Government has a penchant for introducing new rules and does not try to sell them, just threaten dire outcomes if they are not followed, then you have a government out of control, who are not governing for the people.

When part of the threats are that non compliance will lead to deaths, you have a government in desperation.

If in the time of COVID, the saving of life is the main prerogative then the saving of life should be the main government focus in all areas of their rule.

One of the main causes of death in society is medical negligence.  This is easily remedied by a government who is rule bound; introduce the same level of rules against medical practitioners who cause a death negligently, along with the same level of public record keeping, threats and denigration as they have with Covid-19.

If this does not happen, the threats of government over COVID-19 have a hidden purpose.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Sunday, 1 August 2021

Crazy Horse on the promotion of activities

 The Indians either ran wearing moccasins or in bare feet.  Running was considered an essential skill, necessary for survival in the same way the animals ran.

Today running is promoted as a sport, sponsored by companies making running shoes, unrelated to survival.  The level of promotion causes more people to run and buy shoes.

If only there was a company on earth who sold love, then they could promote it and it would gain in popularity.  Of course this cannot and will not happen but it is a shame that essential activities on earth are not as popular as those promoted by companies for financial gain.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Sunday, 25 July 2021

Crazy Horse on the pandemic and the role of government

 In one sense, dictators are honest, they dictate.

In democratic countries, where democracy is measured by transparency, the political leaders are dishonest in that they dictate on issues where they see that such dictatorship will place them in a better light in the eyes of the voters, but purport to not be dictating.

In the case of the pandemic, politicians make decisions for their constituents ‘on medical advice, the advice of experts ‘

Which democratic leader shows their constituents such advice for the public to fathom, for if a politician can understand such advice, anyone can.  In not showing it, they are dictating.

Why do political leaders not explain why they have interpreted the expert advice differently to other political leaders.  To do so would allow the public to realise that decisions for their constituents are largely based on political expediency, not the expert advice.

Transparency is the key to democracy because it allows constituents to form a view that their political leader is acting in their best interests.  To not be transparent causes people to either not trust their politicians or to feel bullied and suppressed by them.

If only a political leader would appear who understood.  In the absence of that the role of government will diminish.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Crazy Horse on the pandemic and we are all in this together

 In the current pandemic the international catch cry was ‘we are all in this together’

It was a catch cry designed to garner cooperation for the wishes of various governments.  It failed.

With the failure, out went any thought of togetherness, potentially the one benefit to be had from the pandemic.

We are all in this together, has been replaced by divisiveness, separation, blaming, abuse of power and huge doses of  bullying.

People are categorised as vaccinated or unvaccinated, had the virus or haven’t, mask wearing or not.  Any person who holds a different view to their government is categorised as spreading false information about the virus.  This is supported by both the media and social media.

Thus the outcome of bullying and other forms of trying to enforce their way on their constituents is the loss of freedom of speech.  This in turn leads to its own pandemic of a loss of trust.

The virus problem will pass, it always does.  The loss of trust and freedom of speech will negatively affect the world for decades.

What is worse is that the political leaders think they are leading.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Crazy Horse on an emotional hurt

 When you feel an emotional hurt in your life, of any sort, it is either a destination or a journey.  You choose.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Sunday, 18 July 2021

Crazy Horse on time

 Time is a measurement of your life passing by the second, minute, hour, day, week, month and year.

You think little of a wasted second , minute or hour.

You concern yourself more with a wasted day, week month or year.

Lost seconds lead to lost minutes, lost minutes lead to lost hours and so on.

People tend to view wasted time as relating to tasks undertaken or not undertaken, when they should relate it to life led or not led with the associated lessons learned or not learned.

Time is a measurement of growth, that is all.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Sunday, 11 July 2021

Crazy Horse on a complaint.

 When someone in your workplace renowned for their negativity, complains about you and immediately leaves the workplace, remember they are consigning themselves to a life with the stench of revenge, fear and nastiness. 

That is a load too great for most to carry.  Their issues will revisit them.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Wednesday, 7 July 2021

Crazy Horse on the good and bad acts of parents

 Parents do so many good things for their children, including offering pieces of advice to help their child for all of their life.

In the way of earth, bad overrides good, thus the good things done by parents are so often overridden by the bad things, dispatching the good into the depths of the mind.

The bad things cause pain and emotional pain outlasts short bursts of joy.

Now, as a parent, remember this.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Tuesday, 6 July 2021

Crazy Horse on reality

 Reality is when a dream comes true.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Monday, 5 July 2021

Crazy Horse on disappointment

 Disappointment is when something you expected does not occur.

Disappointment is a form of learning.

A collection of disappointments teaches you of what is or isn’t achievable.

This will allow you to modify your expectations where required.

Without the feeling of disappointment you would continue to try to achieve what you were not meant to.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Monday, 28 June 2021

Crazy Horse on common sense

 Common sense is base level knowledge all humans know.

It’s lack of being common is because it is widely ignored by individuals to further their immediate needs of self interest.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Thursday, 24 June 2021

Crazy Horse on favouritism

 Despots engage in favouritism and have no fear in declaring it.

Democracies engage in favouritism and go to great lengths to not declare it.

Favouritism is and always was a way of life on earth and as long as their is merit in choosing a favourite it is not, by itself, bad.

The problem with despots is that there is rarely merit involved in their choice of favourite.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Sunday, 6 June 2021

Crazy Horse On Quality before quantity

 Quality must be built before quantity.

Imagine applying this to your relationship, where each step or part of the relationship was improved upon as much as possible before embarking on the next phase.

In business man can accept the truism of quality before quantity, but so stilted is their mind that it needs a push and shove to apply to other parts of their life.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Crazy Horse on ,‘You can only sing a sad song if.........’

 You could only sing a sad song if at that moment you were sad.

You could only hurt someone else if at that moment you were feeling angry.

You could only sing a love song if at that moment you were feeling loving.

Strong feelings override your thoughts.

Sadness will override your thoughts in a way to make you more introspective and careful.

Anger will override your thoughts so as to cause you to act against your values.

Love will override your thoughts for the better.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Crazy Horse on the tale of three rivers

 The story of the global pandemic called corona virus is a story of three rivers, each river being larger than the one before it.

The first river is the river of the virus.

The second and larger river is the river of vaccines.

The third and largest river is the river of money flowing from the first two rivers.

In nature rivers flood causing great harm.  They then recede and life is as it was, especially after nature has cleaned up the damage of the river.

There is no natural vaccine or other such preventative against a future flood, it is accepted that this is the way of nature and it will self correct.

Why is not this thinking of man applied to the virus.

The only reason this thinking does not apply, were it that the virus was not from nature, but from man.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Sunday, 9 May 2021

Crazy Horse on the unheard teenager

Parents mostly talk to their children, not with them.

When the children are teenagers, the teenagers rebel and want to be heard.  The parent wants to be heard even more so they try to dominate the teenager.

Not being heard causes the teenager to find a place where they are heard.  They join a union, a union of peers.  Unions are spawned through people not being heard.

The union of teenagers has but one benefit, they feel heard.

Parents lament their children relying on the advice of their union over their own.

Parents, just listen and the need for your teenager retaining their membership to the union will diminish.

It ought not need saying, but listening must be followed by adaptation.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual  

Sunday, 2 May 2021

Crazy Horse on the gift of thinking

 If thinking is the gift given to mankind so as to make them the superior species on earth, then it is a gift as  yet undiscovered.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Sunday, 25 April 2021

Crazy Horse on self sacrifice

 Self sacrifice is the giving up of something so as to achieve something else, considered to be better than what you are giving up.

The word sacrifice implies that you are giving up something precious to you, opting to get something which may be less precious to you, thus making it a sacrifice.

This might be true when in the pursuit of physical matters, but it is not so with emotional matters.

Too much is made of the word sacrifice, causing people to feel entitled because they have given up something so as to get something.

It is a choice, not a sacrifice. Very little sacrifice happens on earth and very little is needed, particularly emotionally.

To choose an emotional goal will involve a self gain.  To give up something so as to get it, is because the goal is more important to you than what you gave up.

Make a choice as to what you want in life, acknowledge the price and commit to getting it.  If you succeed you gain, if you fail you gain from what the journey teaches you.  No one owes you because of your choices.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Sunday, 18 April 2021

Crazy Horse on a country’s poor performance

 When the internal actions and events in a country are poor, they deflect by looking for another country which they believe they can convince the world, has worse actions and events than their own.

This allows them to either do nothing or too little about their own issues and to appear to be on the moral high ground.

There is no country on earth deserving of the high moral ground.  All countries have something to learn from all countries.

Be suspicious of any country who demonises another, including your own, for it is a mask to poor performance.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Crazy Horse on celebrations

 Celebrate only that which you achieve with your values intact and shining through.

Having celebrated, perpetuate the action, so that life becomes a procession of meaningful celebrations.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Crazy Horse on living a ‘small life’

If you are living a ‘small life’ or you wish to live a ‘small life’,all you have to do is to be more controlling.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual  

Tuesday, 13 April 2021

Crazy Horse On Suspicion

 A person with a suspicious mind is a person who lacks clarity of thought, thus does not read the signs presented to them accurately.

A person with a clear mind is not suspicious because they are able to use their clarity to decide the correctness of a thought, thus they are not left in the grey area of suspicion.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Sunday, 28 March 2021

Crazy Horse on self imprisonment

 An inability to explore and be adventurous  as a person, when there are no physical constraints stopping you, is a self imposed imprisonment.

A self imposed imprisonment indicates a refusal to want to grow as a person.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Tuesday, 23 March 2021

Crazy Horse on the role of the workplace

 Workplaces have numerous functions in society.  They include providing employment, a place to gather, an opportunity to mix with and get on with others, to learn more of compassion and sharing, to equally value those in less roles than themselves and to feel part of a unit contributing something to society.

Covid has displaced the function of a workplace where people come together as people are/were forced to work from home.  This has seen many people see the benefit of remote work from a personal perspective, forgetting about the perspective of the employer and broader society.

Society relies on culture, part of which is the culture of community, one part of which is the workplace.

If the workplace becomes redundant it will not be long before isolation and selfishness become issues, leading to a plethora of emotional issues, which people can only correct by visiting a counsellor, in the counsellor’s workplace.  

Society relies on people dealing face to face with people and too big a reliance on technology to aid isolation practices will come at a cost to society.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual.

Thursday, 18 March 2021

Crazy Horse on Leadership is .....

 Leadership is being your true self, doing what you believe in, for the greater good of mankind.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Friday, 5 March 2021

Crazy Horse on the precursor to a drop in community standards and behaviour

Governments set the rules, therefore, the standard of behaviour expected of the country’s citizens.

Governments operate from prestigious buildings built in grandeur as a testament to the high standing in society of being in government.

The general public accepts this and as a consequence, expects a higher standard of behaviour from those in government than what is expected of them.

Political leaders, as the face of government, play to this, liking to appear as above the general public and purport to know more than the general public and purport to behave in a manner that is above the general public.

When it becomes apparent that the standard of behaviour of those in government is lesser than the general public, a test of the values of the political leaders presents itself.

When the political leaders defend their sub standard behaviour and refuse to be accountable for low standards of behaviour, you have a precursor to a drop in community standards and  behaviour.

The political leaders will not accept their role in the subsequent drop of community standards and behaviour, if they do anything it will be to apportion money to solving what they caused.

Of equal significance is their refusal to accept accountability for their low standards and do what is required to change them.

Political leaders who allow lower standards of behaviour in their hallowed halls than they impose on the populace are acting fraudulently and are an imposition on the public.  They have forfeited their right to hold such an office.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Sunday, 28 February 2021

Crazy Horse on purporting to be who you are not

 Temporary sadness affects all people.

Ongoing sadness affects those who purport to be who they are not.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Saturday, 30 January 2021

Crazy Horse on what you do best

 If work is for work and holidays are for rest, when is the time for you to do what you do best?

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Crazy Horse on effective control

 Effective control is a state required by the otherwise ineffective.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Thursday, 21 January 2021

Crazy Horse on following a loud, divisive but failed leader

 With a change of leadership in the USA, the tumultuous journey the previous president gave will, most likely, cause the new leader to quietly work away, trying to minimise their public exposure and move attention from themselves to the institution of government.

This will lead to boredom amongst the constituents who have been over stimulated by the previous leader. In this boredom, negativity will abound, which will work against the new president and his hopes for the country. 

It is folly to follow a loud, divisive but failed leader, with a low profile.  The new leader needs to make the American people feel like they are being taken on a journey where they know the destination and feel safe and secure on the journey. They can only know this if they know and accept that their new leader is the driver.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Wednesday, 13 January 2021

Crazy Horse on imagining a world where ..............

Imagine a world, where having fought hard to be you, you then lived that way and enjoyed it, at least until it was time to be the new you and the journey starts again.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual  

Crazy Horse on the disgraceful end to a term in office

 Many terms in office end in disgrace.  Many of these are unwarranted.  Not so the President of the USA.

A disgraceful performance ought to end in disgrace.

It is the duty of the legislators to protect the constituents against such occurrences, current and future.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Sunday, 10 January 2021

Crazy Horse on looking for a saviour.

 If you are disenchanted with something, do not look to someone who is a liar, to be your saviour.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Wednesday, 6 January 2021

Crazy Horse on the actions of the President

 A president of a country, properly elected by the will of the electorate, elected because enough people felt the country’s administration was entrenched in itself and had forgotten the ordinary person, elected to disrupt the entrenched and put to the forefront the rights and needs of the people, has many ways to fail.

People accept politicians who act out of self interest, they accept politicians who give the people more than they have previously had in order to justify feeding their own interests, they accept such things because of their own self interest without properly understanding they are being manipulated and used.

When the same president loses the next election, again at the will of the electorate and will not accept the defeat, even though they accepted the preceding victory using the same system, is demonstrating the biggest way to fail a role and the country they purport to represent.

When this is added to by inciting their supporters in the electorate to make violent protests, including against the institution of government itself, this becomes a failure that will be seen by history as the biggest failure of all time.

The president’s callous disregard for the emotional state of the protesting members of the electorate, manipulated into protesting, brings great shame to the office of the president and the president personally.  

In the time of the Indian, were this person a Sioux, they would have been banished.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Crazy Horse on the inner person

 The fruit of the banana is best enjoyed by peeling back the skin to expose the fruit.

So it is with humans.  Peel back the protective cover to enjoy the inner person within.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Tuesday, 5 January 2021

Crazy Horse on when is enough, enough.

 In denying the knowledge and customs of the indigenous you are reducing the culture of the settlers.

Indigenous culture has more to add to the culture of the settler than in reverse.

It is not too late to give indigenous people the opportunity to rediscover their unadulterated culture and for the settlers to observe the change in them, their increase in happiness and contentment and from this learn what changes the settlers can make to their own culture so as to increase their own happiness and contentment.

I will tell you that such a change would result in the settler asking   ‘when is enough,enough?’

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Monday, 4 January 2021

Crazy Horse on leaders who avoid

 The one thing a leader can not do is to avoid.  That is a misuse of power and an abrogation of duty.

Those who hold the title of leader and avoid, only hold the title of a leader.

Leaders avoid in the vain hope of not offending some people, therefore, getting them offside.

A leader who cannot accept that true leaders polarise, whilst still carrying the majority, ought resign their title as leader and revert to whence they came, mediocrity and judgement.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Crazy Horse on sensitivity

 Humans are born sensitive.  Generally parenting methods increase sensitivity, but in a negative way, it makes children fearful of getting something wrong, so they become ultra sensitive to criticism. 

The proper growth phase of a human is to become independent, thus less sensitive to criticism.

As the fear of criticism dwindles to a low level, humans again grow their sensitivity making them a more caring person.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Sunday, 3 January 2021

Crazy Horse on, ego can only exist in the mind of ...........

 Ego can only exist in people who do not understand expansiveness.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

 A political leader who treats their constituents as children needs to spend less time in politics and more as a parent. 

Crazy Horse on people’s rights

 Rights of people are something that continually needs adding to.

Detract from people’s rights at their peril

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Crazy Horse on independence

 Independence is deciding you know best what is right for you, acting accordingly and accepting the consequences of your action.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Crazy Horse on eloquence

 Eloquence is avoiding a disaster before it happens 

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Crazy Horse On dedication

 Dedication is the absence of distraction 

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual